JoWilli2's Replies

only someone who respects nuance and thoughtful consideration of, well, anything would never throw down such a dangerous gauntlet. not really, there are lots of great movies starring women before the wokeness started. Ripley and Sarah are well written characters. so is Padme. like I said before, its a metaphor for life and currently whats going on in the World. Only a Sith deals in absolutes he pointed a gun and someone and pulled the trigger. we need to ban guns and defund the police... if it makes no sense, then I cant help you. I think Spongebob is on right now. you might watch that instead. would you get mad at someone if they said you had something in your teeth? I have no problem with it, just pointing it out. you seem stuck in 1945 and cant see whats going on. The best thing about conservative women is you don't have to ask "is that a woman?" there was a news special in my city, we got 800, they want donations for food and clothing, and are currently finding them housing, they all got free tkts to the local soccer game, I guess muslims like soccer. meanwhile there is no initiative to help the homeless or those in poverty. none of these people had any intention of coming to the US until their Country fell apart. meanwhile over 15,000 Haitians were turned away at the border or sent home. we truly live in bizzaro world... pissed off, lolz the same show but rebooted with forced diversity. I can lead you to water but you have to be willing to drink... Being rebooted for the CW posted 3 years ago by horrorfan000 (1709) 3 replies | jump to latest They will screw it up.Just look at how horribly they handled the Charmed reboot. no proof that Trump lost, there has been no federal investigation into the chicanery and cheating and colluding. you asked, I explained. if you cant see whats going then there is nothing I can do for you. this movie only works because the white people are bad and the minority is good. it would never work the other way...but like I said before, its a metaphor for life. they always win... What has this world come to? I will explain... black on white crime, no one cares black on black crime, no one cares white on black crime, you get riots, protests, murders, looting and burning black people kill each other all time in Chicago and no one cares, where is blm? where is the outrage from Sharpton, Jackson? not one person says anything. 739 people have been murdered in one City. and guess what, its a democrat city and a democrat state. Survivor recently had to recast their show, why? because its racist to have too many white people on one show. normally there is 20 people, but this year its only 18. 11 of the 18 people are minorities. even though 70% of the population is white, they are stacking the odds to get a minority to win. What has this world come to? Seriously? they are not free, they are paid for by our taxes and corporate taxes... the government takes about a $900 from my check every 2 weeks... and social security is just a ponzi scheme, new people have to constantly pay into for it to work... if I can get a free house, why would anyone want to work? haha, nice, I am going to start telling people that I have to take a huge Biden or Brandon and it might be a while... with 5D, there will be a person there to hit you in the face during fight scenes. and you dont want to know about the sex scenes, lol I know, thats how Cult 46 people speak. they are all brainwashed... cant believe he snuck back in. way to go! I think that is doogiedaddy, he wont respond to me either.