GloccaMorra's Replies

The GOP just lies, lies, lies, lies and lies and spreads hatred wherever they go. They are disgusting. If you have to ask "What should they have done differently ?" then you are a big part of the problem. A very big part. Remember - 19 human beings laid down their lives just so you can ask "What should they have done differently ?". Sleep tight, CraigC. More peaceful than the January 6 Republican insurrection at the White House or about the same ? How do you gauge it ? You're probably not smart enough to realize it's an honor to be on your blocked list ? The White House was locked up to the public that day because of the session going on inside, numb nuts. But that didn't stop 'every day visitors' from breaking into the building and vandalizing private offices while looking to lynch the VP. Try again, kiddo. He's such a victim. Nah, they just laugh at the idiots who pay full price - like $9 for Doritos and $7 for cereal. 19 innocent people laid down their lives so he could own a gun even though he was a psychopath. What a great state Texas is ! You're forgetting that police are trained mentally and physically - they are trained to be heroes in every situation. Stop excusing their cowardly behavior. If they acted like heroes, there's a great chance 19 lives would not be lost this week. I've never in my life seen former admins of a President - Democrat or Republican - go on a 'redemption' book tour like the former admins of Trump. Never. And that includes Nixon. But it's too late. As many interviewers have asked them over the years - why didn't you do something, say something or quit when it was happening ? They all answer the fake response, 'It was my civic duty to stay on the scene and stay quiet so things wouldn't get worse'. If that were the case, then at least the police would know they did their job and did it the best they could. Criticism or not, they did what was needed to be done and they did it at their best. That would be a win situation. no matter the criticism. (BTW, I doubt anyone would have said they should've stayed outside no matter the outcome - people pray for the best but are prepared for the worst in a situation such as this.) However, they chose to cowardly stay away because they were afraid to enter. They were either never trained for a situation like this, or didn't do their jobs. Either way, they made themselves easy targets and deserve the criticism they have received. I watched this the other night when it aired. Those poor families who lost innocent children and siblings to this horrible massacre. When will the GOP and NRA ever learn ? They are a sad and pathetic bunch. They need our thoughts and prayers. That's the best you've got ? Just a bot-response of 'hello troll' ? LOL! You guys really need to be more shopping savvy. No one shops in any supermarket and pays full price for ANYTHING these days. Supermarkets, drugstores, retail stores, etc. - everything is priced up to be marked down and the stores still score a nice profit. Everything is 'priced up' to be 'marked down' later on. Cereal and Doritos are ALWAYS on sale at different markets - I can't recall the last time I spent 'full price' on either. Just about 90% of the market goes on sale week to week. Cashiers must think 'Jackpot!' when they see you unloading your grocery cart. There's a sucker born every minute. How do you know what Oprah and Pelosi have done as far as letting 'immigrants' into their homes ? Ah-ha! No, let's give credit where credit is due: This is how things work in Trump, Cruz and Abbot's Texas. Why are Texans so ass-backwards when it comes to gun reform and climate change ? So what you are suggesting is that the Texas police have not been trained to do their jobs. If they are 'too afraid' to confront a shooter, or too afraid to confront the unexpected, then they were not properly trained in doing their jobs - which is to protect and serve their citizens, especially to protect elementary children. I guess it's that Republican logic of how to train police ? Maybe they were trained to stand outside a building and offer 'thoughts and prayers' to the victims, rather than actual protection. They should have said there was a man going into the building to take his girlfriend to get an abortion. The whole police department and armed Texans would've been in there in seconds to tackle him, complete with guns drawn.