MovieChat Forums > Callahan7 > Replies
Callahan7's Replies
Apparently it was a customer that noticed a resemblance. The employee called the police.
"On December 9, 2024, local police arrested Mangione at a McDonald's restaurant in Altoona, Pennsylvania, responding to a call from an employee made in response to a customer who suspected similarities between Mangione's appearance and images of Thompson's alleged killer released by the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Altoona is about 280 miles (450 km) west of New York City. The police reported that he was "visibly shaken" when they asked him if he had recently visited New York City."
Kim and Kimball are lousy names for a dude imo. Oh well, he has done pretty well.
"The emperor has been slain"
He might have been speaking figuratively. That his father was slain, struck down from this life. Not necessarily murdered.
Marcus Aurelius was old and had health issues. It was not difficult to convince people he died a natural death.
Trump won.
If Jimmy and Seth Meyers don't like it that is just too bad.
Dunno about "toxic masculinity" but I think she was really sexy in Total Recall buzz.
Ernie did a good job disposing of the bodies and cleaning up the place.
"Hey man, you gotta job!"
I haven't seen Megaforce. I looked it up and it has bad reviews and a low IMDB rating. Some liked the film though.
She looked good with a shaved head in the Star Trek film.
She was a villain with Rutger Hauer in the 1981 film Nighthawks with Sylvester Stallone.
She was a beautiful woman.
I haven't seen this film yet. I checked the credits and Susan Dey is not there.
I remember her from way back in L.A. Law. Is she in the film? Or are you referring to an actress who resembles her?
Yes. Outstanding movie!
Why would you like to argue?
Gerald Ford was a good man. I've heard he never wanted to be POTUS and that he reluctantly became Vice President after Agnew was forced to resign. His goal was to be Speaker of the House. He reportedly did not want to be Vice President or President.
A decent man. A rarity in politics.
He lost the election in 1976 to the populist Jimmy Carter.
She was lying. Or at least exaggerating greatly.
It happened decades ago. It was part of the lawfare to discredit Donald Trump. Election interference.
The lawfare failed.
Trump and America won.
Trump won. He is the <i>President-elect</i>. Hooray!
So, what is she supposed to do? Not exist?
You sound jealous.
"rapist" "rape"
Isn't that what George Stephanopoulos said? How did that go? Ha ha
I heard Richard Dawkins on a podcast with Alex O'Connor recently. He described "wokeness" as a religion.
Gee, I'm so glad Francis Ford Coppola gave the world his expert opinion on medicine and science.