This movie was kind of satire, wasn't it?
The secretary of the interior, becomming such a warmongering president. WOW! It was almost comical, but perhaps, that COULD be what we'd end up with if the president of this country were to ever die during such a calamity. Think of Dan Quayle, right hand man of George H.W. Bush. Probably the lamest vice president this country has ever had. A total dimwit he was, but could you imagine if we never did make peace with the Soviet Union? Imagine if we did get into it with the Russians during Bush's presidency, and somehow Dubya's daddy was taken out. We'd end up with Quayle as our prez. The comedy of this movie, which was really in that acting president's dialogue, really made you think, and hope for the best for our country's future! He was a total know nothing idiot when it came to being president. Rip Torn's character, as a Joint Chief general was another idiot that we hope we never see if the real war scenario plays out. The whole goal was to turn the war off, or the end of the world was a stark reality. These guys were all about winning the war. How the hell can you win a nuclear war? You can't! NOBODY WINS! Glad that the Looking Glass took that butthead of a president out, so there would be a tomorrow SOMEWHERE in the world, and perhaps both the U.S. and Russian cities would someday recover.