The actress ruins it for me
Whoever played Christine just bugs me, monotone, low voiced and flat the whole film. Just no depth of character. It wouldn't be bad but she is prominent.
shareWhoever played Christine just bugs me, monotone, low voiced and flat the whole film. Just no depth of character. It wouldn't be bad but she is prominent.
sharenice rack though
shareThe entire setup for this movie was awesome.. Imagine getting a birthday present like this that ends with you plummeting off the top of a building onto a giant airbag and the brother you thought was dead in Sean Penn is actually alive and concocted the whole thing?? LOL
shareShe was meant to be a jaded, dead-eyed actress. She nailed it.
shareShe's pretty ugly. If the movie was made today you know she'd be a spicy Latina played by even worse actress, but at least she'd be nicer to look at and hopefully not so old. Whatsherface looks like a mummy in this
today you know she'd be a spicy Latina played by even worse actress
That's Deborah Kara Unger, who seemed to be pushed as a star in the mid to late 90s, but it never really happened for her and she kind of disappeared after. This was probably her only decent movie (and performance) along with David Croenenberg's Crash. Her character was meant to be understated in this.