CommonSense's Replies

I keep telling myself its ok to quit. But another part of me says you've watched from beginning, finish it, it'll end eventually. But nope, fricker still going and more spin offs are being developed Yeah, i just did the same. Show is basically garbage now. Victor use to be one of my favorite characters, along with Daniel, but both their characters suck now. I've always disliked Alicia. Too bad she's still on show. GOD??? Is that you? I couldn't say always. Haven't seen all sequels after a long hiatus. Deadwoods movie years after the series ended was pretty good Child drama yes, not infant drama. Imagining it can be true doesn't make it a good plot device. Which was exactly what my post was No, but i guess it could have been. I just said it because R_Kane told me he'd squeeze my head if i said anything. So i just got snarky on top of snarky. Idk if he was trying to make a thanos reference. I'd doubt it though. Seems too complexed for him to have used it I'll admit idk if i could watch through season 4 again. Dexter could've killed the trinity killer before the trinity killer killed Dexter's wife. Way too much toying around by Dexter to stretch the show all season. I've pondered to rewatch first 2-3 seasons. Its been quite some time since i saw them. Yeah, i read it was and my mistake was to watch it. I thought it was funny they were gunna make 1 season to i guess finish it up. But it was ended in the original series. Maybe not a great finish, but still a finish. They generally do a special 1 off series for series that got cancelled abruptly. To me they took a bad ending on a series that was great for first several years and made 1 more season with another bad ending. Same I just made a post on 2 things i disliked. Nuttin more than that. so far, people are making a bigger deal on a post of 2 dislikes a person has. Like they like everything in the world without dislikes I never said anything about having a issue they look human. But to be fair i really didn't explain my beef clearly. Thats my fault, but i thought we all watched the movie. The biggest driving point of movie was the aliens developing human feelings/emotions. So they go against their orders to only intervene if deviants were around and now to save earth. That was the thing i was referring to. The second thing that bothered me was aliens needed a homosexual relationship. That only bugs me because it seems to be needed to be forcefed down our throats now days. Dude, you cannot post a negative opinion in a discussion forum. People get hurt by it. Idk why people can't just say why they disagree with a person. They have to attack what you found negative. Or they have to start calling names. Or cuss. Or use slang. This is why imdb shut their message boards down. I agree with your thoughts though. Idk if you saw my post, but im quite sick of every movie made needs to have homosexuals in it. Lesbian included. Also it seems like every alien movie has to have the alien develope human emotions Im just a tough critic. Doesn't make me right or wrong, nor anyone that has opposite views. But to say something needs to be put in for relatability is just off base. Oh yeah, i understand why they tell stories in movies for a wide audience. But I don't need to like or enjoy it. I have the right to say its not needed all the time. Which is what i did. I also understand them making stuff relatable, but theres alot of ways to do that without the 2 things I've mentioned. Thats my entire point. your kinda getting all over the place to try and prove your point. One second its relatability to make your point, then its story telling. I made a statement, then you made your statement on relatability. I only pointed out the problem with your statement about relatability. Now your talking about story telling and throwing in a ton of examples not relating to my original post. I told you what i found uninteresting. You can agree or disagree. But lets only talk about what we like, not what everyone else may or may not like. I know alot of people will be opposite of me. I like being different and not a cookie cutter. But, this movie wasn't a 10 outta 10, so as soon as you see that, then you'll enjoy what you like & dislike and you'll be ok with people that dislike certain things Actually i had 2 issues. The one you've already mentioned and the disobeying orders cuz they developed human feelings. I'm just sick of the cookie cutter & force feeding of certain subjects. Be nice if we can go a movie without it. I also didn't care for the 2 love making scene in a superhero movie, but they don't really do it much in superhero movies, so i was ok with it more. Look down under persistentviewer's comment below Aliens don't have to be homosexual or have full human emotions to be relatable. The aliens look human. They protect humans. They are soldiers. All human traits that are relatable. Also, they disobeyed orders. How relatable is that really? Most soldiers in human history obey their superiors/leader. Only in movies & tv shows they always show soldiers defiant to orders & superiors. That's not relatable. Explosions, jumps, fighting, shooting etc. in movies is exaggerated for more excitement, Yet, that's not actually relatable. Thats eye candy. I'm just going off your statement of making it relatable. You call me a "kewl small-minded bigot" and say how i use these boards to be a big voice. Yet you just tried to act like a superior intellectual and internet bully. (Key word "tried"). I know your in pain and just trying to be cool & smart. No harm, no foul. What was the phrase you used, oh yes, "but that's the internet. The internet" I like the color blue, favorite food is pizza. My hobbies are bicycling & kayaking. If you don't care for those am i the bigot or are you? Of course idk you well enough to call you a bigot as you don't know me enough to call me one. My point is, I don't have a issue with homosexuality. But its a human thing. Why we gotta force feed it to the extent that aliens probably are too. It was ok. I enjoyed it enough for it not to be a waste of time, but i do agree with you on the direction/approach they took instead of the one they should've taken