MovieChat Forums > MartyMoose1977 > Replies
MartyMoose1977's Replies
Movie's like Threads, The Day After, Miracle Mile and all those 80's WW3 Movies were credited back in the 90's with educating the world how stupid and pointless Nuclear war would be. Today's Hollywood needs to stop creating Marvel Movies for a minute and make a new The Day After and Threads. i feel the Chinese, Russians, Brits and Americans all need to be reminded that Nuclear war is a game nobody wins.
You said, "Where did they get food?"
You also said, "What did they do with all those dead bodies, there would be a huge number of bodies."
Think about it for a second. Question #1 is answered by Question #2. They were incestuous cannibals. All those bodies became food.
The homeless man also said she comes out at night. This is another way to get food staples.
This was the worst "Horror" Movie I've seen in a very long time! I like to have at least some Horror in my Horror. This wasn't Horror is was Drama and a boring drama at that. Story makes zero sense it has more dream sequence that are silly and stupid. I hate this movie.
30 Minutes into this movie I turn to my GF and tell her exactly is going to get the Phantom at the end. I old her this soon after the dead cat scene. Then we watch 90 Minutes of basically nothing just horrible dream sequences and sure enough <spoiler>Dectective gets Phantom at end </spoiler> what a piece of Sheeeaat movie! Decent acting is only reason I don't score it lower. 5/10
I liked Jessica Alba but she hasn't been in anything in 2 years. Face the facts she's an aging beauty star they don't have any demand for those. Kind of Ironic because she was in Sin City with a bunch of old farts that were great actors. Beauty Stars fall off fast career wise once they hit middle age. She's 41 years old now.
After Ukraine blew up Putin's precious Kersh Bridge I feel like the world is just bracing itself for Putin to use a Nuke. After that I'm sure the United States will escalate it further as we can't back down from a Bully with a Nuke or Jim Jong Un will never stop being a problem.
I got it from the news...
Wow, you asked this question 17 years ago! This Website feels like a time machine!
Wow, you asked this question 17 years ago! This Website feels like a time machine!
I didn't have a problem with Mrs. Clarkson outwitting the seasoned sorcerers because it wasn't that she was a better sorcerer but rather they underestimated her. If they don't suspect she's capable of learning the arts they have no reason to have their defense up for it.
I will grant that once she killed the Dog and stole her mask they should have suspected something but for whatever reason they didn't.
When this movie came out I was only 16 years old but it instantly became my favorite movie I'd ever seen! Since then I've watched it probably 10 times and it's still great just not a top ten movie.
It has so many scenes that you'll never forget after watching. The only thing I see now many years later that I didn't when I was young is that the ending is kind of convoluted but overall still a great movie bordering on a masterpiece.
Dan Quayle talked Mike Pence out of overthrowing the election. He's a GD American Hero. Who woulda thunk knuckle head Dan Quayle could one day be a real American hero.
2001 clearly had better special effects than 2010. One easy comparison is look at the 2001 Hal Hologram Memory Board when he's being deactivated and compare it to 2010 version of Hal's Hologram Memory Board when he's be turn back on and 2001 clearly has the better looking Panel. Not even close!
Hello, I'm from the Future in 2022 and I think the Movie 2022 Cold War element is more relevant then ever. Russia has threatened to Nuke half the Western World plus Japan. These cold war Era Movies should make a huge comeback. Hopefully Netflix and Amazon Prime both showcase them.
The Book is a different story than the Movie. Kubrick purposely gave Arthur C Clarke different information than was in the movie. They were written at same time by 2 different authors. If your looking at the book for answers in the movie your wasting your time.
Now that Putin has his evil lair he's threatening to Nuke a different country every week. He's directly threatened the US,UK, Finland and Poland. May be more but those threats I recall off top of my head.
Now it's also been confirmed Putin in fact does have Cancer. So we have a crazy man losing a war that he recently started. He's terminally ill and has the button for the Nukes. World is closer to WW3 than the Cuban Missile Crisis and we all are just used to his threats so now we just ignore him. Putin will soon use a Tactical Nuke I'm afraid and then god help us.
When Mandrake needs to call the president with the code word to recall the Nuclear Bomber he tells the soldier to shoot the Coca Cola machine for change. The soldier agrees to do it but warns him if he's not able to get a hold of the president he's going to have to answer to the Coca Cola company!
This is funny on multiple levels. First the absurdity of worrying about Coca Cola when the end of the world is imminent if he can't make the call. On another level Kubrick is making an anti corporate statement with this joke. Kubrick is essentially saying dealing with Corporations is so hellish it's even worse than dealing with the end of the world!
I bet he does know about fluoridation and he probably thinks it's making Frogs gay!
Russia has literally been threatening to Nuke a different country EVERY week! Now it's been confirmed that Putin does in fact have Cancer and it makes more sense. Sure as hell doesn't make me feel safe. The world is at the Mercy of a Egomaniac with a terminal illness. I'm going to church Sunday.
I loved this show. I haven't seen it in 30 years but I just found a couple of episodes on Youtube I'm about to watch them now.