MovieChat Forums > emori > Replies

emori's Replies

No. It IS love letter to stunt performers. And they had to create romantic-screwball-comedy. Because movie need a plot. I was shocked when they showed at the end that basically every action scene was shot on location instead of made on computer. I feel bad that script was so boring and movie flopped. I respect that they did all those scenes with real stuntmen That's not why she doesn't have job. She would not have it even if she would still be married to Depp. She is of those kind of type actresses that only get hired for being pretty. And then they don't have talent to support that prettiness so they vanish inf few years. Usually when they hit 29 and can't play those young 22 years old women anymore. Sienna Miller is her closes comparison. So many boring d-listers in this movie. Do they understand that movie needs young pretty lead to be sold? Someone must be on the posters, on dolls etc. I really don't understand this casting. Jurassic World made tons of money because it had pretty boy Chris Pratt on the posters. I look at that Jonathan Bailey guy and he is so mundane looking. Never seen him in anything. This movie will lose a lot of money if they will not find interesting leads. And look how old their actors are Jonathan Bailey - 36 years Scarlett Johansson - 39 years Mahershala Ali - 50 years Rupert Friend - 42 years. Manuel Garcia-Rulfo - 43 years There are also listed two young d-listers who I also never heard of. Probably will be in small sidekick supporting roles for few scenes. This movie is not looking promising. She is not. That's why her career went nowhere after few "teen roles" . When she outgrew that age - there was nothing more. When actors are talented - they get to work in their 30, 50 and 70 years. I saw her in many things. She can't act. It's hilarious. That Bridgerton TV show suddenly became "it show of the month". And he was trending because he was pretty bi-racial man. And he was playing some entitled hot bad boy. So suddenly he became famous and heartthrob. And all that fame got into his head and this tv boy decided that he is now big star and that he outgrew tv and now must transition to movies and became movie star. Because "everyone are lusting after him". So he quit his successful show despite pleas to stay. And got himself ready to be cast as lead in big movies. And then..... nothing happened. Hype after him died very fast. Because those women were lasting after his CHARACTER in Bridgerton. Character was hot, not him. And men never cared since they dont watch Bridgerton . After he quit show - everyone lost interest in him. He was managed to got supporting role The Gray Man and Dungeons & Dragon on the height of hype around him. And then The Gray Man was hated by everyone and it's a tv movie. It was forgotten next week. And Dungeons & Dragon flopped with 93 millions on 150 million budget. And he was not lead in those and no one noticed him. This guy is the case example of: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". Bridgerton is still on and popular. And if he would stay - he would still get hype every year when it comes out and be relevant. And could get more roles. But he thought he overgrew it and is mega star. And he wasn't. And it was very obvious back then. I knew he would disappear fast. I have to agree. Most of those men could simply kick his ass or push. But they all just silently sat there. It's not the case when women are physically wicker and can't fight back men. And got overpowered. That director was hilarious. Decided to BJ to get into Hollywood. And then Spacey ignored it like he was nothing. Just shows how many of them, women and men, willingly sleep their way into Hollywood. Many of Weinstein victims slept with him willingly for a role. And simply did not come out. I wish he would write a biography to expose those who slept with him willingly. No he didn't. It's just that he can't prove it. Only video or audio can prove it. And Spacey victims could not put secret recording device. It's hard to prove such things. But it doesnt mean they didnt happen. I laughed at it. It was so hilarious. Every time you see sobbing actor just remember - it's their job to cry on cue. They can act any emotion and there is nothing sincere about them. All of them are fake. He is so fake and even his acting here is bad. He plays character named Kevin Spacey who got cancelled for being s-predator and who wants people to feel sorry for him. It is obvious that Kevin Spacey is sociopath. He can't feel any emotions. He imitates them. Also don't forget - they mean they are "rich people bankrupt". It's not like he has nothing to eat. It means he would have to move out from fancy big home and settle for smaller. And maybe fly economy class instead of private plane. Also people gave him advice - find a job. Like a real one. There are many jobs out there. But actors all want to only have those acting jobs with huge paycheck and would just sit and wait for years for that "right role" while whining how poor they are. And remember - this guy made tons of famous movies and has to have residuals. Like a lot of them. So he is lying he has no money. He just doesn't have millions like he used to. Probably spend them all while being cancelled living rich life. But no new millions are coming. Yes. It's weird with all those lead roles. She has interesting face. I remember her when I see her in the background. She has "bitch face". She is fine with small supporting villain role where she stays silent as villains henchman. And then attacks someone on his order. Like in Kingsman. But then they decided that she us interesting enough for lead roles. And it became obvious that she can't act. And "bitch face" is her only one acting impression. How could they cast her in Rebel Moon ix beyond me Yes. He lacks any conscience. Sociopath. If not psychopath. Amazing he could stay unmasked for so long. People were afraid to speak up because no one would believe them. That's why I'm saying that box-office is dead. Even summer movies can't open and bring money anymore. Look at this year. We came to a time when 56 millions for a summer blockbuster is considered success. Because others made less. There were times when movie opened to 100+ millions to be considered "not flop". ‘Bad Boys 4’ is not flop only because somehow they were able to do that on a 100 millions budget instead of usual 200+ millions that movies are made now. This is how movies opened in 2019 1 Avengers: Endgame $357,115,007 2 The Lion King $191,770,759 3 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker $177,383,864 4 Captain Marvel $153,433,423 5 Avengers: Endgame $147,383,211 6 Frozen II $130,263,358 7 Toy Story 4 $120,908,065 8 Joker $96,202,337 9 Spider-Man: Far From Home $92,579,212 10 Aladdin $91,500,929 "sacrificing the Ukrainian people"? Dear trumpists - do you even understand what is happening in the world? Do you ever come out from you twitter echo chamber full of russian propaganda? Ukrainian people are being slathered by nazi russia and genocide is being committed. Ukrainian people are begging USA for weapons to defend themselves and kick russian occupants. Ukrainian people need money to run their country that is being bombed every day by russian bombs that destroy infrastructure and economy. What was so confusing in his words for you? Ukraine has been telling for years that it can sell gas and other stuff to make money. Like every country who has it and make it does. Ukraine is selling steel, grain, food for years. It was selling electricity before russia destroyed it. Again - what is so confusing for trumpists with countries selling their "minerals" for money? Like - do you know that USA is selling it's "minerals", oil and many other stuff to other countries? It's so hard with you. You people live in made up reality. And then come out to real world and don't understand why everyone does not live in your psych ward. Talking with you is like talking to 7 years old children and try to explain how world runs. Damn. You people are so desperate. It's hilarious. I actually went to check it out of curiosity. Nope. Just some wet dream of anti-woke fanboys from their moms basements. Who are literally make up stuff now. <blockquote> Is there any truth to rumors of The Acolyte being already canceled? No, there’s not enough evidence to support those claims, and we likely won’t get an answer for a while. As of late May, The Acolyte hasn’t been canceled. The original rumor came from That Park Place, who claimed that "an alleged insider at Lucasfilm" straight-up told them a second season won’t happen. The information and facts provided are vague and haven’t been backed by the Hollywood trades, which are always quick to confirm or deny major creative shakeups inside big studios. A quick look at the site also confirms it has very negative views on how Lucasfilm and the Star Wars brand are being run. While many fans might agree with this sentiment for a variety of very valid reasons, it appears this is just part of a larger movement to shoot down anything coming from the studio before it even releases. </blockquote> Did voices in your head tell you this? I honestly can't tell if you are left wing troll who laughs at right wingers. Or you are serious with this. Well you have white family in this show. Why you keep whining? LOL Crying on internet from moms basement will not help. Woke people who make decisions dont care about your crying. Sure Ivan. Cry more, Ivan. LOL. putin huilo.