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Towards a Progressive Agenda ( NeoLiberalism drove some Democrats in desperation to liar Trump )

- The end of neoliberalism and trickle-down - a new Socialism -the country must serve its people.
- The economy cannot exist just for the wealthy elite, and corporations cannot be people, and money cannot be speech.
- Against one dollar on vote and for one person one vote.
- For universal health care.
- Adding dental, mental and vision benefits to Medicare/Universal Health Care.
- For free public education.
- Restraints on police use of force.
- Teaching real history, not American mythology.
- Guaranteed employment.
- Living wage.
- Women able to decide the fate of their own bodies.
- Equal rights for any race, color, sexual orientation.
- Fair limits on immigration. ( not open borders as is claimed by Republicans )
- Progressive taxation
- Government bargaining to get drug prices that are not twice or more of what every other country pays.
- The end of industry domination of the government ... i.e. military industrial complex - regulate war profiteering.
- Undo military contracting and the massive giveaways to billionaires for wrecking government.
- Wealth tax.
- Against monopolies.

There is an interesting short podcast about the problems when Republicans ran the Democratic Party ... under Clinton and Obama. Biden says trickle-down never worked. That is a big deal.

NPR's History Podcast 'Throughline' Explains The Influence Of Neoliberalism

This is the corrupt and bribery influence of the Plutocratic elite donors to the Democrats that took over the party with money and puppeteered Clinton and Obama. This is what brought Bernie Sanders to the public - exactly what the independents who disliked the Democrats disliked them for. Now, Democrats have to prove it.


Oh, I should also say that being Progressive has nothing to do with Israel-Palestine. Some ugly Progressives who do not really understand the issues seem to lump the Palestinian terrorist in with a Progressive agenda, but Palestinians have declared war to the death with Israel and pursue it with terrorism ... same with a fraction of the radical Islamic countries such as Iran. There is no room for that in a truly progressive agenda.


thanks for talking about Trump again and not that other guy who has dementia...

TRUMP 2024


Trump, the guy who said rich people don't pay enough taxes, and that he was going to make them pay ... even thought it would hurt him badly ...

and then cut all their taxes and told them how much they owed him for all the money he gave them, and put on the rest of the taxpayers' backs.

That Trump? That lying sack of manure that you worship and betray your country for?


if you are talking about Trump then that means you are not talking about your glorious president. no one posts anything positive about dementia Joe...

- Women able to decide the fate of their own bodies.

can every American also decide the fate of their own bodies? what about our right not to have a vaccine forced on us?

This is the corrupt and bribery influence of the Plutocratic elite donors to the Democrats that took over the party with money and puppeteered Clinton and Obama. This is what brought Bernie Sanders to the public - exactly what the independents who disliked the Democrats disliked them for. Now, Democrats have to prove it.

I also find this interesting, you know Trump was probably the first President in a long time that couldnt be bought or bribed, thats why dems and rep worked so hard to get him out of office. They didnt want him there so they could get back the status-quo of infighting. Another puppeteered pres is back in office and everyone seems to be content now. The Republicans werent really too upset when Trump lost. back to the status quo again...

honestly, so far how is anything better than it was when Trump was Pres?


> what about our right not to have a vaccine forced on us?

That affects other people's bodies.


so does the flu, according to the CDC, an average of 50,000 people die every year, when I was in the office, it spread every year and everyone got sick and had to miss at least a week a work.

we can just wear 2 or 3 masks like Fauci said or we can go into a full lockdown again. wouldnt that be easier than firing people from their jobs?

dont forget, "My body, My choice."


You're listening to Trump far too much still .... Covid-19 is not a flu.

Let me tell you that if Covid was a few notches worse than it is your "My body, My choice" which is a sad luxury of anti-social bad citizenship would not be tolerated. I think you bloody well know that too. That is why you try to minimize it and use any distractions you can think of. You "My body, My choice" rabble are only hurting America and helping China and Russia. That's obvious because that is what they are also trying to boost in the US with their propaganda. You "My body, My choice" have a point, it's just that that point is overridden by the reality that the economy is really hurting and so many people are dying. And all you do is to keep whining and trying to make things worse.


and you are listening to crazed dementia patient.

implementing forced vaccinations is like opening Pandora's Box, now that the precedent has been set, it means the US Government can also force other things on the population. what if they say, everyone has turn their guns in or be fined and jailed? you think its crazy now but someday the Government will wield too much power and we will look back at 2021 and say "why did we let them tell us what to do with our lives?"

other Countries that have forced vaccinations include China and North Korea.

if the US Government really was in the business of preventing people from dying then we would have Universal healthcare, the same healthcare that Congress has access to, have you ever wondered why people live so long in the 3 Branches? RBG had pancreatic cancer, which most people only live a year or 2, she had it for many years, she would go into the hospital and come out just fine.

some businesses are now requiring people to show proof of vaccinations to enter. we are entering into 1984 stuff, what if we are required to get tattoos on your body? what if the unvaccinated and shunned and shipped to internment camps?

again, you will prob laugh at me, but this has already happened in the past...


Did you go to school in the USA? Did you have your shots before you were allowed to attend? Did the world end? Did you get polio or smallpox? Do you feel stupid?


no comment, rebuttal? why did you give up so easy?

homeschooled kids arent required to get shots, and parents dont lose their jobs if they kids arent vaccinated. the kids just wont be able to attend school.

you are confusing voluntary vaccinations with forced vaccinations. I am against forced vaccinations.

I am for vaccinations, if you want to get a covid shot then get one, the government shouldnt have to blackmail people into getting it.

again, adults should be able to choose whats injected into their body. If I have to be tricked, payed or forced into it, then thats not right.

when there is an uptick of birth defects in 5 to 10 years, dont say I didnt warn you...


Trump told me the Truth. You shitlibs and regressives do nothing but LIE and LIE some more to gain power.


But Trump is the one who everyone knows lies constantly. He lies more than he tells the truth ... if he even ever does tell the truth. No matter what insults or noise you come up with ... everyone in the world knows that's true.


BuT DrUmPf



No, You seem in denial about the truth value of Trump's statements. You compound you error by acting like a jackass and ignoring the problem and calling people names. And like I said, everyone who knows Trump, and everyone in the world who has followed the US Presidency knows it ... there is no secret there.


The only ones in denial here are you ShitLibs and that's no secret. Cry more about Trump while Biden ruins this country you brainless meat puppet


No, You seem in denial about the truth value of Trump's statements. You compound you error by acting like a jackass and ignoring the problem and calling people names. And like I said, everyone who knows Trump, and everyone in the world who has followed the US Presidency knows it ... there is no secret there.


BuT DrUmPf!!



No, You seem in denial about the truth value of Trump's statements. You compound you error by acting like a jackass and ignoring the problem and calling people names. And like I said, everyone who knows Trump, and everyone in the world who has followed the US Presidency knows it ... there is no secret there.


BuT DrUmPf!!!



A piece of advice of somebody who has seen that kind of lists in Latin countries a lot.


Shopping Lists are irrelevant. You can use any of them provided you have the resources. Former white US built an empire with a more neoliberalist approach. Scandinavia made it work with a more social-democrat one. If the country is productive, you can make most systems work.

The problem is not the shopping list. The problem is to pay the shopping. In Latin countries politics has been about doing shopping lists for years. They never work because the countries are unproductive shitholes, and however they keep doing shopping lists. Last elections in Argentina only a month ago were about doing more shopping lists... in a country which is bankrupt right now.

US is in decline. The society and productivity is collapsing. The debt is skyrocketing... and politics is about doing shopping lists? Well, as I said, I've seen that before, and it doesn't end nice.


First thought is that when you look at paying for stuff, then why has it always been the Republicans that shoot the debt up? Why do they historically do tax cuts and military actions at the same time? Why was it Cheney, Bush and Summers saying deficits don't matter.

If Republicans are that dangerous and incompetent, then they know something is not working and are trying to steal everything they can can and do a hail Mary pass at insurgency before something else must be tried. The logical approach would be to do what ever other developed country has done to make their countries work better on every metric than what the US has been doing.


First thought is that when you look at paying for stuff, then why has it always been the Republicans that shoot the debt up?

Well, the problem is that your starting hypothesis is wrong. Both blue and red US president until the 80s decreased the debt. Both blue and red US presidents since the 80s increased it, with the exception of Clinton.

It's more of a cultural shift, which affects both right and left. US is becoming more similar to a South-American country, which is logical since Hispanics are replacing Yankees, and politics is becoming more like South-American politics, both in right and left. Clinton was some kind of exception, he was more of a old school wasp liberal, that's why he's mostly despised by modern Democrats.


That is speaking out of the side of your mouth.

It is Republicans that have cut taxes to the point, in hopes of fulfilling their Libertarian agenda, to kill social programs and enact their hidden Libertarian agenda. Part of that agenda was also taking over the Democratic Party or at least putting in limiters like Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema to represent the interests of the oligarchs.

A short, but telling, excerpt from Thom Hartmann in his "The Untold Story of the War On Voting" book

The Libertarian Party platform on which Koch ran in 1980 was unambiguous. It included the following:
The Libertarian Party platform on which Koch ran in 1980 was unambiguous. It included the following:
The Libertarian Party platform on which Koch ran in 1980 was unambiguous. It included the following:
We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.
• We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services. . . .
• We favor the repeal of the . . . Social Security system. . . .
• We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.
• We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.
• As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.
• We support repeal of all . . . minimum wage laws. . . .
• Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended. . . .
• We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency. . . .
• We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system. . . .
• We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration. . . .
• We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and “aid to the poor” programs.44

The list went on from there, including

• ending government oversight of abusive banking practices by ending all usury laws;
• privatizing our airports, the FAA, Amtrak, and all of our rivers;
• and shutting down the Post Office.

In a bone they threw to the white supremacist, white evangelical, and Catholic Christian movements,

• they also called for an end of all tax-supported abortions (although the Hyde Amendment had already banned this in 1976).


It's true. Hillary's neoliberalism made Trump more palatable. He got to play the populist while she was stuck as the corporatist infused with identity politics.

When Hillary disappeared, neoliberalism began to lose to Bernie-like progressivism, and progressivism proved to be more appealing than Trumpism.

That is why Trump admitted Bernie Sanders was the one candidate he did not want to run against, and is why Biden and Pelosi are now listening to progressives for the first time.


Only cause they don't got the votes to win on their own else piss off Proggies is the jist of it. Cons are a well organized group while the Dems are splintered groups, like Afghanistan. This is why they can't get shit done. Diversity not their strength because you're trying to please everyone in the group which leaves everyone disappointed. No real unifying purpose. This is why their spending plans is so large due to trying to please everyone.


Before progressives, dems didn't get shit done because they didn't try. They always caved the moment a repub threatened to filibuster because there were always some dems who had the same donors as the repub.

For example, during Obama the dems had to cut a deal with repubs just to increase the debt limit. They did it because many dems liked those deals as did their donors. With so many people tired of the corporate greed in the DNC, progressives have increased their numbers, and now the party is willing to call the GOP's bluff on things like the debt limit.


Establishment Dems are worse than Republicans ... We know all about Clinton and Obama lies and dishonesty ... though not as bad as Trump both of them were exploring ways to end social security and medicare. Our government and media is a puppet show by the Libertarian elites.


> neoliberalism began to lose to Bernie-like progressivism, and progressivism proved to be more appealing than Trumpism.

Like trying to hide the history of Native American genocide and Black Slavery ... and pushing the fear of the truth that Americans cannot stand CRT, Critical Race Theory, which is merely the teaching of real history and not mythological brainwashing like North Koreans, same is with the beliefs in Progressivism. It has had to be shut up by beatings, firings, racism, machine-gunning citizens and FBI infiltration of Progressive citizen action groups. The truth is that vast majorities of Americans support the Progressive agenda.

The counter to that was that we cannot afford it, and Republicans went from being trusted to the raving lunatics they are trying to prop that lie up. The fact is you look at the money the US has wasted in Afghanistan and it could have paid for all of this progressive agenda which would have made our society and economy much stronger. It was all done in the name of Republican fascist control and did not benefit anyone but the totalitarian plutocrat class who hide their class war against everyone, but continually call out the liberation class warfare by those who oppose them and their thievery of this resources of this planet, and their thievery of the lives and labor of American citizens.


American dream is only for a handful of people, people need to stop advertising America as a bastion of freedom and best place on Earth when it clearly isn't (maybe some parts of certain states). You can work hard all your life and still never achieve the American dream and get screwed by others.

With the way Democrats are doing things, they want a Canada v2.0 but open borders with no skill requirement on migrants coming in. That's a problem I have because you're going to see large pockets of areas with high crime and favela-like conditions. Can't run a society on please give me more stuff.

Should advertise as, US is not a welfare state, it is a Capitalist country. If you're willing to work hard and achieve success, you may get a chance at your American dream.


> With the way Democrats are doing things, they want a Canada v2.0 but open borders with no skill requirement on migrants coming in.

That is what Republicans claim, but neither I nor any other Democrat or Progressive I've ever talked to supports that. It is a Republican talking point ... meaning a dishonest lie promulgated and echoed one the Republican Truth-killing Media.

> US is not a welfare state, it is a Capitalist country. If you're willing to work hard and achieve success, you may get a chance at your American dream.

That is not the truth, even though you spin it in pejorative terms, it is BS and it is not what most Americans want. It also requires the corruption and destruction of media, education and democracy to maintain, which has become so obvious that the Republican lies to counter it have flown off the charts and out the window. Now it just remains for us to have the veil of Republicans lies lifted while we find out the technology of the PR, Marketing, Media Manipulation and Internet Troll manipulations and how much we've been lied to.


Larry Sabato identified between 6.5 and 9 million Democrats, or rather people who voted for Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama at least once who voted for Trump.

The Democratic Party is losing the trust of their members like the Republicans because the have had so long to do something and all they have done is surpass the right-winged-ness of real Conservatives back to Nixon and even Reagan. Clinton was the best spreader of Republican trickle-down, hate the government rhetoric, and Hillary was possibly going to be the same way.

I said Republicans lie, but I think that could be amended to government officials lie in proportion to the amount they are paid to by outside donors ... it's just that most of the donors happen to be struck Republicans/Libertarians, and most of the money is aimed at Republicans.


Stop with the "neoliberalism." Nobody identifies as a "neoliberal." I didn't read your whole damn long post, but it seems like you're just repeating Democratic talking points under a new cognomen. It's much simpler: Vote D to move forward, R for reverse.


No one identifies as an insurgent either Thaisticks ...

Read what you like, and be continually disappointed that nothing does move forward, because the point is that the Democrats have done nothing, and now they are talking a like tougher and a lot more, but they are not doing much, while Republicans are putting the noose around their necks with legal voter suppression laws in half the country.


Well it was nice to see a list of non extremist democrat policies ,

Any republicans want to post the republican version of that?


Actually, I'm not a Republican, but I can whip up a list real fast written by Thom Hartmann in his "The Untold Story of the War On Voting" book.

When Reagan, in his first inaugural, said, “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem,” most Americans didn’t understand that the president was setting up calls for privatizing Social Security; ending Medicare (which Reagan had campaigned against in the 1960s when it was passed); and dialing back on the pollution controls that the EPA had put into place during the Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations.

Just minutes after the Iranians released their hostages, Reagan said, “It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government.”43

Most Americans didn’t think he meant that we should stop funding hospitals and public schools, or devastate LBJ’s Great Society programs that had cut the poverty rate in America in half. They didn’t see Betsy DeVos or Scott Pruitt on the horizon. But there they were.

Ironically, in 1980, the year Reagan was first elected president, David Koch essentially outed the Libertarian Party. He made a massive donation to the party, and they put him on the ticket as vice president. And he figured that Americans were smart enough that he wouldn’t have to use the salesmanship that Moshe Kroy had advocated just a few years earlier.

The Libertarian Party platform on which Koch ran in 1980 was unambiguous. It included the following:
We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.
• We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services. . . .
• We favor the repeal of the . . . Social Security system. . . .
• We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.
• We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.
• As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.
• We support repeal of all . . . minimum wage laws. . . .
• Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended. . . .
• We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency. . . .
• We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system. . . .
• We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration. . . .
• We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and “aid to the poor” programs.44

The list went on from there, including

• ending government oversight of abusive banking practices by ending all usury laws;
• privatizing our airports, the FAA, Amtrak, and all of our rivers;
• and shutting down the Post Office.

In a bone they threw to the white supremacist, white evangelical, and Catholic Christian movements,

• they also called for an end of all tax-supported abortions (although the Hyde Amendment had already banned this in 1976).

Koch thought they’d kicked off a movement, but when the election returns came in, he was disappointed. Commenting that he’d always been talking to friendly crowds, he candidly noted that he was surprised when his candidacy pulled only about a million votes nationwide. So the billionaires walked away from libertarianism and turned their attention to taking over the Republican Party. That, it turned out, was much easier.
Hartmann, Thom. The Hidden History of the War on Voting (pp. 58-60). Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Kindle Edition.

The Republican Insurgency and lies began in the 1970's and has been over 40 years in the making.
