InquiringMind's Replies

Probably an 8 That's because Wokies are in a cult. In the woke cult the Alphabet people are the saints and nobles that we must all bow to, celebrate, and worship. Slavery is the original sin that we must all atone for, and racism is the ultimate evil that must be defeated at all cost. You must constantly virtue signal and show how pious you are by flying the rainbow flag and putting a BLM sign on your lawn. And don't you dare question any precepts of the ever evolving woke orthodoxy, for if you step so much as a toe over the line, you will be excommunicated and branded a heretic. If you ever actually wake up and leave the woke cult on your own, you will be branded an apostate which is even worse than an infidel (deplorable). Wokeness is cancer Cope and Seeth Are you touched? Wokie spotted. Like the plague. I made it 10 min before I peaced out. God, for your sake I hope you are under 14 years old, because if you are an adult I feel sorry for how utterly and completely stupid you are. What you talkin' 'bout Willis? Lulz This is the trend these days. Take a beloved character (white heterosexual male) then push him aside to make room for a queer girl boss. dIvERsItY InCluSioN rEprESaNtaTIoN. Slaaaaay Kweeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!111!!!!!!11!!1!!!1!!!!!! Uuggh. SMH. What an intellectual heavy weight. You really showed me. Maybe this site should have some sort of a minimum IQ requirement, something in the triple digits, so as to keep out the mental midgets like the waterhead above. Your comment adds zero value to the conversation. Everyone on this forum is dumber for having wasted their time reading it. Live shamed, Die empty. Just stop. You are way out of your depth, you're embarrassing yourself, and it's painful to watch. You are bringing down the level of discourse with your vacuous and vapid comments. This is the best you got? Really? How are you not embarrassed? Live shamed, Die empty. Waterhead says what? Generally I am not a fan of discourtesy. But I don't respect the Wokerati enough to be courteous. The Wokerati should be pushed out to the fringes of society where they belong. Back to some dark corner of the racial/gender studies department of academia, never to be seen or heard from again. Wokeness is cancer. The overwhelming majority of the country is white and straight. No one wants to see a couple of girl boss dykes take the spotlight away from the main character. You know, the one the show is named after. For god sake man, will you please stop butchering the English language. Yes, white heterosexual men. No one wants to see a couple of dyke girl bosses overshadow the main character.