Egosomnia's Replies

Yes! Has this occurred to anybody yet? It certainly fits into the script... Just swap Krippin for Wuhan.. Tosser Harry could only *dream* of getting a girl like Kate. He couldn't. But to then go and settle for that spoon-billed, flat-nosed, bulgey-foreheaded fake, with the pre-jowled chin and the me-me-me attitude was just knee-jerk desperation. Andrew is the kind of fella they coined the word "Prince" for. Harry is the one who inspired "Doofus" GET FCKD, MORON. Hehe, not that cheap. Want something with a good camera, that's the thing. Too much. Anything good around $200? You assume I'm a troll? Because I want to buy a drone? Paranoid much... Too much tit for one chest. Very pretty too. That pic doesn't do her justice. ^^^^^^^^^ What you said. Big tick for that. Money. It's always about money, even when it's dressed up as "social conscience". They'll sell it for a fortune when the demand gets high enough Money is always the reason. They're only "problematic" because some asshat says they are. Nobody <i>really</i> cares. The goddamned Shawshank Refuckindemption! It's tripe. To Kill A Mockingfuckingbird. All the Batman movies. Any film by that prat whose name starts with Q. I won't dignify him by writing it out. That's what they want. Disc sales must be down.