MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
Ok, but that still doesn’t answer my question. How is LOTR stupid if you haven’t seen it? Especially when all evidence points to the contrary?
I don’t know about this “lady ghostbusters defense”, I’m just asking how you think you know they’re stupid if you haven’t seen them.
They’ve gotten amazing reviews from critics and audiences, they’ve each won numerous awards, and for what it’s worth they’re among the highest grossing films ever. So what basis are you using?
If you haven’t seen them, then what makes you think they’re stupid?
Found the racist lol
1. He was being hyperbolic about the loyalty he had built with his voters.
2. He was joking about how it'd be nice if people acted that way with him instead of, you know, shamelessly fantasizing about brutally killing him and putting it on tv where his son could see it.
No matter what Trump said, or how it came across, he never acted like Homelander, or Hitler, or any of the tyrants that the Left desperately wanted him to be like. The country prospered under him and he accomplished more in 2 years, let alone 4, than Obama and Bush did combined.
Yes, definitely a caricature to say the least.
It <b>is</b> a double standard. Historically, men and women have both been sexualized, it comes with the job. Historically, women like being told they're beautiful, they like the attention. It's just human nature. These days though, God forbid that a women looks beautiful and sexy, while men are still expected to entertain.
There is no evidence that whites or "Karens" are inherently privileged, that's a myth. Either you should be able sexualize both genders, and joke about anyone, or you can't sexualize and joke about anyone at all. That's how equality works.
I was just about to make a post asking why Homelander said to Soldier Boy "You were the only one almost as strong as me". What about Maeve and Stormfront? Aren't they also nearly as strong as him? Even before the season 3 finale, I thought it was implied that Maeve was the second strongest hero; and she had to come in and help beat Stormfront because the latter was beating the Boys, including Starlight and Kimiko.
With the exception of Homelander, the power levels of everyone else seem to fluctuate. Maeve easily overpowered Black Noir in season 2, but in season 3 he got the jump on her. Granted, Homelander could've held her down too since he was right there, we don't know because the scene cut to black before we saw how it happened, but why use Black Noir at all, especially since he was shown to be weaker than her?
Aren’t there already several relatively successful fantasy books made by blacks, for blacks, and starring blacks? Children of Blood and Bone, The Fifth Season, Rage of Dragons, Black Leopard Red Wolf, etc… Or those Black Sands Entertainment comics?
Adapt those, let the Left eat them up, and leave Lord of the Rings alone, along with all the other franchises they ruined.
Some of them are actually Jewish, just saying.
Besides, people of all races were able to watch the show and enjoy it, the Reunion showed that. So clearly having a mostly light-skinned cast wasn’t an issue, dark-skinners were able to relate to the characters anyway.
It’s kinda niche, a cult classic, but not very popular.
Watch the 1984 Dune movie, that’s more mainstream and a solid gateway into the genre for casual fans.
What kind of books are being banned? And who’s making 10-year-olds give birth? What world are you living in, my guy? 😆
Yeah, I would’ve preferred it if Vecna was an agent of the Mind Flayer, instead of the one controlling it. Like what Saruman was to Sauron in the Lord of the Rings, Vecna could’ve acted as a substitute for the Mind Flayer who doesn’t have much screen time. That way the main characters would have someone to interact with while the Mind Flayer remains as this eldritch force.
I don’t mind Vecna being someone from Eleven’s past, since it adds a personal stake to the story, but it ruins the mystery and cosmic horror aspect if he’s the true villain.
Pretty much, yeah. Most gun owners are normal, law-abiding citizens. Despite the recent restrictions, that hasn’t stopped certain vendors from going out of their way to let psychos buy guns in order to provoke more school shootings. Otherwise the media and democrats would have no basis to suggest bans.
I don't think he's through it, yet, I'm just explaining to you why he didn't seem upset at that particular moment. He was all cried out and there was something more important going on. I still expect him to be struggling with it in season 5, which I think is the last season, so I also expect him to finally confront Mike about it. I also think El will over-hear it which will create some drama.
He didn't seem hurt when Mike declared his love to El because he had already cried it out with his brother earlier, and in the previous episode he started balling in the van and tried to hide it. At that point, with El's life on the line, I'm not surprised Will not only held it in, but pushed Mike towards El.
It made $950 million, mostly thanks to following Spider-Man: No Way Home’s hype, but who's counting.
The lesbians in Dr Strange 2, which isn't a kids movie, only showed up for a few seconds and didn't even kiss.
One of the lesbians in Lightyear is a secondary character and had an on-screen kiss, in a kids movie.
lol smart move. Now he can play the transphobia card whenever the Left gives him shit.
All follow-up movies were rehashes of the first, some were just better at it than others.
I haven't seen all of them, but Korra wasn't revealed as bi until much later, and there was no actual lesbian kissing in the show, so I wouldn't say it focused on lesbian relationships so much as it was tacked on last-minute. I don't think that many people watched 2018 She-Ra anyway, so there was no need to dwell on it. Can't speak for the rest.
Yeah, it’s not like the conservatives have built hospitals, shelters, foster homes, food drives, etc, all of which have been around for a while to help people post-birth, many of which aren’t government funded.
It’s current year and people are still using this argument.