MovieChat Forums > capuchin > Replies
capuchin's Replies
12. Moon
14. Trainspotting
17. I Heart Huckabees
21. King Kong
28. Wild Strawberries
41.The Basketball Diaries
Oh, say what you see: is #49 Ring?
<b>Edit</b>: And is #3 Fight Club?
All? No.
Some? Well, let's see...
1. Django
4. Dumbo
6. Babe
13. Psycho
15. Edward Scissorhands
17. Love Story
19. Caddyshack
20. The Matrix
21. Planet of the Apes
23. The Big Lebowski
26. Dodgeball
32. Singin' in the Rain
33. Halloween
37. Taxi Driver
38. Rocky
41. Castaway
44. The Silence of the Lambs
49. Titanic
So Rachel cannot conclude that she thinks therefore she is? But only that she thinks, therefore there is thinking.
Seems like the Buddha was more right than old Descartes then...
Then why bother with a massive universe? You and I wouldn't know any different if the Earth was under a dome with fixed stars and a sea outside of it like the ancient Greeks believed. A massive, largely empty universe to be entertained by human beings on a tiny speck of dust at the arse-end of nowhere just seems like a massive waste. But I'm sure they've got a Core i9 in their laptops.
Well, yeah. And ultimately it's a Vedic idea. Hinduism and Buddhism wouldn't use the same language, but the idea that reality is a false construct/simulation dates back to ancient times. But in its current formulation, it's Bostrom's much more than it's Musk's... although, heck, we can just as well award it to the Wachowskis as anyone else.
<blockquote>How do we know what we know is REAL???</blockquote>
Oh, that's a much older philosophical inquiry than either Musk or Bostrom. Western Philosophy has been tossing that one backwards and forwards for literally centuries. 'Cogito, ergo sum' and all that.
George Berkeley thought none of it was real. Karl Marx thought all of it was. Most people in the west are materialists and empiricists these days - which doesn't mean they're right to be... but... anyway, I'm not getting into all that - even in relation to Bladerunner 2049 - as it's hundreds and hundreds of years of thoughts by people much cleverer than me.
Yeah, unless there's a funny electronic gurgling noise and a big GAME OVER notice that comes up at the end of our lives, I can't see why we should care.
Also, I'd find it difficult to believe that - even if it is a simulation - it has anything to do with <i>us</i>. Whatever the folk who built this thing are testing or monitoring must be at a cosmic level, or - you know - why use all that computing power to make a mahoosive universe instead of just one planet. It's not like we'd question it. We're part of the simulation. Whatever it was like it would be real and natural to us.
So if it's a simulation, we're still likely to be an unobserved byproduct of whatever experiment 'they' are doing.
It's Nick Bostrom's idea rather than Elon Musk's, isn't it? Elon Musk just believes in it very firmly, whereas Bostrom just floated it as an idea to play with, because Elon Musk doesn't have the subtety of thought that Bostrom does.
In any case, existentially it doesn't much matter one way or the other. If we're in a simulation, we're part of it. The sims in SimCity don't and cannot exist outside of the game. So it's our reality. It makes no real difference to anyone's life.
Philosophically/metaphysically, it doesn't resolve anything. You're just adding in a contingency. 'OK, so <i>this</i> isn't the real universe' just pushes the questions back a step. No matter how many steps you add you always arrive at the same everything came from nothing/something always was conundrum.
Maybe when you hit 40,000 posts you'll suddenly have an epiphany: 'Wait a minute! <i>All</i> these people are assholes.'
I'm from the UK. We don't currently have Tubi here. I was delighted to discover VPN+adblocker gave me a whole new (free) service for watching movies. Especially as they seem to have a lot of trash, and from time to time I <i>do</i> like to watch trash.
I haven't been here anything like long enough to figure out who the assholes are. But in other places I've posted, that's the kind of thing I personally attempt to avoid doing. I try to respond to a post, rather than a username, a point rather than a personality. It's almost a credo.
<i>But</i>.. it's just human nature, isn't it? And I'm certainly not going to keep responding to someone if it's just the same stupid experience every time I do. So... the answer is: yeah, basically (although sometimes for me it might be an almost subconscious decision.)
Wellllll, it depends which aspect of our 'product' we're discussing - but if we take something like psychopathy, it's pretty well-documented that there are both genetic and environmental factors involved in producing a psychopath. And it simply must be the same for a lot of less extreme products.
So, yeah, little from column A, little from column B. You can indeed put me down as 'both'.
I watched both Why Don't You Play in Hell? and R100 on TubiTV (using a VPN because I'm not in the US and an adblocker, because I'm one of <i>those people</i>.) if that's any use to ya.
Exactly. The Damned United is a decent football film, but the onfield stuff is still its weak spot.
Well, I can't think of any narrative films that have successfully or realistically captured (Association) football/soccer. There are some perfectly good films about football culture, the stuff going on <i>around</i> the sport. But even in an otherwise decent football-related film, the onfield scenes - the bits depicting the game itself - tend to be the weak spot.
There may be examples that prove me wrong, but I can't think of any of the top of my head.
<blockquote>he should retire </blockquote>
I wonder if his health was a little better when they decided to do the tour... and then things got delayed by Covid. So now they're all contractually obliged to do the shows and/or don't want to let the fans down and/or don't want to miss out on one last payday.
In any case, in that interview clip Collins looks like he'd be the first person to agree with you.
<blockquote>for some reason I don't feel inclined to give to the monks</blockquote>
They probably crossed you in a previous life.
Golden Rule...
... I guess. More of a principle than a philosophy and a thing I fail at just as often as anyone else does but: Golden Rule.