MovieChat Forums > emori > Replies
emori's Replies
She is 47 years old. Probably those lead roles in big projects simply stopped coming. So she has to take what is being offered.
Same with Reese Witherspoon and other aged stars. They can't play roles of 30-35 years old confused or arrogant young women anymore.
Problem is also that Hollywood stopped making good films in general.
Maybe because he is nazi fascist, traitor who works for russia and all around imbecile idiot?
I can't believe that anyone with brain in their head can listen to anything he says. He says such stupid shit.
He is typical propagandist. He has an agenda or order from people who hired him. russia for example. Then starts lying his ass around to "fit" information into that agenda. And trumpusts are not that bright to understand they have been lied to and that this idiot made fools out of them. As trumpists have no critical thinking and don't check facts.
The way trump fan club is shitting all over political section with imbecile posts and kisses ass of their idol non stop like they are BTS or Taylor fans and they think their "teen idol" needs their support.
Only Trump is not teen idol but ugly old fart. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.
Even more hilarious is that "trump fan boys" can't see how ridiculous and stupid they look.
Admins really should put Trump, Biden, Hillary and other politician pages in Political section so they would not trend on front page and trump fanatics could sit in their own psychward unbothered and write all day those "I Heart Donald" posts.
Nobody among viewers and his fans cares about him slapping some Chris Rock. LOL.
It's not about that. It's about box-office dying. They used to complain that Comic Book movies suffocate other movies and take away all the grosses. But it was not about that. Comic books were the only thing that people watched in masses. When people got tired even from them - everyone just stopped going into movies at all.
It's one thing when there is forced annoying wokeness. I don't like it too. But we see how OP and many other "anti-woke warriors from their moms basement" now literally scream "Wokenes" every time they see woman or black person in any role. LOL.
They literally have one black guy in small supporting role here. And lead roles are white family. And he complains about "wokeness" and that black guy does not look smart enough to run that company. When Joel Egerton looks like he is too dumb to tie his shoe laces. And like he was drinking non stop for a month. Yet show tell us he is some super brilliant science guy.
People like OP are turning fight with wokeness into a joke. And it's not only him. I noticed it with other anti-woke whiners on Youtube. It's impossible to watch their video anymore. Every woman in lead role in anything is woke now for them. As if only Man can be lead and be interesting. But even here where white man is lead - they found a way to whine. LOL.
Well then stop watching shows and movies. And go watch -pre-woke old movies. LOL.
Whining and crying on Internet will not help.
Box-office is dead. If even Will Smith can't lead anything anymore with well known franchise...
He is supporting actor. Not lead.
He has no charisma to be lead. people usually just don't notice him in supporting roles. He just ....there.
I don't care about his character and his struggles. Because I don’t feel connection to him. Bad Evil Jason is kinda ok. He does look fine as asshole. But Good Jason is just so boring and lifeless. I really don't care about him finding his family.
And I don't like his son either. Actor is boring and charisma free too.
Casting in this show is actually bad. It's like all characters are miscast. Even Jennifer Connelly. She is pretty and looks fantastic for her age. But again - lacks charisma and acting talent. I don't feel her character and don't care about her. She always look wooden and aloof. That's why her career never took for for A-list status.
I like this show because I like all sci-fi and I like parallel universes.
This show is not woke. Like at all. OP has problems and should get help. Or it's a troll post.
People like him are actually turning this whole "fight with wokeness" into joke. It used to be "they insert stupid wokeness in this". Now its "every show and movie with women and black people = woke" in their minds.
I used to watch occasionally those Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker youtube videos. They were fun. But now it's "woke woke woke everywhere" with them even when there isn't. And it's boring. They literally see every black and woman in lead and supporting roles as woke. And every their review just looks the same.
Is this post for real? LOL.
I actually have a problem with Joel Edgerton and think he was miscast. He just looks too dumb to be this super smart science guy. He looks like drunk uncle from local bar. And he is not a good actor.
Show would be better with another actor.
Hollywood is desperate to make ANYONE HAPPEN. They give mega budgets to movies and they need Stars to sell them. But movie stars of the 90-th got old and can't lead anymore. And there are no new stars.
So they try to pick up men and women to make them new stars. Not understanding that era of big box office grosses is over. You can't make person movie star by just casting her everywhere and writing about her.
Glen Powell is nice. As supporting guy. He is not lead. That Anyone but You was a moderate success because of very small budget. And Glen will not bring full theaters with every movie. That Twisters movie will flop. Will get like 30-40 on opening on a 200 millions budget. Even Will Smith could only bring 53 millions for new Bad Boys.
Sure Ivan. Go bow to your russian masters
There was a reason why all those "women categories" were created back in a day. So to give women chance to get anything. Because otherwise men would take everything.
If there would be one acting category then DiCaprios and Bales will take that award all the time.
Since there is anonymous voting for nominees then they would find themselves having 4 men and 1 woman in those acting categories. Some Nicole Kidman would occasionally get in. And it would be DiCaprio, Bale, Mahershala Ali, Chalamet, Kidman.
Just look at Director category. Poor women directors can't even get nomination. No matter how woke press is whining. Once in few years one will sneak. They just count all the votes and women directors don't have enough votes
That's why they wanted to cancel Actress and Actor category and merge them in one.
To appease that group of people. Then understood that it will mean that men will get all acting awards and quietly abandoned that idea.
Best thing would be to create for all those groups separate category and push them there. BUt they don't want to because everyone know it would be meaningless.
But I would actually like to see how Emma Corrin will declare she wants to mens category because she feels like it on the day of announcement. And then some male actor to demand to be included in womens category.
forgot to add. russians respect democrats because those fight them back. they fear them because they give weapons that kills russians. Because democrats put sanctions.
russians despise trumpists because those are weak and cowards. they don't respect you. they treat you like their property. like they can order you anything and you will say: "Yes master" and do it.
Hon, russia literally hates every American and would nuke you all if there would be no consequences.
putin hates you all more then he hates Ukrainians. For russians America was always main enemy. They always hate it with hatred.
if russians could invade you then they would rape, kill and torture 10 times more then do it in Ukraine. And no - they would not spare you if you would scream that you are trumpists and love putin. They would laugh at you and continue.
I almost feel sorry for those trumpists. They are so pathetic and such cowards that they are willingly kiss feet of drunk russian loser Ivan in desperate hope that Ivan will somehow end fight against wokeness in USA. Honey - he won't. He doesnt care about your woke problem. Ivan despises you for being weak. russians laugh at you, trumpists. They don't see you as equal. For them you are their property. Their minions.
I wish you would comprehend how embarrassing and pathetic it is. Grow a balls inside your pants and fight wokeness yourself. putin is not gonna end it no matter how much you will suck his pee-pee.
This is why it was so wrong from woke Hollywood to push all that: "Only gay actors can play gay roles". Because automatically they created: "Only straight actors can play straight roles". Even if they didn't say it out loud.
But it's hard not to notice that many actors that came out - started getting offers to play mostly gay characters. And straight roles stopped coming. It's like every time I see Quinto somewhere its' gay role. And before he came out he had all those lead roles of straight dudes.
Glee actor Chris Colfer vanished after his show ended. It's like they didn't know what to offer him.
Sure Ivan. Go get your 5 rubles.
It will never be stop funny how pro-russian trumpists run around and trying to convince themselves that they are not traitors and are not owned by russia.
You are embarrassing to your country.
They all got old and were replaced by younger actors. There you go. Same happens to women all the time.
Jason Lee - 54 years. Can't play Frat Boy anymore
Sean William Scott - 47 years
Loren Dean - 54 years
Maybe bad agent. Luck of hustle. You can't just sit and wait for good role. You have to hustle and go to every audition. But some of them are too picky and lazy. So when no one called to invite to big project - they just sit and wait.
And I think they stopped making him lead actor for straight roles once he came out. So they don't know what to do with him now. And just stopped asking him in big projects. He still does small stuff.
That's why many actors don't come out or didn't. Because then offers for lead roles of straight lovers stop coming. His career was going up. And then it stalled.