JoWilli2's Replies

she also likes to do circles downtown... Trump was pro legal immigration but was against illegal immigration. I will never look at the scene the same ever again, thanks bruh, :) thats hawt haha, these are great! are there any? haha, that part was always creepy to me.... haha, why didnt I think of that, lol "take my precious and put it in your body" yes, I know what a metaphor is, why do you keep trying to change the subject and not answer the question? but yet again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 2 or 3 masks like Fauci said? so does the flu, according to the CDC, an average of 50,000 people die every year, when I was in the office, it spread every year and everyone got sick and had to miss at least a week a work. we can just wear 2 or 3 masks like Fauci said or we can go into a full lockdown again. wouldnt that be easier than firing people from their jobs? dont forget, "My body, My choice." yeah that was pretty stupid, I ff through most of those scenes, the doctor and the detective story went no where and really wasnt needed. yes, I know what a metaphor are trying to tell me that an apple is really an orange. but again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 2 masks like Fauci said? if you are talking about Trump then that means you are not talking about your glorious president. no one posts anything positive about dementia Joe... - Women able to decide the fate of their own bodies. can every American also decide the fate of their own bodies? what about our right not to have a vaccine forced on us? This is the corrupt and bribery influence of the Plutocratic elite donors to the Democrats that took over the party with money and puppeteered Clinton and Obama. This is what brought Bernie Sanders to the public - exactly what the independents who disliked the Democrats disliked them for. Now, Democrats have to prove it. I also find this interesting, you know Trump was probably the first President in a long time that couldnt be bought or bribed, thats why dems and rep worked so hard to get him out of office. They didnt want him there so they could get back the status-quo of infighting. Another puppeteered pres is back in office and everyone seems to be content now. The Republicans werent really too upset when Trump lost. back to the status quo again... honestly, so far how is anything better than it was when Trump was Pres? you are comparing putting on gear vs being forced to put something in your body, thats not a valid comparison. again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? you are lucky dementia Joe wasnt there to sniff their hair... could you imagine the mass hysteria if Trump forced people to get his mandatory vaccine and then fired healthcare workers that didnt get it? thanks for talking about Trump again and not that other guy who has dementia... TRUMP 2024 if we need health care workers, then why are they being fired? seems counter productive. so are police and firefighters, is this the right thing to do? honestly I dont understand the logic in this... prontube... most popular president evar! It's not even the embarrassment, this is probably criminal. He's not fit for duty and whoever enables this charade should be charged. At the very least with elder abuse, at the worst, well, he's posing as the president of our country. From observing him over the past year, I think he probably cannot speak a coherent sentence on his own (or with coaching).