MovieChat Forums > TeddyKnight > Replies
TeddyKnight's Replies
Right! Had OJC gotten the role, he would have been a solid and perfect casting choice, and done a lot of justice to the character it deserved & needed... such as Ryan Reynolds's Deadpool, Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier, Charlie Cox's Daredevil, Christopher Reeves's/Henri Cavill's Superman, Michelle Pfieffer's Cat Woman, Danny DeVito's Penguin and J.K. Simmons's J Jonah Jameson. He would have been as if he walked out of a comic book.
It's been six months and I forgot a lot of the Moon Knight show to be honest. Might not watch the show again. lol. Such a shame Netflix didn't have the chance to make the show when they had Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Punisher etc, I believe the Moon Knight character would have gotten way more respect and been faithful to the source material of the comic books on that platform than Disney Plus.
It is a good idea. If you did not know already... Oscar Isaac actually had a cameo role as Miguel O'Hara in the 2018 movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse at the end credits. Hence the good reasons of the OP's post. That is what people were hoping to see Oscar Isaac as the live action Miguel O'Hara. A lot of people were disappointed about this strange casting in Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight. lol
As awesome an actor Oscar Isaac is in many roles. I would have much preferred Oliver Jackson-Cohen in the role of Moon Knight than Oscar, I don't think he would have portrayed Steven Grant or Mr. Knight quite like the way Oscar Isaac did so embarrassing and so ridiculous. Not sure why the elites wanted Oscar Isaac in the role just because he was on the list of "potential Oscar noms" at one point in time, not every MCU actor has been nominated for an Oscar or even won one. lol
"Who cares about Oliver whatever? He's not even that good of an actor, he was just serviceable in that Hill House series. I didn't even have any idea he had such a fanbase.
Oscar Isaac is a solid actor with great roles, who has been close to an Oscar nomination a couple of times. Blame them for choosing the best actor instead of the best lookalike" - Towelie_Towel
Yeesh!!! Your whole entire comment just screams, 'Incel Vibes of a Toxic Fan / Celeb Stan'. You do realise people can have opinions here at MovieChat, not everything has to be about a 'Super Butthurt Oscar Isaac Fanboy' such as yourself, to which nobody wrote anything bad about Oscar Isaac? What logic were you thinking an actor such as Oliver Jackson-Cohen didn't have "such a fanbase". lol that is laughable. Just about every actor / fandom has a fanbase. For proof go to any Comic Convention, especially the ones just for autographs and photos with celebs.
"Oscar Isaac is a solid actor with great roles, who has been close to an Oscar nomination a couple of times. Blame them for choosing the best actor instead of the best lookalike..." - those are the typical words of an elitist and (again) toxic celeb stan/fanboy. Search through all the Marvel shows & movies. Not every MCU actor has an oscar nom or an oscar at all. You are such an elitist.
Honesty, as good as Oscar Isaac is in his many roles over the years. His role in the Moon Knight show wasn't all that impressive. He was just ok as Marc Spector/Moon Knight. Should remained a serious character. When he switched to Steven Grant, it was extremely bad, cringe worthy & very awkward, even people on Twitter/YouTube & many sites like MovieChat said he was "Dick Van Dyke bad" to "his attempt at a cockney accent jarring", and I 100% agree. Oscar pretty much ticked all the offensive stereotypes of "A Londoner" in that mental health part of his personality in Steven.
If Netflix had the rights to a Moon Knight show, they would have done the character justice and at least respected a lot of the source material and probably more. The Moon Knight character, just like Deadpool & Punisher, is not for kids.
6/10 here. I liked the show, Moon Knight and Marc Spector were good. In my opinion, I'm not a fan of Oscar Isaac's Steven Grant and Mr Knight, not a fan of those two at all, should not have portrayed them like that. The show was ok, way better than most MCU shows and is probably the best one so far. And honestly, most of... if not all the MCU shows feel rushed, lack the spirit and lack the passion the way the Marvel Netflix shows had. Moon Knight starring someone like Oliver Jackson-Cohen would have benefited on Netflix many years ago, if only they had the rights to Moon Knight back then. It is a real shame they chose to skip the Jake Lockley stuff, they could have easily made a few more episodes featuring that part of his personality. Oh well...
I did enjoy a good portion of the show.
So wanted a release in China. Every real comic book fan / super hero fan also want the DC movies to be successful. As enjoyable Black Adam was, they really should have made this 8 or 10 years ago, the movie did seemed a decade too late. Maybe it will do much better when it is available on the streaming platforms.
Moana is one movie I watched a lot. That one. And he can really sing!