MovieChat Forums > Politics > Texas Cops Afraid to Confront Mass Shoot...

Texas Cops Afraid to Confront Mass Shooter?

Parents begged the police to stop the gunman for at least an hour!!!!

Gun nuts state the reasons for guns are self-defense and to stop crime, but trained and armed professionals cowered in fear allowing a deranged lunatic to slaughter 19 young children and two teachers.

They were afraid! They didn't want to die! Same exact reason for another police officer to not intervene during a gunman's mass slaughter a few years ago.

Furthermore, not one gun-owning Texan showed up to rush the gunman!! More cowards! But, they're all talk. They prove that guns are part of their cosplay fantasy. They're basically cowards. Their guns are useless as are the gun nuts who worship them.

Gun nuts have endless excuses to allow lawlessness through a proliferation of guns. The world sees them for the lunatics that they are.


Never saw a fireman stand outside a burning building because they were too scared to go in. Maybe that’s why there aren’t any “fuck the fire department” songs.


Exactly! Firefighters are well-respected for a reason. People with guns are basically cowards.

Also from your link:
"Police officers know they can’t fight off a semi automatic weapon with a goddamn hand gun. It’d be nice if they admitted it. Ban those damn war weapons. No reason why a civilian needs one."

If they support military-style weapons on our streets, then police and gun-owning civilians should be willing to lay down their life in an attempt to disarm any killer armed with one.


The firefighters would have to start showing up to 911 calls and set the caller on fire in order to be comparable to cops.

I'm guessing they didn't do their usual shoot everything that moves on account of it being an elementary school.


"showing up to 911 calls and set the caller on fire"



They carry a pry open tool Halligan tool to get into houses. The police didn't bring them in because they didn't know the shooter was in a room that was supposed to be locked when class starts.The back door isn't supposed to be propped open with a trash can either, but they do that all the time also.


Fuck the Police songs exist because the leftist media lies that police are racist. Every cop deserves an apology from the left and the media.



Every cop deserves an "apology" delivered at 1450 feet per second...


People like you deserve all police pulled out of their neighbourhoods. We'll see how bad the police is then.


I live in rural Vermont, there are already no police here...


Vermont non Hispanic White population in 2020: 90.5%
Black population: 2,1%

Hmmm perhaps you don't need it. But how about others not so fortunate who you claim to care about?


That's right, it would be like heaven to racists like you!

And no, we don't need it...


Not just to people like me, it's heaven for all people living there because it has such low crime rates due to being so little Black. You cry about "racism" while benefitting from living in a state which is very little Black.

And you're still a hypocrite for bashing the police while pretending to care about people who need the police such as those who live in high crime areas.


"pretending to care about people who need the police such as those who live in high crime areas."

I never did this, because I don't ...

"Not just to people like me"

Good job admitting that you're a racist!


"Racist" in 2022 means having a rational view on race. If you have a rational view on race, you're called a racist. It's no shame. In fact every White person is called racist today. Even White allies are called racist by liberals.

Definition of a racist by decade:

1960s A White person who attacks Black people
1970s A White person who insults Black people
1980s A White person who dislikes Black people
1990s A White person who ignores Black people
2000s A White person who doesn't help Black people
2010s A White person who doesn't put Black people first
2020s A White person

So you don't care about poor people who live in high crime areas? Good job admitting you're a piece of shit.


No, a "racist" is somebody who makes comments like this:

"If America didn't have Black people, crime would be a lot lower and so there would be much less "gun nuts" who feel they need guns to protect themselves. Canada and UK...few Black people, strict gun laws. US many Black people, loose gun laws. Coincidence?"

and this:

"Homosexuality and race mixing are objectively bad for society according to all the data. Feeling resentment to it's celebration and promotion is completely natural and the only reason more people don't object to it is due to conditioning and indoctrination."

and this:

'When "Africans" moved out of Africa, they evolved into another race due to cold climates and different selection factors. They ceased being Africans. You still haven't shown me a successful Black society. Blacks live on 5 continents, in 50 different countries, their countries have totally different cultures and histories and there isn't a single place where they are doing even moderately well.'

and this:

"There was never any White only policy for hiring press secretaries. If Whites were hired, it's because Whites are majority of the population and they are more likely to be qualified due to higher IQs than Blacks and Hispanics."

quod erat demonstrandum

I'm done with you, but feel free to go ahead and make another stupid comment, I know how you twats feel the need to have the last word...


Not only are these all true statements, they are NECESSAIRY for the defence of Western civilization. Fairy-tales of racial equality are not only wrong, but DANGEROUS. Your standard of political correctness by which you attack me as "racist" is a dangerous attitude that is destroying Western countries and the White race in general. Your politics is the problem, not mine.

The fact that my views might be outside of Overton window is irrelevant since the former has been manipulated by the dominant leftist who have taken over the institutions. The Overton window argument is a logical fallacy. In a rational society, none of those statements should be controversial.

The only attitude that about race that should be considered immoral (ie. racist) is the view that some races should rule over others which I don't advocate.


I love seeing you get manhandled. You are a joke!


I manhandled him. He had no reply as neither do you.


He stopped responding because you are a bigoted idiot. Why continue talking to a wall? None of your racust claims are true. If you just admitted you were racist it would at least be honest.


Calling someone a bigot is no more an argument than calling someone a heretic. All of my claims are true. Society you live in is just in denial about it.


None are true you simply live in a deluded fantasy. So answer a question for me. Are whites better than blacks? Yes or no?


Everything I say is supported by science as well as observable reality. In some things Whites are (on average) better than Blacks, in others Blacks are (on average) better than Whites.


No flat out answer the question. Are whites better than blacks? Yes or no?


Is the US better than Canada? There is no flat out answer! It's nuance that matter.


Lol too chicken to answer the question.i will answer it for you. No race is overall better than another.

Also answer me this can you analyze a basketball game simply by looking at stat sheets? I noticed you are against race mixing.


There are average differences between the races. Undeniable facts. And those average differences matter when building a society.

Again with your idiotic analogy.


But no race is overall better than another. You try to imply this and it's sickening.

Nope it's a true analogy. So answer the question can you analyze a basketball game by only looking at the stat sheet? Yes or no?


You can judge a success of certain ethnic groups by how well they do in the real world. I can confidently say Jews are talented people because the stats show they do well in success.


See all you do is beat around the bush. You will not answer a question straight up.


It's not beating around the bush. I addressed your point directly - you can judge an ethnic group by data of behaviour of that ethnic group.

What question? I answered your question. There is no overall superiority. Some groups are better at certain things than others.


Can you judge an NBA game only by looking at stat sheets?


Neil O'Donnell and Troy Aikman had similar stats. Stats were where the similarity ended.


and this:

"Homosexuality and race mixing are objectively bad for society according to all the data. Feeling resentment to it's celebration and promotion is completely natural and the only reason more people don't object to it is due to conditioning and indoctrination."

You conveniently omitted my next reply where I provided evidence for the justification of this statement.

Interracial marriages are more likely than average to end in divorce.

Interracial couples more violent

At a disproportionate rate. Homosexuals are 1.6% of the population but account for 67% of all AIDS cases in America:

Homosexual men have higher STDs all around compared to heterosexual men when it comes to Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C,
Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea of the penis and anus:

Mixing aberrant and promiscuous sex with drug abuse makes up for the common lifestyle trends among homosexuals:

This chart shows homosexuals are more likely to be mentally Ill:

This chart showing that homosexuals are more likely to use drugs:

This chart showing that young homosexuals are more likely to be at risk of suicide;



This chart showing rate of syphilis infections among gay and bi men is much higher:

Another chart showing homosexuals are more likely to use drugs and other substance abuse:

Here is also data on how homosexuals are more promiscuous:

30% of gay men are in open relationships


anything on gays being more likely to molest kids?

BTW you rock- thank for facts


I think that's too controversial for anyone to study, but simple search for child molestation victims gives a result that 18% are male. If we compare that to the gay male population of 4%+2% bisexuals of all men, there is already a severe disproportionality. Furthermore since boys are less likely to report molestation than girls the share of male victims is likely even higher. Something like 97% of all child molesters are men.


Where is the controversy? I mean I know the left sexualizes children but they haven't been pubic with it for very long.


Also here is a video that sources studies debunking the claim that LGB suicides are due to bullying:
And that doesn't even include the trans community where suicides are through the roof.


When you consider their failure to help those kids, no they do not.


I guess they didn't want to take fire from someone who had a semi automatic center fire rifle and multiple 30 round magazines.


I wonder why the police department was given 650k by the city to modernize its equipment, why the school had a top-notch surveillance system that's recommended by the governor, why the police were given a 500k state grant and why they're siphoning 40% of the city's budget. It's to stand outside the school and do nothing and also to get kids killed by having them call out for help while there's an active shooter situation.

A mother was afraid to go into the school to get 2 of her kids out, yet she did it anyway.

I guess it's really not their job to protect people as per multiple SCOTUS rulings.

Police solve just 2% of major crimes. They're wildly ineffective. They solve less than half of murders, less than 10% of rapes, 3% of burglaries, 6% of robberies and 1% of larcenies. I know, let's throw more cash at them so they can get more military-grade equipment. That'll surely turn them into crime-solving geniuses.

The public trusts the police so little that about half of crimes are never even reported in the first place.


The Texas cops probably thought the shooter had more effective firepower than they did.


So the Texas cops are not only a bunch of cowards, they're also dumb beyond belief. Makes sense, considering the police actively discourage and prevent those deemed "smart" from joining the police. There's something rotten in the state of Texas.

Maybe they should resign, start a LARPing troupe and go around the country dressed as the military.


These days, your average mass shooter is very well equipped. The outgunned cops obviously needed reinforcement to confront that kind of firepower.


They're not outgunned. I already demonstrated this to you in another thread.

Prove they're outgunned. Ei encumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. You're the one making the claim, the onus of proof is on you.

They outnumbered the shooter by 30-to-1 and had a SWAT team less than 2 miles away. They could've jogged to school instead of going in their military-style vehicle and still confronted the shooter in the 40-60 minutes period they were busy using tasers, pepper spray and other means to prevent parents from storming the school.

They're a bunch of cowardly thugs.


The cops inaction is basically the best argument in support of the 2nd Amendment like ever....

What exactly is the point of this post? lmao.


"The cops inaction is basically the best argument in support of the 2nd Amendment like ever"


School doors are meant to be closed and locked.


Cops should have opened them to free the children and arrest the gunman.

You're a Texan. Why didn't you rush to the site with your guns and confront the gunman since the cops were too afraid?


Stores here in town have iron post buried in the ground in front, because crooks will steal trucks and use them to smash through the doors. That is the only way they have to get in.


They most likely didn't go in with the tools to open a door that was supposed to be locked to keep him out to begin with.Lets start making the shooter have to carry all this stuff with the also.


Shoot off the lock or come in through the window. Texas police are cowards. Don't make excuses for the police who did NOTHING while children and parents repeatedly begged for help.

Gun nuts arm criminals and crazies, then cower in fear during the gun rampages they cause.


Press will milk this a few more days till they see nobody reading the stuff anymore. They will then go back to the Ukraine or something else.


Active shooter tactics are changing.

For years, the first cars responding are expected to set a perimeter. Containment of the suspect (Think Dog Day Afternoon (75) or Die Hard (88) ) is paramount. Next, crowd containment and control.. make sure nobody enters, and guide people escaping inside to safety and command control where they can be interviewed. Expert S.W.A.T. teams are called in who have the training to enter room by room to clear the facility. These S.W.A.T. teams are on call, so it can take a good hour for them to arrive in scene.

These tactics were used in the past because of a possible hostage situation that could be diffused by a negotation team.

In the new active shooter tactical scenario, hostage holding is becoming less likely, cold blooded killing more so. Some departments are now changing tactics, they will have four officers go in immediatley with tactical gear and with seek/ kill shooter goal.

Since training, tactics and resources vary widely in the U.S.A., not all departments are on the same page with a active shooter tactical scenario.


Could it be, a reasonable reply that aligns with reality instead of emotionally charged misperceptions and ideological rhetoric?

Yes it is!

However, that perception isn't entirely without merit. Them standing around while this monster slaughtered children is not just a bad look, it's very bad policy. Hopefully you're correct that such procedures are changing. If there's any silver lining to this incident, it will hopefully spur on such changes, because I can't help but agree that them standing around during an active shooting event when this is a possible outcome is reprehensible. They need to figure out how to do a better job of assessing whether or not a situation is an active shooter or a hostage scenario. Not to mention that prior to the event itself, there were a ton of red flags that were triggered and blatantly ignored, and then this cretin was allowed to purchase two semi-automatic high capacity rifles. There's a lot of failure to go around here. But thank you for possessing the insight to provide a rare measured, factually-based response to the OP.

To everyone else: ideological flaming does NOT solve problems. It only exacerbates them. Wise up.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


while I cant find the report one person claims theres evidence that local cops were allowed in to go rescue and make sure their kids were saved from the school. while other parents were held back while their kids slaughtered

UH OH this keeps getting worse and worse


this is how things work in dementia Joes new America. when will Brandon put an end to the mass murders and fix climate change?


are you retarded?


the person you voted for is... as Ozzy Man says, "America is F**ked!"


so you are retarded? good to know.


No, let's give credit where credit is due:

This is how things work in Trump, Cruz and Abbot's Texas. Why are Texans so ass-backwards when it comes to gun reform and climate change ?


hello new troll, why are there so many new accounts lately? I guess kids are out of school and have nothing to do. go ride a bike.


That's the best you've got ? Just a bot-response of 'hello troll' ? LOL!


And if the police had gone in and more poeple had lost there lives you would be writing about how gung ho they are and need reform and so on. ACAB and all that.

What if the shooter also had bombs, grenades. They are not psychic.

The police are in a no win situation no matter what they do.

You talk about cowards. Why didn't you do something and show it can be done without guns. My guess is you wouldn't have done anything either.

You are always outraged about everything but never offer any solutions.


So what you are suggesting is that the Texas police have not been trained to do their jobs. If they are 'too afraid' to confront a shooter, or too afraid to confront the unexpected, then they were not properly trained in doing their jobs - which is to protect and serve their citizens, especially to protect elementary children.

I guess it's that Republican logic of how to train police ? Maybe they were trained to stand outside a building and offer 'thoughts and prayers' to the victims, rather than actual protection.


its years and years of being coddled by republicans. telling police they are uber special snowflakes who must never be put in dangers way. Normally this results in them just escalating the situation and shooting first. but sometimes this is the result.

them unwilling to accept any danger and do their job.


They are a sad and pathetic bunch. They need our thoughts and prayers.


So what you are suggesting

I'm not suggesting anything. I didn't suggest anything and I have no intention of suggesting anything.

What I said is true. If the police had breached and more died due to that then you would all be screaming how they caused more death and should have stayed outside.

No win situation. The police are easy targets no matter what they do.


If that were the case, then at least the police would know they did their job and did it the best they could. Criticism or not, they did what was needed to be done and they did it at their best. That would be a win situation. no matter the criticism. (BTW, I doubt anyone would have said they should've stayed outside no matter the outcome - people pray for the best but are prepared for the worst in a situation such as this.)

However, they chose to cowardly stay away because they were afraid to enter. They were either never trained for a situation like this, or didn't do their jobs. Either way, they made themselves easy targets and deserve the criticism they have received.


If that were the case, then at least the police would know they did their job

No they wouldn't have. The press, public and politicians would have absolutely went to town on them for getting more people killed. No one would have said "oh weel , at least they did there job", literally no one would say that.

You think breaching into a situation without proper intel and resulting in more deaths is a "win situation". Really. What world are you living in.

However, they chose to cowardly stay away because they were afraid to enter.

Have you spoke to them? That would be no. You are just parroting what others are saying. I'm guessing you would have ran in guns blazing like John Wayne. How do you know none of them wanted to go in, again you don't.

Your entire reply shows no matter what they did they would be criticised and held accountable.

We have seen this year when the police shot and killed the first comments are always "well it didn't warrent a death sentence" and when they don't do anything they get called cowards.

I didn't realise police were psychic terminators without thought, feelings and families of there own that they would like to go home to. Why is the cops life less important than the poor souls that died. Shouldn't everyone go home safely or are police expendable.


You're forgetting that police are trained mentally and physically - they are trained to be heroes in every situation. Stop excusing their cowardly behavior. If they acted like heroes, there's a great chance 19 lives would not be lost this week.


They should have said there was a man going into the building to take his girlfriend to get an abortion. The whole police department and armed Texans would've been in there in seconds to tackle him, complete with guns drawn.


