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Should the vaccine be mandatory?

There is no logical reason to oppose vaccinations, and the sooner we vaccinate everyone the sooner this nightmare can be over. I cannot understand why there are still people out there refusing to do their part to end the COVID-19 pandemic.


Should the vaccine be mandatory?


You want to live in a country that forces something into your body against your will and without you permission move to China.


It's an issue of public safety, everyone should be vaccinated as soon as possible.


No it isn't. The vast majority of people are functioning quite well.

Edit - in case you are wondering - I do believe every one should be vaccinated, but I has to be up to the individual.


You do realize that the united states has slowly been losing herd immunity to long gone viruses like measles. You also realize that vaccines do not make everyone who gets them 100% immune right? Anti-Vaxxers love screaming about it having to be up to the individual, but ignore just how much damage they're doing to public welfare. It is critical that everyone get the vaccine because it is everyone's duty to put an end to this virus.


Then would you be happy to never drive a car again for "public safety" kills more people than covid. Should it be mandatory that people never drive again, silly arguement but you get the point.

Just to be clear I have been vaccinated (first shot) but I choose to do it.

Under no circumstances should it be mandatory.

If 70% of a country is vaccinated then it won't matter anymore.


Do you have any proof that driving kills more people than the coronavirus? Of course not, because it's a blatant lie. 70% is an optimistic number, considering how many anti-vaxxers there are... the reality is that to eradicate the virus, like we used to have with measles, we need close to 95% vaccinated. The number of people getting vaccinations has been declining for decades and it endangers everyone, not just the people who refuse to get vaccinated.


like we used to have with measles, we need close to 95% vaccinated

No we don't. Flu is done by 70% this will not be any different. Even a quick google says they are aiming for 71% for covid, this info is not hard to find.

2.68 Million covid deaths worldwide (based on quick google) over the last what 18 months since it began.

1.35 Million people die per year from road traffic accidents so over the same time period that would be approximately 2 million. So I admit not more but not by much so my point still stands it wasn't a "blatant lie", you want it to be but it is not. Nearly 60 million people die worldwide every year.

So should we demand people not to drive for as you say it is "public health" and will save lives.

Again no of course not, that would be stupid.

The number of people getting vaccinations has been declining for decades and it endangers everyone

How? If you are vaccinated against something what does it matter what someone else does. You are fine. If you get it from someone who isn't vaccinated then your body will be able to fight it off better. Being vaccinated does not stop someone getting a virus or transmitting it, just a heads up there.

If someone doesn't want to get vaccinated for the measles then that is their choice and it should not be forced on people, again doesn't affect you as you are vaccinated.

The measles can kill but in 2019 their was 1282 cases in all of the United States, not exactly an epidemic is it. That is because a large proportion of the country are vaccinated and so any outbreaks are usually localised and contained as proven by numbers. I will admit they have risen but that could aslo be because of population size and more immigrants coming across the border.

So no and I will repeat it over and over again. Forced vaccinations should be illegal and not even a thought due to where that might end up. Once governments have power they very rarely relinquish said power.

Have you been vaccinated for the flu?


I get that as an anti-vaxxer you don't understand how vaccines or herd immunity works, but pleading ignorance to understanding it isn't an argument. Vaccines are not 100% effective, effectiveness is also tied to personal health, if you come in contact with someone who is very sick then you can get a larger dose of the virus that overwhelms your immune system. Vaccines work by establishing herd immunity, and herd immunity relies on a heavily vaccinated population and especially randomly distributed.

Fauci knows we need at least 90% vaccinated but he also knows he's fighting against anti-vaxxers who hate science. The fact is that the more communicable the disease is, the more people need to get vaccinated to prevent it from spreading. COVID-19 is highly communicable, you're talking about vaccination rates lower than polio.


I get that as an anti-vaxxer you don't understand how vaccines or herd immunity works
You have proven you don't read or consume what others write just keep repeating your agenda. This is not a discussion. This is you shouting down anyone who disagrees with you without answering any questions yourself.

I never stated I was anti-vaxxer. I openly said I have been vaccinated.

Just to be clear I have been vaccinated (first shot) but I choose to do it.

End of discussion.


I directly disputed your points and provided scientific proof against them, that's the real reason you're upset, not the fact that I called you an anti-vaxxer for using the same exact arguments they always use.


I directly disputed your points and provided scientific proof against them

No you didn't

Didn't answer me about driving.
Didn't answer me about if you were vaccinated against the flu
Didn't answer me about the measles example

You just spouted what someone else stated and called it fact. Fauci has got just as much wrong as right. Remember he said you should be wearing 2 masks now.

for using the same exact arguments they always use

I didn't use any argument. You asked a question. I refuted it. End of story.

Final point as i'm gonna block you after this as you are basically trolling now. You didn't want a discussion, I have seen these types many times. You wanted confirmation of what you belive is fact, not a discussion.

So i'll end as I started. No one should be forced to be vaccinated if they do not want to. End of story. End of discussion


People block when they know they've lost an argument. Your bringing up driving wasn't even an argument, it was an attempt to diverge the argument to something different, and you never cared about the measles example as you clearly aren't understanding the reason it was brought up in the first place.

The issue is herd immunity and what needs to be done to establish it. The issue is that science fully debunks your claims about how you can choose not to get the vaccine and rely on others to supply the heard immunity. The issue is that anti-vaxxers use these same arguments that you use to deflect from the actual problems so you can "win" something irrelevant.

And yes, I took the flu vaccine, I take it every year. They practically give it away for free.




Yes, but what percentage of those covid deaths occurred at the same time as a motor vehicle accident? ;)


Here in the US we already have MANDATORY VACCINATIONS for KIDS before they can attend school with other KIDS so they don't infect them with measles, mumps, etc.

And there also also about 30,000 accidents per year in comparison to the 500,000 PLUS COVID DEATHS we've had this past year.

And the other ISSUE is how the BODIES of those who don't get VACCINATED become BREEDING GROUNDS for the NEW STRAINS of the VIRUS which puts EVERYBODY at risk (including those already VACCINATED) due to the way that the VACCINATIONS don't protect against some of the NEWER VARIATIONS of the VIRUS.

So by refusing to get VACCINATED those who refuse not only continue to KEEP the VIRUS alive, but they also create a situation where we'll have to go into another COMPLETE SHUTDOWN again where all one can do is go to the grocery store to get groceries.

As PROOF of this look at ITALY or GERMANY where they're already back into a LOCKDOWN situation again due to the NEWER much more CONTAGIOUS STRAINS of COVID that have already SPREAD over there.

So that means the same thing can and WILL also happen here again due to those who REFUSE to get VACCINATED.

And that also means that those who chose not to get VACCINATED could also RUIN our ECONOMY and our ENTIRE way of life.


All 50 states in the U.S. mandate immunizations for children in order to enroll in public school, but the specific vaccines required differ from state to state and various exemptions are available depending on the state.

So not mandatory.

And there also also about 30,000 accidents per year

hmmm. Might wanna recheck that. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 173,040

So by refusing to get VACCINATED those who refuse not only continue to KEEP the VIRUS alive

No they are not. The virus is endemic now. It is within the population and now ill never go away.....EVER.

As PROOF of this look at ITALY or GERMANY where they're already back into a LOCKDOWN situation again due to the NEWER STRAINS of COVID that have already SPREAD over there.

Completely untrue. Italy has gone into a 3 day lockdown. This is due to the absolute mess the EU has made of the vaccine rollout. Viruses mutate, they have to to survive. Uk has the 2nd best vaccine rollout and hopitalisations and deaths are already falling.

Now i'm sick of repeating myself really. You wanna get vaccinated then go for it, i have, i'll get my 2nd in about 8 weeks time.

But at no point should it be mandatory. Preganant woman even though it will cause little harm to them or their baby are being advised not to have it, do you want to tell that mother she has to take it? How about cancer patients who already have knackered immune systems and where any type of vaccination would do more harm than good.

As long as their is about 70% uptake then it will be fine as it falls in line with most other viruses.

So that means the same thing can and WILL also happen here again due to those who REFUSE to get VACCINATED.

If everyone in the United States got vaccinated the virus would not die out, it would still be transmitted and people would still die from it. Vaccinations help to fight certain viruses but does not stop people dying, eventually your age or other complications will overcome any vaccine.

By the way you do know the plague still exists but no one is vaccinated for that.


All 50 STATES **MANDATE** VACCINATIONS for kids to attend school but they're **NOT MANDATORY**??? [/b]

Just because the requirements differ doesn't mean they're NOT MANDATORY.

The ACCIDENTAL DEATH STATS due to **TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS** were already checked and POSTED to my "COVID CAMPS" TOPIC. We're not talking about INJURIES. Since we have NO COVID INJURIES it's ABSURD to try and compare the number of **TRAFFIC INJURIES** to COVID INJURIES (which also makes it a FALSE EQUIVALENT).

The POINT is this: If ENOUGH people are VACCINATED the VIRUS won't be able to MUTATE and create NEWER STRAINS.



If you're sick of repeating yourself then stop doing it. Problem solved.

How do you know I'm not already a cancer patient who has been ADVISED to get a VACCINE as a way to prevent one from having further and EVEN WORSE complications if one were to CATCH the COVID VIRUS and DIE from it instead of from the CANCER ?


And YES I also know the PLAGUE still exists. And I've also read THE PLAGUE a novel by CAMUS as well.





I don't believe in government mandates when it comes to health. It's just too much of a slippery slope if they get involved. Perhaps I would feel differently if this had a higher death rate, but for now I have to vote "no."


I always find it odd how people insist things are a slippery slope without realizing that is the name of a fallacy. It's like saying you're a fuck'n ad hominem. There have been over 2.5 million deaths due to COVID-19, just how many deaths do you need before you take it seriously?


That 2.5 million number isn’t very impressive against a population of 7.5 billion.


what about seatbelts?


There is no logical reason to oppose vaccinations and the sooner we vaccinate everyone the sooner this nightmare can be over.

People who have already been infected by COVID-19 ( estimated to be well over 100 million people ) don't need the vaccine.


It depends on the severity of the infection, if your symptoms were only that of a bad cold then you didn't generate enough antibodies to be immune to it. In fact, there are people who caught it a second time after getting the "bad cold" and have had a more severe reaction the second time, requiring hospitalization.


Let me see if I understand your argument correctly. Because a minority of the 100 million plus people who have been infected by COVID-19 might not have developed a strong immunological response to future possible infections all of the 100 million plus people should be given the vaccine even though the overwhelming majority of them don't need it.

You are an idiot.


You mean a majority, most people who were infected were not hospitalized. It has been shown that the people who have had the more severe reactions are the ones who develop sufficient antibodies to have immunity.


Now you're an even bigger idiot.


Spot the sock. Come on Q, you’re usually quicker than this, lol.


Yeah I don't understand why people can't just SEE a blatant sock. A 74 postcount account, making a highly controversial topic not about movies. Start calling people anti-vaxxers and what not. What the heck did all these people responding expect?

This happens all the time! I just don't get it.


Yep! Not suspicious at all.


Terez is more than a common sock puppet so I was engaging in a little payback.


Ah, but is he a sock AND a bot?


A sock and a Stygianati stooge.


I get that college scares your kind, but the fact is that "immunity" doesn't happen the way you think it does. Your kind is used to immunity being magic, something that forms a magical shield around people that prevents viruses from entering your body. But the fact is that viruses enter your body all the time and sometimes there aren't enough of them to cause an illness. Much of the difficulty in creating this vaccine was because it isn't enough just to expose you to the virus, and that the characteristics of the virus is that it first starts as a bad cold and then morphs into what we call COVID-19.


A completely anecdotal comment I've been wanting to make is - in Feb 2020 I was at work and suddenly felt incredibly fatigued late in the afternoon. Like, I'm sick and I hope I can finish my shift.
I managed to work the next day but was glad I had a couple days off to do Nothing.
Took the time off and didn't notice any loss of taste or anything else, but 2 weeks later had the same feeling but a little less severe.
Got over the whole thing fairly quickly but ...
Have never been tested for Covid but wonder if I was exposed and have anti-bodies - and how long does THAT last?

I hate needles and don't want to go out of my way to do things I don't want to do, like go to Covid Events to get inoculated, especially when I need a Doctor's Rx.

If I went to my Olde Tyme Doc and he said, I'm going to give you a shot, I'd brace myself for the prick and hate the experience.
Nowadays we are asked to go out of our way to do things a lot of us don't want to do, in the Pursuit of Medicine and Commerce. At least in My Eyes.

Not saying getting The Vaccine is a bad thing, not at all, but personally, hard for me to force myself to get an effing shot in the arm when I'd rather not. Not in the long term, just like, I don't want to get Hit By A Pitch.
Some guys thrive on it, an opportunity to get on base, the pain is negligible.
Me, I don't Invite the pain.

So that's my Covid bio.


Yes. In the summer of 1793 there was a terrible outbreak of yellow fever in Philadelphia. So what did President Washington do. He got in his carriage and took off for Virginia. We are not going back to 1793. Although, some people seem to want to.


Hell no, what is wrong with you? Why do you want to stick an untested vaccine up your arm?


Well if nobody wants to be injected with the untested vaccine then how can they test it??

It's like job vacancies that say Fresh Garduates are welcome. Minimum of 2 years of experience needed.


No. This is a free country. Nobody should have any sort of medicine FORCED upon them.




Your first sentence is hilarious.



Wow, I don’t even know what to say to people like you. What do you want to force the citizens of this country to do next after you force a vaccine into their bodies against their will?

These are scary times we’re living in, because there are a lot of higher up people in this country who actually agree with people like this, and find a new freedom to flush down the toilet every day.

I don’t know if there is ever going to be a return to simple common sense. It’s unbelievable.

I agree that as many people who want to get vaccinated should get vaccinated, but forcing people who don’t want to be vaccinated to get vaccinated goes against everything good in this country, and makes you a fascist douche bag.

YOU get vaccinated. There, you’re safe. Convince YOUR family and friends to get vaccinated. There, YOUR family and friends are safe. Leave everyone else the hell alone.


You don't understand how vaccinations work.


You don’t understand how free society works.


No, I do understand free societies. I also understand that there has to be a societal contract.

You are assuming that I am for mandatory vaccinations and I have not stated my point on that. I am simply stating that your comments show that you don't know how vaccines and herd immunity work.


you are ignorant of the history of viruses and vaccines.


And you continue to find excuses to try and forcefully vaccinate the citizens of this country against their will, and then pretend you’re actually the “good guy”.


My parents grew up in a poor area of Canada where entire families were wiped out by tuberculosis and people were left crippled by polio. When my father joined the navy in 1939 he was given the tuberculosis vaccine and it was a blessing. My oldest brother was born in 1953 and was among the first babies to get the polio vaccine. Vaccines were and should be embraced by sane thinking people because they save lives.


Vaccines were and should be embraced by sane thinking people because they save lives.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t be embraced, far from it. I hope everyone gets the vaccine. I’m saying you should not support forcing a vaccine on people who don’t want to get it, for ANY reason! That is wrong! And if you believe in forcing vaccines on people, then once again, you aren’t the “good guy” in the scenario you think you are.
