MovieChat Forums > Egosomnia > Replies
Egosomnia's Replies
<blockquote> "simply because he won't hand over the change he thinks he is ENTITLED to, " /<blockquote>
smh. What a silly remark!
<blockquote>YOU just brought up race therefore it's obviously on YOUR mind. You need to ask yourself why you're into killing black men.</blockquote>
Well, that's disappointing....
Keelai, you're never been the sharpest tack in the MovieChat tin, but that remark really takes the cake.
Best not to drink and post, man.
Keelai, may I ask why you're so keen to see Daniel Penny punished? Please don't cite "Law" or "justice", or "racism" or whatever. I'd just like to know why you feel so strongly about the death of a person who wanted to kill people?
Have you thought about how you would feel if you'd been on that train that day, and Neely had targeted you?
Be honest now.
Well, I think he is smart enough to know how to spell "Smarter" correctly.
<blockquote>Only within a certain distance range. If they are swarming so close to you that they're actually landing all over you, a gun of any type is next to useless.</blockquote>
And I suppose if you started firing at a flock when it was still at some distance from you, you would only bring more of them in to attack you.
<blockquote> Someone mentioned guns, but they wouldn't be very effective against swarming/attacking birds. </blockquote>
Actually, guns would be very effective on "swarming" birds. A 12-gauge shotgun would drop several with one shot.
Interesting point.
I'm reading a bio of Hitchcock at the moment and apparently he did have some issues with aggressive women. But if they confronted him for any reason, he wouldn't hit back, he'd just walk away.
Maybe he was attracted to Du Maurier's story because it gave him a valid way to comment on the danger of overly-aggressive women in his life.
<i>"Without the "to", it can only mean fled from."</i>
<b><i>"If you paid attention"</b></i>
Enough said.
You may "suspect" whatever you want. <b><i>I</b></i> suspect you have spent rather too much time in "history books", particularly those slanted towards confirming your prejudices.
Or perhaps you've watched too many movies?
I must say that's a bit hard to credit, fc31. Are you saying that Republican politicians don't want a Republican who can win government for them twice, against appalling odds and in spite of active warlike resistance?
I hardly think so.
God almighty! Are you serious?
You are actually saying, in print, online, in public, that you expect President Trump will eventually send people to gas chambers!
Truly, the excesses of some Americans never fails to astonish me. And I've been coming to forums like this one for many years.
I don't know enough about the topic, not being an American. So, I won't "take a position" on it.
I do know about satire and parody, and I know when someone is pulling my leg, just to get a reaction.
Don't you?
He speaks softly, but he carries a big stick.
Most intelligent people would like to be like that.
Yes, well, you see, this is probably one of the reasons why so many Americans believed Kamala Harris and her people; you have no sense of the ridiculous. No grasp of satire. No sense of insincerity in another's speech. No gift for detecting drollery, sarcasm, or even outright parody. And certainly no skill in detecting lies by liars.
And to disarm yourselves even more, you skite about your hatred of a man who talks straight and doesn't pull his punches.
One wonders how your great country became so sickly. You never used to be.
Yeah, maybe McCoy. Scotty probably wouldn't have said that.
I don't know anything about "veterans".
I do know a bit about 60 year-olds. Most people by age 60 have learned a bit about the important things in life.
Maybe when you get to 70...
Reading comprehension isn't really your best skill, is it.
If you're going to post something on a forum, it's always a good idea to write it in such a way that anyone who happens to read it can understand what you're trying to say.
HINT: "They are" is contracted to "They're". So, "They are eating the dogs" should be written as "They're eating the dogs".
"Their" is not short for "They are".