MovieChat Forums > Skavau > Replies

Skavau's Replies

Where is the evidence in this article that specifically states that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris told BLM to "riot and kill people"? [citation needed] Feel free to enlighten me, and then feel free to show me how China somehow still meets the criterion. I don't think the BLM ever got anywhere close to attacking the US government. Trump, and others, repeatedly shouting that the election was fraudulent 100% incited people. As for the second paragraph: [citation needed] How am I a "brainwashed cultist to the far left"? The notion that Biden is remotely far-left in itself is comical. The man is a milquetoast centrist. What you assert against evidence can be dismissed with evidence. I've provided the evidence. China holds the aesthetics but it is as communist now as "democratic" North Korea is. What, specifically, regarding the "trans agenda"? Any other social stances? Brownshirts? Really? You do realise that early nazis burst into social democrat and communist communities and beat people up, or murdered them. Examples of this please? Does that mean you hold Trump responsible for the January 6th riot, since he incited it in the months leading up to it? Who is "my cult"? And who said that? So you've abandoned actually trying to make an argument here. Anyway, no, I have no desire to move to China. It's an oppressive, reactionary state. My point is that in a nation of over 300 million people, you'll get the very occasional incident like this. It does not mean every leftist or left-leaning person is somehow a potential murderer. You have probably as much chance as you do as being struck by lightning as being the victim of a hypothetical far-left terror attack in the USA. Who has Biden murdered? And he's not my "cult leader". Articles that specifically outline and explain how China has moved to a state capitalism model doesn't change that fact? What makes modern China communist? So how many people live in the USA? Surely James Alex Fields counts as a far-right example? What social stances are vile here? And what ways are they spread specifically? That's just a reassertion of your original unevidenced claim. Here's some more links: Just because it has the aesthetics doesn't make it so. Can't have what without the other? China is also not remotely progressive or 'woke' in any sense. It's hardly even Communist anymore (not that I'm a Communist). But it does seem to me to be deeply anti-american to suggest someone leave because you don't like their political values. China is not remotely socially liberal. I'm deeply anti-authoritarian. Also, why should people move somewhere because of their political values? Leftism is broad term of reference that encompasses many schools of thoughts. Economically, which is its prime focus, most leftists want various amounts government involvement in the economy: state welfare, nationalisation, regulation, unionism etc - with a focus on wealth and social equality as a desired end goal. Often tending to be against traditional social hierarchies. This is why the focus is often class. Historically many leftists could be socially conservative or reactionary: The USSR, and Eastern European socialist and communist parties are this. What you mean is socially *progressive* ideas. Many modern social progressive, which at its worst replaces class conflict with identity conflict (race/sex/sexuality etc) aren't even necessarily especially leftist. Many Democrats are pretty centrist economically. You just take issue with their social stances. I'm a leftist because I do believe in state intervention in the economy, support nationalisation when possible of various industries, and in favour of progressive taxation, strong workers rights etc. I'm also socially 'left' because I'm pro-choice, pro-euthanasia rights, secular, pro gay marriage rights etc. How many people have been killed by a "far left, Biden loving thug" in the USA, and specifically because of that? Brit here. No-one cares. Most of us aren't Christian