Her trashy family

Here is quick the recap of her family from her fathers side

I didnt follow all that drama with her daddy that much. So I didnt know there was also crazy half-sister. And apparently her half-brother is as trashy too. Whole family is just something.

One thing I fell sorry for her is having this trailer park family. People dont chose where they are being born. And one day you are getting chance to go high up in life but you have that baggage with american trailer park trash of a family who will try to make money by selling you out and keep appearing in tabloids dragging you down.

Like it was really embarrassing when she brought that trash in royal family. So I completely understood when she didnt want to have anything with them once they stared to behave such trashy.

But that was vile when she dropped her niece that she was friends with along with her family. Its like niece was normal and wasnt trash talking her. Niece was her friend. And then she didnt even invited her in her wedding and send invitations to Clooney and Oprah whom she never met. Just because she wanted to show royal family that she has Hollywood connection high up. While in reality she was d-list actress playing supporting role in some tv show not many people watched.

I felt sorry for that poor niece. There was no way Meghan was ordered not to invite her. It was Meghan decision. She lied to her she was ordered. She even invited few of her tv friends. But no place for niece who was her real family and friend.

And on her mother side she has siblings.

Her mom has older half-sister and half brother from her mothers previous marriage. And younger half-brother from her fathers second marriage. And those 3 people must have their own children and grandchildren. So there has to be cousins of Meghan. And looks like she doesnt have any relationship with them too. And they didnt trash her in press. But still no invitation. Its like she is embarrassed of them. Its funny considering she wont shut up about being black and proud. And I dont think Harry met anyone of them. Including white niece. Meghan cut out everyone expect her mother from her life.

Here is interesting tread where people theorize why that happened

And its hard not to notice that all of them come from broken families, divorced, second marriages and half-siblings. Which is common in USA. And then it end up with people kinda having brothers-sisters but not having deep relationships with them because they rarely see them. And they dont even feel like brothers and sisters. Specially if they are on the fathers side.
You only feel closeness if you lived with them in one house for 10 years at least. You communicate and you feel like siblings.

While Meghan didnt live that long with her half bother and sister and they are strangers. I assume same is with her mother. She has 3-half siblings but probably didnt spend much time with them during childhood and they are strangers and so their kids are too. Like they would meet few times in life at some family gathering, take pictures then dont see each other for 10 years. And no one cared about it until Meghan became famous.


Her father isn't trailer trash. He was upper middle-class and paid for her private schools including college and large wedding. Meghan also lived with her father for a few years as a child so it's a lie that she had practically no interaction with Samantha. Her uncle helped get her a pretty good embassy job.

Meghan lies and manipulates people. I heard Harry say that Meghan had no family, therefore his family would be hers. My belief is she lied to him and played lonely victim to get Harry to "save and protect" her. Her uncle could've easily walked her down the aisle. Her mom's siblings or even friends could've sat next to her. Meghan needed to distance herself from her family in order to make her "lonely" lie work.

Notice how Harry is now isolated from his once very close family and friends. She can control and manipulate him easier.


Trailer park I meant the way he behaves. I was surprised to read he was working at solid job in Hollywood. Because he really looks like he lives in trailer park and drink all day.

Maybe he wasnt like that when he was younger. But it is what it is now.

The way he bashes her in press in unforgivable. She is his daughter. You do not go to tabloids and trash your daughter. Again and again. Then again. And then again. This is not what fathers do.

And it doesnt even seem like they had some big fall out or something. I truly dont understand why he would do that. Repeatedly. Basically he sold her for money. He saw an opportunity to make money by selling his pictures to hungry paparazzi and he did it. Then he sold her again and again.

He probably asked her money before who knows. And she didnt give it to him. And I dont think she even had some 100-300 thousands of dollars just to give him. She didnt make millions on that Suits show and Harry lived on taxpayers money who he had no control over I assume. And she would not ask him. So daddy went to tabloids make those money.

That whole family is just something.

Samantha is seventeen years older than Meghan. Which means she was 22 when Meghan was 5 and could remember anything from he life. By that time people in USA already move out of their parents house. So I assume that his older children didnt live with them and were visiting dads house time after time. So its could be true that they didnt have any relationship. Like when Meghan was age 10 - Samantha was 27 years old woman. They had nothing in common.


Meghan is a pathological liar.

She lied by saying she worked hard to pay for college when it was her father who did.

She's lying about not having family around, too. I'm not saying the sisters were besties, but they were close enough to be around each other during family visits when Meghan was living with her dad, family occasions, weddings, graduations and for Meghan to bond with her niece. Relatives stay in touch by phone, too.

Problems with her father appeared to have started when photogaphers camped outside his Mexican retirement home and lied about him. Meghan told him to ignore them which is rich coming from her. She did nothing to protect or help him. She had a few million at that time.

Meghan has a long history of dumping people after she uses them. She dumped her film producer husband when he wouldn't cast her, dumped multiple close friends including the matchmaker, and now her father. Her father worked in Hollywood and helped Meghan become an extra on "Married with Children." His money problems could be related to financing Meghan's schools, wedding, etc..

Father and two daughters are made from the same cloth. They're all humiliating each other publicly.


Samantha wrote a book. She mentions that she moved in with her father (as an adult) while Meghan was living there:


I dont believe anything that Samantha says because its very obvious that she is one of those celebrity siblings that try to make money out of their famous relatives. And they can only do that by selling some scandalous fact, much of which they just make up. Because often there isnt that much to say.

Believing her is like believing Lindsay Lohah, really.

But thank you for the link. I will watch those videos.

Like I will trash Meghan for being fake black and attacking royal family. But her own family IS trash for attacking her like that. They do not become good people just because Meghan is bad. All of them are trash. She is basically her families blood. And I really dislike when relatives of celebrities try to cash in on their fame and trash talks celebrities in press. They are scums.


I was team Harry & Meghan until I began to notice her many lies and her mistreatment of people. Lady Colin Campbell's sons played with William and Harry, knew Diana and has plenty of connections wrote an excellent book called "Meghan and Harry: The Real Story". It's one of the best biographies I've ever read. She's no fan of Meghan, but wrote a very fair and detailed book. I also learned a bit about the royal institution, lifestyle and viewpoint.

To the credit of both parents, I believe they raised Meghan to be proud of her biracial background. That's probably the only thing she hasn't been phony about. Black people who pass usually disassociate from other black people and she hasn't done that. Her old blog and school mates confirm that.

Doria was/is being paid.
Lady C wrote about Meghan's overspending and how Charles ended up giving her extra money for clothes.

I thought the same as you did about Samantha and their father, but what they said has been backed up with proof. Her dad doted on Meghan and even she says he was a great dad, but she lied and then dumped him and BOTH sides of her family except her mother. Harry was very close to William, Kate, his father and grandmother until Meghan turned him against them. The problem is with her.

More Meghan lies:



I came believe she got involved with her shrink.


And I actually would like to know about her niece.

Why was it so bad that her grandparents had to take her away from Samantha and officially adopt. And where was the father.

Samantha had to super screw up to have her daughter be taken away. And there are two more children. Where were they raised?


Samantha agreed to give custody of her daughter to her estranged husband's parents. She didn't lose custody.

She basically says that it was a mutual agreement among her estranged husband, herself and his parents to provide a stable life for her 2-year-old daughter. Sam knew she couldn't raise a child alone after the divorce because of her disability from an accident and MS as well as working full-time. Her in-laws were already taking care of her child part-time and she didn't want to leave her with strangers aka: babysitters.

If you go back 2-3 minutes, she discusses Meghan phoning her with different problems.

The niece and Meghan became very close, but Meghan CHOSE not to invite her to the wedding and then lied about the reason:


Thank you for links.

Samantha is as fishy as Meghan. They both are their fathers daughters. And both lie when it suits them and twist facts.

I listened to her explanation. And what it looks like is that she and their daddy split and she didnt want to spend her time raising them and instead wanted to live her life free. And since his parents liked kids and already helped babysitting them - she decided to just gave them away to grandparents and be down with family life.

Things like that often happens outside of USA. With grandparents helping their children to babysit and raise their children when they dont have time and have work. But rarely it ends up with them officially adopting kids. It can happen when mommy marries to another man and have another kids. And she doesnt want kids from previous marriage to be around so she lets her own mom or parents of their father to raise them.

Which looks like similar thing here. Samantha didnt want to raise children after she split with their father and she just gave them away to grandparents. And she returned to live as free of family single person. Because the main thing here is - she had no relationship with them after that. She just forgot about them. Ashley didnt see her mother since she was 6 years old. And then later in life reconnected. I assume it was Ashley who wanted to know why mommy left her and seek for communication.

Samantha is as bad and lying as Meghan is. But I give her credit in that she did good thing by giving away kids as they were better with grandparents than they would be with such bad person as Samantha is. Samantha couldnt even be friends with her daughter when she was adult. She seems like very lying selfish person. Who says nice things and eventually you understand that she lies and is not a good person.


You're welcome.

Grandparents babysitting is common in the U.S., also. I agree with Sam that it's much better than strangers and much more affordable. $1,000-6,000 ea. mo. for childcare is insane! Many people do a combo with both a relative and childcare each doing a few days per week to keep it affordable.

Don't forget BOTH parents gave up custody.

"Ashley didn't see her mother since she was 6 years old."

Nope! Remember that Sam was no longer her mother. That's the point she made. She wanted Ashleigh to call her adoptive parents mom and dad.

We don't know the reason Sam stayed away. It could've been to allow Ashleigh to bond with her new parents instead of confusing her. Or maybe that's what her in-laws wanted.

Ashleigh sounds bitter, immature, naive and delusional. She has to be in order to think it wasn't Meghan's decision to not invite her to the wedding.

I agree both sisters lie, but Meghan is pathological about it.


They both remind me Lindsay Lohan, really. They stare you in the eyes and lie. Then lie again. And feel no shame.

There was no reason for Samantha to give up her children. She wasnt some alcoholic and drug addict. She was 44 when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Has been married and has been divorced twice. So there was one more husband after she gave away her kids. Two kids from first marriage and 1 from second.

Samantha was 43 when she reconnected to her daughter in 2007. Ashleigh was around 22. So for 16 years there Samantha was nowhere her own children. She had to give Ashleigh away around 1987 when Samantha was around 23 years old. She wasnt sick back then. I think she just was young when she split up with husband and didnt want to care for 2 young children so she just gave them away and be single young woman with no attachments.

And her third child broke relationship with her at the age of 16 and claimed Samantha abused her.

Samantha is just a horrible person. In all ways. She is pathological liar and media should not give her attention she wants so much.


"There was no reason for Samantha to give up her children."

You don't personally know Samantha.

"... claimed Samantha abused her."

Then, that would be a reason to give up her children.


You do realize that everything you heard about the Markles being "trashy" came from none other than Meghan herself, and people have proof that she is a Class A Liar, just like Amber Heard.

Meghan's dad was an upper-middle-class guy who loved his daughter and gave her everything. He sent her to expensive private schools, he helped her get early acting jobs, he paid for her college tuition, he paid for the lawyer in that lawsuit at Northwestern, he paid for everything....until 2016 when he retired and the money ran out. That was about the same time Meghan didn't need him anymore, and ghosted him. He was of no use to her anymore, and did not exist in her world after that.

Everyone who has ever known Thomas Markle has said that he's a nice, hard-working man and very forgiving towards others. He never raised a hand towards his daughter, he never told her "no" to anything, and he even helped out his ex-wife Doria when she tried to frame him for HER crime of not paying taxes on a business HE bought for her. The reason why they divorced was because she was having affairs with both men and women behind his back at orgies far away from town that involved smoking pot.

He didn't trash Meghan on TV, he told the truth, and she couldn't handle it. Her half-brother and half-sister warned the Royal Family not to let her join, because they knew what she would do to them ahead of time. Despite not always living with her, they knew her nature, that she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and uses people before cruelly dumping them. They maybe not be the richest or smartest people, but they are not cruel, selfish, attention whores. They wanted justice after the way Meghan treated them in the media. (And by the way, the British press were merciless to the white side of Meghan's family, but totally ignored the black side. So who is the real racist here?)

Meghan happily told the press to paint a narrative that her family wasn't worthy of breathing the same air as her, trying to paint herself as the victim and them as attention-seeking bullies. Can you imagine how cruel it must be, to raise a daughter and give her everything, only to be abandoned by her when she's marrying royalty and you've suffered two heart-attacks? She basically didn't want Thomas cramping her style at the wedding. She didn't want her brother and sister there because it would ruin the narrative that she was an "only child," and she never liked sharing the same home with them, ever. And to be fair, neither has said a word, but I suspect she had fights with Samantha while they were growing up. Nobody has said it out loud, but Meghan has been known to physically attack people, including her own dad, when she doesn't get what she wants.

You realize at her first (or second) wedding with Trevor, she made sure it was held on the beach so that Samantha (who was in a wheelchair by then, due to MS) couldn't attend the party? Or that she had all records of that wedding destroyed, so the only pictures we have come from Thomas? She even had someone give a speech about how Trevor would give her "the family she never had." Gee, sound familiar?


And you know all of that from what? From Samantha and her book? Tabloids?

Its fun to trash her for attacking royal family and pretending to be black. But lets not white-wash her trashy family and their behavior. I’m sorry but no loving father would go and trash his daughter to tabloids. No matter how much she would ghost him. Thats not what parents do.

If her trashy family would not fuel tabloids and keep talking about her - there wouldnt be so much pressure on them and they probably would not leave. But they talked to press every week. And it was exhausting.

And you think people would held wedding on a beach just because some distant relative could not attend? Is that what that crazy Samantha wrote? LOL )))) I dont think that Meghan had any relationship with that crazy as it was 17 years older and had to be out of house by the time Meghan could play with her and connect. She probably visited dads house on Holidays where they would take pictures as families do. And it was probably after Meghan got that Suits role and become some sort of celebrity that her family wanted to have a relationship and clinged. But since actors travel all the time - its not possible.

Again - all her family on fathers side kept trashing her and whining. Demanding their peace of fame and money. Like she was their lottery ticket. While no one at her mothers side speaks at all. They maintain their dignity and dont sell her out.


First off, I don't read tabloids. I read a number of books regarding the RF and the DuchAss of SuckSex, including some you probably haven't heard of, and have read the testimonies of people who had the displeasure of knowing or interacting with her.

Second, Meghan had the numbers of several tabloid writers, including the ones that were paid to follow her dad, unbeknownst to Samantha. Third, you want trashy? How about telling your spouse that you'll love them forever and then just 3 years later sending your wedding rings to them by FedEx, saying the marriage is over out of the blue? How about writing a very cruel, condescending letter to your dad, the man who loved you and raised you, basically shutting him out of your life, lying to the press about what was in it, and tricking your dad into sharing it with the press by using 5 fake friends in a magazine, even though you claimed nobody read the letter but you and "daddy?" Or how about lying to the press about writing that same letter all by yourself, when you actually had to consult 3-5 people in the palace on it? Or acting in soft- and hardcore porn films and selling your body on rich men's yachts because your acting was so bad that you weren't getting enough work to pay the bills? Or by cruelly hazing two girls joining your sorority by supergluing their eyes shut and nearly making one go blind? Or dumping your best friend of 30+ years because she's not "cool enough" for you anymore, and you use the paparazzi recognizing you as an excuse when she wants to hang out. And how about inviting your sis-in-law on a shopping trip and calling the paparazzi so you can get a photo together and profit from it? Let's not forget throwing hot tea on a woman who was just trying to be nice and serve you, and when her boss scolds you, you yell to the woman allowing you to stay in her house, "Fuck off! Don't you know who I am?!"

The white side of Meghan's family may have done a lot of things, but they can't hold a candle to the trash Meghan spews out every day.


There is interesting post. About dynamic in broken families and how people dont connect in them despite being relatives. Like they could gather at meetings, take smiling pictures but then have no relationship after that and be completely strangers. And it would be weird to invite them to wedding.

My mother had a terrible relationship with her 2 siblings. (One of them was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.) Her 2 siblings had 3 kids between them. I really only knew the oldest cousin because she preferred to spend holidays at my house.

My grandfather was fair to all, but my grandmother left my mother completely out of the will. My uncle would have had to take my grandmother to the bank to change the will that was split evenly in order to take my mother out of it. My mother found out she got nothing at the reading of the will.

On the other side, my father abandoned me. He spent my childhood with my cousins and the nieces and nephews of my stepmother. They had holidays with him. They went on vacations with him. I didn't know what he looked like. I certainly wouldn't have recognized any of them in the street.

There may be a picture here or there from when people were still getting along or from when we ran into each other. There were a few times when we tried to include them or they included us after regular communication stopped. Probably 5– 10 times for both sides put together.

So, you may see me smiling in a picture with my uncle or cousin. You may be able to gather a few photos and claim there was a relationship. I guarantee you when I saw them it was awkward and fake. We made the best if it, but there was no relationship. The damage was done, and we were strangers.

In my case, I would have felt I was deceiving people if I invited them to my wedding and pretended we were a family.

I had nothing to do with the rift, but I didn't know these people at all.
