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emori's Replies
Whats the obsession with black? Like if you can claim she is black because her one parent is black then with that logic I can claim she is white because her one parent is white ))))
Its actually very interesting. When you see all those mixed raced celebrities who proclaim they are black when in reality they can easily go and proclaim they are white and it will be truth.
Like why on earth you would proclaim "She's black or biracial.". She is white also. Literally. Her daddy is white. Why on earth she is going and claiming that she is black? Whats the reason except scoring woke and oppression points among woke press? She never presented herself as black woman until she and Harry left for Hollywood. Then she suddenly was born-again-black-woman.
Mixed-raced people should be called and identified as mixed-raced people. Because technically when they are light skinned and european features like Zendaya - they are neither black nor white. They are mixed. But they cant use oppressed minority card being mixed so they declare themselves black. Basically stealing from real black people. Mainly roles.
Thank you for link
I’ve been wondering for years what has happened to Spielberg. Its like he lost his mojo and common sense. I cant explain why he chooses the movie projects he does.
He was the best director and coolest in the world. Along with Cameron. And then its like when athletes get older and cant run and play fast anymore because their body cant. Its like his brain suddenly got older and he cant do movie he used to. Its so weird.
His last truly good and memorable action movie was War of the Worlds in 2005. After that its one forgettable trash after another. He tried to recreate old magic with Ready Player One but the heart was just no there and I never rewatched that movie as it was just boring.
I dont know what he was thinking when he choose to make these movies: The Post, The BFG, Bridge of Spies, War Horse, The Adventures of Tintin. And what the hell is The Fabelmans I dont even know. I couldnt finish even the trailer so boring and nonsense it was.
Even James Cameron returned with Avatar 2. Spielberg needs to do some cool sci fi movie.
Hollywood clowns should stop mocking people from other countries and stop doing those ridiculous accents. Because it IS mockery.
If movies want to show African people who speak bad English then they should hire real actors from Africa who have those accents. Not rich Hollywood snobs who try to imitate it. Because they look ridiculous.
But whats with that black army guy in the end who showed up and started speak perfect modern day American accent? ))) Like did black people who never were slaves during Lincoln times - spoke with those perfect accents?
When did Americans lose their British accents anyway? When did that American was "invented"? Like British immigrants who came to America - they lived among each other. They had to maintain that British accent for generations until it would slowly vanish. Australians still speak with mix of British accent and something else. They didnt lose it completely.
I suspect that all those cowboys and other did not speak with that modern day arrogant American accent like actors in movies do. I think they had to sound more like British people.
Its was so bad and distracting it made me angry.
This arty-fartsy filter is the worst thing that happened to movie business in a while. How could anyone approved it is beyond me.
It ruined the movie. It was distracting. Like you could see how beautiful landscape is. You can see colors in production pictures from set.
Its like did director think that people lived in black and white colors back then? With everything being gray - you constantly were losing what was happening. As characters were getting lost among trees, everything flickered. It never felt like Will Smith was running for days. It felt like he was running in circles the same place of 5 miles. As everything looked the same.
And then they had this huge battle in the end. That was supposed to be epic and sad. But it was just laughable. I felt sorry for people who made movie because you could see how they shot on location with hundreds extras and real explosions. They put time and effort to make it. But because everything looked grey and the same - you didnt understand what was happening, who is attacking who and who you should root for. And you just waited for it to be over. There was no emotions at all.
I was watching it and asking: "Will they show us color version one day?"
Curly hair does not equal black. You do know there are white people with black curly hair?
Brown eyes do not equal black. There are white people with brown eyes.
If you see child with curly black hair and brown eyes it does not mean they are black.
Look at the picture. There is only one black person in there. Its her mother. Color of Meghans skin matches her fathers color.
White children who go to beaches in the Summer have the same skin tone as Meghan does. White british women who go to tan salon have same skin color. Thats why no one even thought she was black or biracial when she grew up and was in Hollywood. Everyone thought she was ordinary white woman with freckles and sun tan. As everyone in Hollywood looks like these days.
Mixed raced people become so common in USA that they basically white washed black people. They get whiter and whiter, but use that black card to get oppression status. And everyone treats them as if they are black. And Hollywood hires people like Zendaya when they need "black actor". While she is very light skin and her face features are not black. But she gets the pass.
And eventually people start to call "black" every person with a tan who declares they have black parent. Like Meghan does. That why Rachel Dolezal could fool people so easily by just having curly hair and go to tan salon. Because people in USA are so used to tanned people to be called black. Rachel Dolezal would not fool anyone if she would show up in Africa with that fake tan and declare she is black. Because actual black people have dark skin and different facial features.
My point is that Meghan took white genes from her father that overpowered black genes of her mother. And she should stop pretending she is black. She does not even look biracial. Zendaya looks biracial. She doesnt. She gave birth to two whitest ginger kids. Her black genes are gone.
I dont agree with Piers Morgan on lot of stuff. And he is narcissist obsessed with fame and like attention. But on some occasions I agree with him. And he is right about Meghan. She is fraud and liar.
Netflix was robbed. We all expected it to be like every other celebrity documentary. And I saw a lot of them. Taylor, Pink, Selena, J Lo, Shawn, Bieber etc. Its cameras who follow celebrity for a year or two and shoot them while they wonder around house, go outside, to meetings.
And we all heard stories how Harry and Meghan were going around with cameras to follow. But its been 3 episodes and its so obvious that Netflix doesnt have that much real material. They didnt shoot much. We had that episode of her going around the place she used to live. They sat in a car and watching paparazzi. She prepares for some appearance and makes her hair.
And all of it is so short. Only for few minutes time when episode is 50 minutes. So due to luck of material Netflix was forced to edit all those old videos of Diana and boys, endless news segments. Things got so bad that they had like 10 minutes history lecture about slavery and commonwelth. Just to kill time.
Reminds me when Lindsay Lohan agreed to that documentary with Orpah team and then didnt want to shoot anything. She was just sitting in her new apartment and sorted out clothes. And producers even had to put disclaimer like: "For 6 weeks Lindsay refused to shoot anything and let cameras in".
Son unprofessional from them. Netflix should have sue them and demand money back )))
Oh dear. So this is not the page for netflix tv show? ))) Oopsie.
What is it then? Why did this things pops op when I type Harry & Meghan?
Who made two similar pages and why?
People names are what they are called from birth. If parents or child in small age decide to use middle name or shorter because they like it better its one thing. When man at 35 years starts being called by a letter just because his wife wants to call him that - its some sort of abuse )))
Like its one thing if its their cute nick names for each other. I remember Britney and Justin jokingly called each other Pinky & Stinky. It would be really weird if they would go countless interviews and call each those names constantly. Like
- Today Pinky and I are meeting and we are getting on a plane because Pinky want to go to Germany. Pinky has business there.
- Stinky just told me yesterday that she is recording new album. And Stinky and I will go to awards show next week.
- I was heartbroken when dancer told me that Stinky cheated on me. I thought Stinky and I were in love.
That look ridiculous and creepy. And you could see that it was Meghans idea. Like she was like: "Lets call each other Eych and Em. It will be cute". And he said: "Ok". And then she started calling him Eych all the time. While he tries to say "Em" few times but then slips to Meg and Meghan because its too ridiculous. Specially when he talks about serious stuff.
Kardashians and Jenners dont look white with all the tan and make up on their faces. You can look at them and think they are exotic, spanish. But they are white )))
Her own agent says in the show that didnt knew she was mixed race for a while until she told him. He thought she was sun kissed and had freckles.
There are two kinds of people that come out from black and white parents. The ones like Zendaya with more european features of their faces. But their skin is a little darker so they can pass for black in USA. And those like Halsey, Meghan, Wenworth Miller who look completely white. And only have curly hair. And people look at them and think they are white people with tan. And are being shocked when they say they have black parent.
If no one knew that Meghan had black parent, say she was adopted by white couple, then no one ever would suspect and everyone would think she is white. Because thats how she looks.
There is interesting post. About dynamic in broken families and how people dont connect in them despite being relatives. Like they could gather at meetings, take smiling pictures but then have no relationship after that and be completely strangers. And it would be weird to invite them to wedding.
My mother had a terrible relationship with her 2 siblings. (One of them was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.) Her 2 siblings had 3 kids between them. I really only knew the oldest cousin because she preferred to spend holidays at my house.
My grandfather was fair to all, but my grandmother left my mother completely out of the will. My uncle would have had to take my grandmother to the bank to change the will that was split evenly in order to take my mother out of it. My mother found out she got nothing at the reading of the will.
On the other side, my father abandoned me. He spent my childhood with my cousins and the nieces and nephews of my stepmother. They had holidays with him. They went on vacations with him. I didn't know what he looked like. I certainly wouldn't have recognized any of them in the street.
There may be a picture here or there from when people were still getting along or from when we ran into each other. There were a few times when we tried to include them or they included us after regular communication stopped. Probably 5– 10 times for both sides put together.
So, you may see me smiling in a picture with my uncle or cousin. You may be able to gather a few photos and claim there was a relationship. I guarantee you when I saw them it was awkward and fake. We made the best if it, but there was no relationship. The damage was done, and we were strangers.
In my case, I would have felt I was deceiving people if I invited them to my wedding and pretended we were a family.
I had nothing to do with the rift, but I didn't know these people at all.
And you know all of that from what? From Samantha and her book? Tabloids?
Its fun to trash her for attacking royal family and pretending to be black. But lets not white-wash her trashy family and their behavior. I’m sorry but no loving father would go and trash his daughter to tabloids. No matter how much she would ghost him. Thats not what parents do.
If her trashy family would not fuel tabloids and keep talking about her - there wouldnt be so much pressure on them and they probably would not leave. But they talked to press every week. And it was exhausting.
And you think people would held wedding on a beach just because some distant relative could not attend? Is that what that crazy Samantha wrote? LOL )))) I dont think that Meghan had any relationship with that crazy as it was 17 years older and had to be out of house by the time Meghan could play with her and connect. She probably visited dads house on Holidays where they would take pictures as families do. And it was probably after Meghan got that Suits role and become some sort of celebrity that her family wanted to have a relationship and clinged. But since actors travel all the time - its not possible.
Again - all her family on fathers side kept trashing her and whining. Demanding their peace of fame and money. Like she was their lottery ticket. While no one at her mothers side speaks at all. They maintain their dignity and dont sell her out.
Its not some lovely nicknames they call each other in bed. Its not some nicknames bros have for each other.
She literally changed his name from Harry to Eych and never called him Harry while talking about him in 3 episodes.
And he tried and called her M few times. But then was slipping to Meg and Meghan all the time. Which means she decided they need to call each other H and M instead of names. And she sticks to it. While he prefers real names.
Its like if Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt would marry and start calling each other in interviews A and B for the rest of their lives.
And I actually would like to know about her niece.
Why was it so bad that her grandparents had to take her away from Samantha and officially adopt. And where was the father.
Samantha had to super screw up to have her daughter be taken away. And there are two more children. Where were they raised?
Trailer park I meant the way he behaves. I was surprised to read he was working at solid job in Hollywood. Because he really looks like he lives in trailer park and drink all day.
Maybe he wasnt like that when he was younger. But it is what it is now.
The way he bashes her in press in unforgivable. She is his daughter. You do not go to tabloids and trash your daughter. Again and again. Then again. And then again. This is not what fathers do.
And it doesnt even seem like they had some big fall out or something. I truly dont understand why he would do that. Repeatedly. Basically he sold her for money. He saw an opportunity to make money by selling his pictures to hungry paparazzi and he did it. Then he sold her again and again.
He probably asked her money before who knows. And she didnt give it to him. And I dont think she even had some 100-300 thousands of dollars just to give him. She didnt make millions on that Suits show and Harry lived on taxpayers money who he had no control over I assume. And she would not ask him. So daddy went to tabloids make those money.
That whole family is just something.
Samantha is seventeen years older than Meghan. Which means she was 22 when Meghan was 5 and could remember anything from he life. By that time people in USA already move out of their parents house. So I assume that his older children didnt live with them and were visiting dads house time after time. So its could be true that they didnt have any relationship. Like when Meghan was age 10 - Samantha was 27 years old woman. They had nothing in common.