MovieChat Forums > Callahan7 > Replies
Callahan7's Replies
"You do know that Bill Murray has been in the news lately for <b>allegedly</b> misbehaving, don't you?
Yes. I know he has been in the news lately for <b>allegedly</b> misbehaving.
"Bill quite frankly, brought it on to himself of of course, these stories <b>are</b> true.
How do you know they <b>are</b> true?
Bill Murray is a creative genius. Something you are not.
He works in a creative way. That sometimes causes minor conflicts with other actors. He has been known for this for decades. He is not mean-spirited and he is very, very funny. You are not funny.
You, quite frankly, brought this on yourself by trying to attack movie stars on this board with untrue or exaggerated comments. You did not succeed.
Remember this thread?
You tried to defame Sean Connery. To falsely claim he was a wife beater, woman abuser <b>immediately after his death</b>.
That thread is not "unrelated".
Sean Connery was a star in movies. You are not a star in movies.
You are not "a messenger". Don't flatter yourself little man.
It is not "something unrelated".
You attempted to post insulting trumped up nonsense about Sean Connery right after he passed away. It is related to this thread.
Now you are rushing to judgment and trying to sling dirt on Bill Murray. Sad.
Jealous much?
Excellent choices.
He was very good in Lost in Translation which is not so well known. Groundhog Day is probably my favorite.
Are you a tale-tell example of a jealous poster who likes to spew bile on the boards of Hollywood stars?
Remember this thread?
You posted that right after Sean Connery passed away.
Not that you matter.
Innocent until proven guilty.
How do you know he didn't handle himself like an adult at work?
An adult comedian. Is it still OK to joke on the set?
Are you trolling or are you some woke pos? Or one of these losers that spams celebrity actors' boards?
If you are trolling (or simply reporting news) that's OK.
Bill is great.
Wow. Thanks for posting that video link.
Great film!
The critics on this board are not women.
They are sissified wannabes that are envious of his celebrity and his success.
They are jealous because, despite false claims made on this board, he had many female fans.
A lot of nonsense has been posted on his board but his family, friends, and fans know different.
He was popular with men and women. A handful of anonymous losers think he was politically incorrect or something. Who cares?
Some sissy posters on this board are just jealous.
He had a great life.
He was the original (and best) James Bond.
"I'm not necessarily saying that's absolute proof that he beat up his first wife, but as the old saying goes, "where there's smoke, there's fire"."
It isn't proof of dick.
Jealous little man. LOL
TMC-4 has a history of making false accusations against movie stars. He sent this thread immediately after Sean Connery passed away-
Like this thread it was total BS.
Jealous little man. LOL
"conservative Jim Caviezel also makes that show missable"
Why? What does his being "conservative" have to do with anything about his performance or credibility?
Sarah is a lovely woman.
Good actress too.
Keyboard warrior lmao.
"its not about smart phone knowledge. its literally the ability to tap a button lol. we teach 3 year olds basic motor skills. that you lack apparently"
I owned you on this thread shitbird. All you've got is I may have hit the incorrect reply button. LOL
"sorry you moral character is sooo lacking. and you are such a piece of garbage. that you will make excuses for wife beating because you "liked his acting""
<b>Sean Connery did not advocate or condone "wife beating". Never. Not ever.</b> The OP was a dickhead for posting this thread immediately after Mr. Connery passed away.
Comparing him to "Polasnki" [<i>sic</i>] is stupid.
What is "sooo lacking" is any truth to your attempted insults of Sean Connery.
"you are scum buddy"
Ha ha, you sound desperate. I feel sorry for you.
You are nobody.
Lame. So what if I hit the wrong reply button once or twice? Easy to do on this layout.
So, you are young and tech-savvy? Big whoop. Hey, Leodicaprio can use a smartphone!
I am not "old" by the way. You know nothing about me.
Congratulations on being young! Something you have no control over.
Losers are disrespectful of their elders.
You will never be like Sean Connery. Or Leonardo DiCaprio. Or me. You are common.
Stuff it for sending this thread right after Sean Connery passed away TMC-4.
Never heard of her. The name "Ruby Rose" sounds like it belongs to a truck stop hooker.
So I looked her up. She is OK looking. Not beautiful. She has a horrible tattoo on her neck. What beautiful woman in her right mind would put a tattoo on her neck?
Kate is good looking. That is very unusual for a lesbian.
And has someone has said she is almost certainly bisexual. Very few women are exclusively homosexual. It is proper to use the word "homosexual" to describe a man or woman.
Some women just pretend to be homosexual. Anne Heche comes to mind.
David Niven had a prepared comment. The streaker was planned and David knew what would happen in advance.
Chris had no idea this would happen. Chris comported himself very well under the circumstances.
"How exactly is it bullshit?"
That would take a long explanation. You are not worth the time.
Anybody with any sense knows this thread is total BS.
You are jealous of Brad Pitt aren't you?
What a bullshit thread.
Jealous of Brad Pitt much?
Gee, thanks for posting about "Mr. Spacey's pop/box library score"
Does he lose any points for being a lowlife?