Skynet1984's Replies

Sorry what? He got married to two homosexual couples? Yep. The film did not drag at all. Really entertaining film. This one. Would be funny. Selling her poop online. And she would shit on your bed. Yeah pretty much. Lets hope we never hear from him again. My thoughts are that amber turd must have a very stinky butthole. Yes the moderation is pretty relaxed here to be honest. So you have you own movie. Any chance of an autographed copy. Nah she has a shitty personality. Spread the word around about the film and see what people think. You might be surprised about peoples opinions about cock. Ellen DeGeneres Very nice selection of gifs Agreed. After around 10 posts it gets less strict. Wait a minute Bruce Wayne is Batman, I've got to pay more attention in future. Sure I would, I've bought enough of his chocolate. Well he was an actor.