MovieChat Forums > InquiringMind > Replies
InquiringMind's Replies
I watched it sober and really liked it. But you really sold me on the idea of shrooms.
Unfortunately I don't have a source, so I'm kind of ѕhіt out of luck.
I like it too.
I am loving it so far. It's been a great season and it's been renewed for season 2.
The only complaint I have is that the episodes are too short. They are around 36 min long, that is unacceptable. These kinds of shows should be 50 min long -- 45 min minimum. On the other hand, I'm really happy that we at least have 10 episodes instead of 8 or 6. A lot of shows are doing the 8 episode seasons and I can't stand it. I miss the days when shows used to have 13 episodes per season, and episodes were 45-50 min long. Then there were shows like The Shield or Sons of Anarchy which had seasons that were 14-16 episodes.
Those were the days.
I hope some they soon we'll have a 3rd golden age of television. Great shows, with long run times, many episodes and NO WOKENESS.
Please make this happen. Pretty please, with sugar on top.
It turns out the answer is Yes.
I like it.
I agree that Catwoman's race is not essential. I think people complained more about it being Hale Berry rather than just being black. I think it's okay if Catwoman is black, especially considering that she was originally played by Eartha Kitt. But sure, some people might prefer a white actor, and I might even be one of them, I guess it depends on the role. I certainly wouldn't want a white actor playing Red in Shawshank Redemption. Morgan Freeman is the only choice, but even if it was another actor, I prefer that the actor was black. I think it just fit better in the movie, despite the character being white in the book. Having said that, I generally prefer white actors in most of the gender swapped roles. And gender swapping in general really bothers me regardless of which direction it goes. in
We are bringing it back.
I really like the colored fella. The nеgrо is a great addition to Manfredi's crew.
I don't know, I really like the colored fella, I think he's a great addition to the crew. The crew in general is made up of some cool people. Although Martin Starr is probably my favorite. I have been a fan of his ever since Freaks and Geeks.
The comment above by LanceDance, said it perfectly. The country is primarily white, cis, and heterosexual. That is the overwhelming majority. That is what is considered normal. That is the dominant culture. Other races are called minorities for a reason. And with respect to the Alphabet people, they are a fraction of the population. And when it comes to other weirdos like non-binaries, they are delusional anomalies not even worth mentioning. Yet, they expect to be represented in the media like they matter. They don't. Am I saying there should be no movies about them or with them, NO, of course not, but those movies should be a tiny minority of the slew of movies being released.
Having said all that, "why should those films remain the majority" is ultimately a personal opinion. The Alphabet people would say that they (as people) exist, and should be represented, a perfectly reasonable argument, and they are free to make it.
However, I disagree, I believe that their representation should be kept to a minimum for the reasons I mentioned above, and that the prevalence of diversity/representation combined with woke ideology is off-putting to me (and a whole lot of others), and so I am advocating for the entertainment industry to return to the way it was pre 2015. Before forced diversity, before woke ideology was shoehorned into everything. That is what I considered to be normal. What I considered to be acceptable.
No, you are right, it's not that he's that right wing, it's just that a long time ago he was completely apolitical. You would have never guessed that he is right wing at all. He sounded like your average liberal. Once in a while he would let it slip that he is a libertarian, but, yeah eventually he moved further to the right, and became more vocal about politics. I think it's not so much that he's right wing, but that he's so hostile to, and ignorant of, socialists/socialsim (and communism too), and me being a socialist, you see how I would take that personally. Also it bothers me that he criticizes all these corporations and doesn't seem to realize that his ideology -- right wing libertariansim is what leads to Neo-liberalism (Corporatism) -- the very thing he hates. So he's defending in one breath, the very thing that he complains about in another. But yeah his past is pretty interesting; Childhood trauma, homelessness, substance abuse, owning his own business, and now having one of the biggest entertainment channels on YouTube and being a minor celebrity. It's quite the life.
Anyways, I totally hear you on Star Trek and Star Wars, and I can see how channels like Nerdrotic can be cathartic to listen to with respect to those franchises. Like I said, despite him being annoying sometimes, I still watch an a occasional video from him. Recently I had to watch some of his videos trashing The Rings of Power. That show was so atrocious that it was cathartic for me to hear Nerdrotic destroy it.
Those are exceptions and are becoming rare. There are now Diversity/inclusion/representation standards being imposed on movie productions. Minorities must be represented both on and off camera, in the writes rooms, and production crews. This mentality and obsession with diversity has infected the entertainment industry. This is why most films today are the way they are.
Before 2015, the films you mentioned would have been the majority, the norm. Now they are forced to be the minority.
By the way, this woke cancer is not just limited to the media. It has also taken over science. I literally just read this article a few hours ago about the intrusion of D.I.E (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) into science:
Yes, someone else on another thread mentioned Blackrock as well. They are the ones who are funding some off these studios and they are imposing the whole woke thing on companies with ESG scores. It's disgusting; Nothing worse than a soulless parasitic corporation trying to lecture us about morality and social consciousness.
And great point about supporting independent non-woke projects.
Also Top Gun: Maverick was great. It is also great to see how much people loved it. It proves that the audiences do not want this woke bullѕhіt. They put up with it because that is the only thing that's available, but when something like Top Gun comes out they actually love it and are vocal about it. The Wokerati can't stand it though. No matter how much propaganda and social engineering they do, people are just not buying it.
If this was pre 2015, your advise would be sound. That is exactly the way it used to be. There was something for everyone, and if you didn't like something, then you didn't watch it. You watched something else that catered to your taste.
But that is the problem today, that is why I'm upset and complaining; The forced diversity and woke tropes are being shoehorned into everything. It's becoming more and more difficult to find something that isn't poisoned by it. All I want is true diversity, where you have something for everyone. I want woke shows with Alphabet people and Girl Boss feminists, and I want shows with lily white cis heterosexual casts that don't mention feminism or any other woke progressive ideas. But these people don't want that. They must have it all, because anything that doesn't conform to their ideology is bad, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc...
They don't respect any other perspective or world view. To them, their world view is the only morally acceptable one. To me this is intolerable, so I'll continue to hang around these message boards (like a weirdo), and advocate for woke people to be identified by an advanced AI system that combs through the internet, and uses that information, along with facial recognition, to send Predator drones where ever they are located, and lobs cruise missiles at them, obliterating them where they stand.
I know what you're thinking; "Doesn't this violate human rights ?" The answer is No. You see in order to violate someone's human rights they must be human first, but since the Wokerati are subhuman, they don't actually count as human beings. Therefore it is perfectly okay to use Predator drones to vaporize them.
That was a great point. I think that is exactly right. Companies like Blackrock are known for their woke ideology, while being a dangerous corporation that is buying up housing properties and putting us all on the rode to serfdom. I can't think of anything more disgusting, a soulless parasitical corporation that is also woke and wants to lecture us about morality and social consciousness.
We must get together and start organizing the population to fight these parasites. We must overthrow the corporate state. If we don't they will destroy us. I highly recommend checking out Chris Hedges; He is a journalist who really knows what is going on in our country. Although he can be pretty depressing to listen to. He does not sugar coat anything and shows the rot in our country and culture.
Also, interesting that you brought up Nerdrotic. I actually used to watch him like 8 years ago. His channel was tiny, just a couple thousand subs. He used to do TV show reviews with his friend Dennis. They would watch TV shows like the 12 Monkeys or Mr. Robot, and then talk about each episode, kind of similar to reaction videos except the reaction was after the episode. Then he started becoming more negative, trashing almost everything he watched, sometimes he would abandon shows in the middle which really pissed me off. Then Dennis left and his channel started to suck. That's when I stopped watching. I would check in every now and then to see what he's up to, and then years later he got on the whole anti-wokeness grift and his channel blew up like crazy. He's got like half a million subs right now and is a minor celebrity. Who would have thought. But yeah, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with him; I totally agree with him on the wokeness infecting our culture, but I find him kind of annoying. One of the things that I hate about him is that he is a right wing libertarian and constantly refers to the woke mob as "socialists" which annoys me to no end because I actually am a socialist, and I'm not one of these deranged Wokies. Also he is so ignorant about what socialism or communism means, but he constantly uses these terms. It really grinds my gears.
I didn't really notice much difference after the writers strike. Me personally, I think it started to happen after the "Oscars so white" controversy. I think that was around the time that the diversity/inclusion/representation people started to get power in the entertainment industry and implementing all sorts of polices based on their woke ideology.
I didn't really start noticing it until 2014, although at first it didn't bother me. Seeing trans people pop up in a few places seemed interesting, we didn't really see them represented anywhere before. But then LGBTQ people, interracial couples, the denigration of straight white men (especially established characters), the elevation of intersectional feminism, etc.. started to be shoehorned into everything and started to become unbearable.
And now it's just intolerable. This woke plague has poisoned everything. I have been a lover of film and television all my life, and it's sad to see what is happening to the thing I love.
Kowalski has some sort of a personality disorder. This dumb fuсk is literally stalking me on this site. Any comment I make on anybodies thread he is there like 5 seconds later already responding to me. He is a trip.
All we can do is speak out on it. We need to keep speaking and let our voices be heard. We must convince the people that make these TV shows and movies that we don't accept this, and that woke ideology is not welcome; We don't want to see it. Maybe eventually some of the people in charge will get it through their thick skulls that wokeness in the media just isn't working, and stop assaulting us with this garbage.
You know that I was being semi-factitious. It's my jocular nature. Although seriously, we should have an AI system that combs through the internet and identifies woke people and then have Predator drones flying all over the country that lob cruise missiles at them where ever they are spotted. Now I know what you're thinking, this would violate all sorts of human rights laws, but no, you would be wrong, since woke people are subhuman they technically don't count as actual people, so it is perfectly OK with respect to human rights to use Predator drones to take them out.
Hopefully DARPA is already working on implementing this program. I will gladly pay more in taxes in order to fund it.
A couple would be a 20:1 ratio. 20 movies/TV shows representing white heterosexual families/groups to 1 LGBTQ family/group or interracial couple . And a 5:1 White to black (non-interracial couples).
These are more or less the numbers that we used to see pre 2015. There were probably more black people represented in movies than the numbers I gave (pre 2015), and I would be fine with that.
Basically I'm fine with the diversity and representation as it was pre 2015. Before forced diversity.
Therefore forced diversity must be purged from the industry by any means necessary. The people who are imposing it have to be forced out of the industry (by any means necessary). A small number should have their lives and careers ruined so completely so they serve as an example for the rest of them. When they see what happens to people like them they will either leave the industry or keep their head down and their mouth shut.
I encourage anyone and everyone who hates forced diversity as much as I do, to do their part to make sure this purge happens (sooner rather than later). And if they still won't go away, then we must go after these people with overwhelming force, and drive them back to the shadows. We must enure that they get it through their thick skulls that they are not welcome in society. And finally, if that doesn't work, we should round them up and exile them to some island. And if any of them try to leave, we should drop cluster bombs on the island and use assassination drones on anyone who is still alive.
Why am I a snowflake for simply having a different taste. It is revolting to me. Do you thing it's reasonable for me to be forced to accept something that I don't like? The answer is no. I am allergic to Woke SJW zealots imposing their worldview on me. And I WILL punish them for it. What they don't seem to understand is that there are many people who feel the same way as I do. Right now we're only complaining, but if it doesn't stop many of us will take this up to the next level. You already see politicians like DeSantis emerging from this Woke environment willing to go after the woke mob and use the power of the state to do it. DeSantis is a proto-fascist. If he doesn't succeed in purging these Wokies from the culture, then an actual fascist will rise to power in the next decade. When that happens the wokerati will wish they had stayed in the shadows. They will be removed from society by force. By people who will show no mercy.