It happened 3 times for me today. One of them had a decent topic that even I agreed with, but didn't want to bother in case they started with their usual numbskullery.
I haven't been here anything like long enough to figure out who the assholes are. But in other places I've posted, that's the kind of thing I personally attempt to avoid doing. I try to respond to a post, rather than a username, a point rather than a personality. It's almost a credo.
But.. it's just human nature, isn't it? And I'm certainly not going to keep responding to someone if it's just the same stupid experience every time I do. So... the answer is: yeah, basically (although sometimes for me it might be an almost subconscious decision.)
The experience I had that inspired me to write this thread, I was just about to hit send and then I noticed who the user was. Rookie mistake on my part.