MovieChat Forums > Politics > So when are we allowed to blame Biden...

So when are we allowed to blame Biden...

for the tanking stock market and COVID deaths? Is there some sort of statute for when we can go from blaming Trump to blaming Biden for every market downturn and COVID death?

2 weeks? 4 weeks?

Or are we still in the “It’s Bush’s stock market, or it’s Obama’s economy” retro blaming phase?

I need to know who I can blame right now when bad things happen! I’m losing cash by the minute in the market over here! 😂




You're going to blame the democrat regardless. It's what you do. You already blame him for BLM and Antifa.






No I didn’t. He wasn’t president. How the hell can I blame him? I want to know when it is an appropriate timeframe to start blaming him. I don’t think I’ve ever used BLM and Antifa in the same sentence as Joe Biden until right now.

...and don’t act all high and mighty. You’re going to blame the republicans regardless. You already blame them for EVERYTHING that has EVER gone wrong with ANYTHING in the world. It’s just different sides of the same corrupt, hypocritical coin.


You blamed the dems. You certainly didn't blame Trump for BLM or Antifa. And neither did I. I did put some of the blame on covid for the riots, but I understood these responses to police brutality happened before Trump took office.

So if Trump is able to avoid responsibility for those riots in the last year of his term, why does Biden have to automatically take responsibility for everything at some point in his presidency?

Isn't that hypocritical?


Well, yes, BLM and ANTIFA are left wing organizations...why would I blame Trump for that? I also wouldn’t blame democrats for right wing extremists. I understand personal responsibility is dead and gone, but there still has to be a sliver of people who are responsible for their own actions, and I’ll put extremists in the group that should be held accountable for the horrible things the do. I also put blame on the political party and the people on BOTH sides who refuse to condemn the actions of these nut jobs. And it’s amazing...the politicians barely acknowledge the extremists when it is THEIR side committing the violence. Same goes with many of the people on this site.

I’m pretty sure Trump was blamed for every single person who had COVID this last year...and he also couldn’t sneeze without getting massacred by the media. Don’t get me wrong, he brought a ton of heat on himself every time he spoke, but I’m just trying to be fair, so everything that we were blaming Trump for should now be Biden’s responsibility...I just want to establish a time frame for when I’m allowed to switch blame.


BLM were not protesting on behalf or against some left-wing or right-wing agenda. They were protesting police brutality in the wake of an unarmed black person who was killed by the police. The protests were exacerbated by economic turmoil during a pandemic.

Trumpists protested on behalf of a right-wing lie that a left-wing agenda had screwed them over. That protest was exacerbated by Trump and his regime telling them another lie that January 6th was the last day they could do something to change the results.

I don't want Trumpists punished, and I don't want BLM punished. The people I want punished are the bad apples who use their privilege to say and do whatever they want which at some point will always cause the lower class to give up hope and lash out.

But if we go after both causes of both riots, right-wingers get real pissed off.

It's the same thing with Melvin Capital who tried shorting GameStop. When they screwed up, they used their privilege to bring in Citadel to break the rules by blocking trades so Melvin wouldn't lose more money to the lower class Redditors.


It's the same thing with Melvin Capital who tried shorting GameStop. When they screwed up, they used their privilege to bring in Citadel to break the rules by blocking trades so Melvin wouldn't lose more money to the lower class Redditors.

Completely off topic, but for once we can completely agree on something. Blocking those trades was as wrong as it gets. I love the fact they screwed over the Wall Street fat cats.

The people I want punished are the bad apples who use their privilege to say and do whatever they want

You lose me at “say whatever they want”. They should be punished for what they do if it is against the law, but I will defend their right to say what they want, even if I disagree with it. Even if what they say is wrong, censorship is infinitely worse. We will never see eye to eye on this. I blame the rioters for their own actions. Personal responsibility, which is basically dead. If you’re too dumb to realize you shouldn’t follow what these powerful people say, and you CHOOSE to riot and hurt innocent people, then you should be arrested and face the consequences.

I get pissed off at generalizations, and people who look at society like that. Not all cops are racists. Not all black people are criminals. Not all white people are privileged. Yet as a society our own internal biases make us hate ALL cops, or hate ALL black people, etc. and that is wrong, and that is why all of this garbage happens. 100% generalizations...all the time. Nobody is able to put themselves in anyone else’s shoes, and there is zero empathy for what anyone else has to go through. We just look at their demographics, and make our biased assumptions and conclusions on how their life is just from that.


Biden policy will drive the market well below 18,000 and unemployment back into the 8 year Obama recession double digits.

It’s back to the Democrat jobs creation strategy of magic wands and calling it funemployment.


So many Americans are hurting financially because of covid. Many small businesses owners.

And the Democrats will work on importing illegal immigrants

Borders should be closed to these covid caravans. This Democrats are completely dangerous.


Republicans want borders to be closed so Americans can't get out to escape the terrorist Republicans. Soviet Union did it, that's why Trump wanted to do it.


Yup, the one place everyone in the world tries to get to have people trying to escape...ha ha ha

Once you get a taste of the good life, you could never live anywhere else...its too cruel.


Why not start right now?

They set the rules, they now have to play by them.


With Trump gone, the left has no idea what to do with themselves now. They're like Inigo Montoya after he finally took out Count Rugen; they've been in the "revenge" business so long, they don't know what to do with the rest of their pathetic lives.


Truer words have never been spoken.


I actually heard something similar on TV last night: Trump was the left's standard of "bad." Now that they got rid of him, they only have themselves to look to, analyze, and critique. There is no one else to blame.


The left totally knows what to do with themselves. We are going to impeach the pedophile. He can't find lawyers to stick around.
He's going to be locked up. LOCK HIM UP! ANd then we are going to get after his terrorist supporters, because that's what you scumbags are. Look the Nazis were hunted down to the ends of the Earth for decades, and then they were caught. Likewise we're going to find you and catch you terrorists whereever you lurk. You can run but you can't hide because we're coming for your traitorous bastards and we are going to catch you. Every last one of you traitors. You can wave your guns and your flags all around all you want but there's more of us Americans than you terrorists and we'll get you alright. We stopped you in the Revolutionary war when you called yourselves the Tories and the Redcoats, We stopped in you 1812. We stopped you in 1945 and we'll get you again and again.


I’ll blame Covid deaths on him immediately. He said he would defeat Covid.


He didn't shut down the pandemic office. Trump did. He didn't make America the most infected country. Trump did.
He didn't call it a hoax. Here's where he calls it a hoax.


He said he was going to defeat it. In reality, it’s a virus and he’s basically just going to have ride it out like everyone else. The only thing he has on his side is the fact there are now vaccines. Vaccines he had nothing to do with.


It would be gone in a month if these flat earth idiots would just wear their masks for a month and then we can get on with our lives.

He was hoarding the 3m n95 masks though. I called them up myself and it turned out they were being hoarded by Trump's CDC but not being given out.


Yes, I’m sure Biden and team would have eradicated it almost immediately.


Trump can be blamed for years for it. YEARS. Just as Bush was to blame for the stock market crash of 2008.

Think about it. Every single time.

reply, do you blame any democrats for anything? Or were they all perfect and nothing ever went wrong when they were in office? That’s a serious question. Your bias is almost too much to even ask real questions to. I don’t think I’ll get any logical answers.

I remember the Boston Marathon bombing, several school shootings and police brutality incidents, as well as riots, during Obama’s presidency. I think those are all catastrophic significant events, but I don’t blame him or democrats for that. Bad shit happens sometimes.

So we can blame Trump for YEARS for a virus that was started in China, and spread throughout and overwhelmed the ENTIRE WORLD, and crippled the world’s economy...and that wouldn’t have happened if Biden (or any democrat) was in office, because he would force the American people to wear paper masks? And that would have been the end of it? Even if you hate Trump...that is ridiculous. The same shit would have happened in that regard no matter who was President. Weren’t their elected officials...DEMOCRATS as well, who were caught out in California partying without masks?
