MovieChat Forums > Hybrid66 > Replies
Hybrid66's Replies
Hoorah for Will.
Too many Americans are obviously extremists, cowardly racists and unstable psychotics.
Yeah, good questions. There are many gaps in the story and logic that baffled me too.
I'm guessing that the roads, at least near to habitation, were well lit, and this either scared the werewolf or put it off?
Possibly satanic practices were meant to be involved, and the Americans - outsiders who could expose this- were a threat?
In real life it's horrible, so why encourage nutjobs to copy a movie's atrocities?
Especially in the US where idiots and extremists of all types walk around shooting guns?
You have a really blinkered, skewed and idiotic view of your country, it's history, people, foreign policies historically and attitude, past and present?
Go read a few books, without pictures in them.
Jamaica! Lol
Ironic for an American racist cunt like him (and his worse cunt dad)
Seig Heil, tardbitch
I agree.
Every tard that shows their face/ass/tits on the web is a ''celebrity'' aka a media-grabbing whore or thick c*nt.
Web owners are greedy skanks
He became RoboCop
Explaining humour to Americans is useless
Yeah, it's written by a Downs.
Denzil? Morgan? Samuel?
Isn't that most US ''comedy''?
Loud, idiotic and not funny. When the star comes on stage, everyone is told to scream like a 12yr old?
Talentless, jumped-up ho?
No thanks
Wonder if that car seat was comfortable?
No, 78 is about right. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Has the dumb bitch never heard of
Star Wars - Leia?
Alien/s (1979 & 86) - Ripley and vasquez?
I disagree, he would have been excellent, and Gladiator would've existed anyway.
I'd loved also to have seen him in the Departed.
1. He once appeared in a film as a British WW1 soldier.
2. In Braveheart he could've shown Edward I kicking out all jews (happened in 1290)
3. Braveheart was based upon a Scottish account, Blind Harry, that WAS anti-English in tone
So did Jack Nicholson.
So what?