biffleberries's Replies

I thought so, thanks for the quick response. This was my first time seeing this one. Holy cow this was disturbing. I had a large popcorn that I was put off on eating after the first scene seeing Frank get pulled apart in hell. Great movie though. I am here because of the Youtube video Super Hitler Kart. Now I am trying to find the movie to watch. Yep I agree. I was watching and was so pumped up with the music pumping! That is just it, it is showing what was in the book. I saw the movie a couple times years ago, I thought it was great. Then I got around to reading the book, and holy cow, it is so much better than the Kubrick movie. So I went and bought the miniseries and within the first 20 minutes of that, I was liking it so much better than the movie. I don't mind the special effects in the miniseries. I am so happy to see on the screen what I had read in the book that I give them a pass, such as the hedge animals. You can really see that the character of Jack starting out as a nice guy who is being haunted by the ghosts of the hotel. In the movie it seems he just starts out like an ass that you don't care if he lives or dies, you aren't rooting for him at all. Anyway, just my two cents. I liked this one, only thing I would have done different was at the end, they should have just went to black and rolled credits as soon as the airlock countdown got to 1. I didn't like what they did in the last 3 minutes. I had never seen any previews for it, and with all the movies I go see, never saw a trailer for it. I just happened to walk by the movie poster when I was at the movies once and decided to go see it. Sadly that is what I am seeing too. If every single actor isn't white then that makes it woke. No I’m not either. I have expected to hear more backlash about blaming straight people being the reason the movie failed though. Just like men were to blame that the all women ghostbusters didn’t do well either. Get this now though, I saw a movie preview last night that is saying Abraham Lincoln was gay now. Called Lover of Men. I can’t believe this crap. I agree, the villains hand in peoples heads was cool to look at. What I cannot accept this day in age though is when they crash through the bus and wolverine was basically an NPC (as I heard one person call him) That looked so bad. Also the mask on Wolverine looked bad at times. Deadpool's mask looked good, looked like a physical mask and I am sure it was. But Wolverine's looked horrible at times. I agree Doom is the lowest ranked in my opinion. I like some of the special effects, such as Mola Ram pulling the guy's heart out of his chest, but then the mine cart chase, the "background" shots through the mine were so horrible. I've been watchin these movies with my kids now, they love them, but God almighty, the mine cart chase was hard to watch. At the start the one guy said that when the rock was stolen from them, a great darkness came over the village. Plus when Indy brings the rock back and the children at the end, you can already tell the difference in the color of the village. The plants are already blooming again. It's not bad at all. I have only heard of the video games and never played them. That may be why I liked it so much. It's a goofy movie, and it got a lot of laughs. Maybe the reason people are hating on it is because they have played the games, I don't have any reference to the game to compare it to, but it was a fun movie. It is somewhat. I like to go see the movie once in a regular theater first, before I take in the 4DX experience. We went to Dune part 2 a while back and it was distracting. But Top Gun Maverick I had seen before my 4DX, and it was so amazing. The biggest one I remember was the Dark Knight, where I read people were faking abductions and faking execution photos, hiding joker cards in stores, fake websites for voting for Harvey Dent, handing out dollar bills with joker makeup on George Washington. I vaguely remember the Smile movie came out, and some people with smile makeup were sitting behind home plate at some baseball games so they would be on TV. And then the most recent one I can remember reading and seeing some "A.I." characters (I don't know if they were actually robots or actors" but they were on the sidelines of some football games for the movie The Creator. I like this kind of stuff, I was a lot younger visiting my parents in a small Wisconsin town for the Dark Knight, and never got to see anything like that, but reading about it is awesome. You know you are right. I could have been a little easier about it and not a smart ass. I also haven’t made a lot of posts so I will be honest I don’t even know how to put a spoiler tag on things. So for that I am sorry. You are welcome. If it was me I wouldn't be on a movie discussion website if I hadn't seen the movie yet, but you do you. I could have told you how the VP of the motorcycle club tampered with his bike which led to his crash, but. Just kidding. I agree. I just got back from it 30 minutes ago. The previews made it look like somewhat of Sons of Anarchy where they start taking on more and more dangerous and illegal actions, but wasn’t any of that. The worst the original MC did was burn down the guys’ bar. You only see an execution and hear of running drugs at the end of the movie after Johnny was dead. The whole movie being narrated was a bit of a letdown, but from growing up up north, I was happy to hear the accents, that was fun for me. But I agree, kind of a letdown. I was going to say, probably the most diverse city in America if people would actually use their brains. It was a good movie. It seems like people are now shifting the “woke” meaning to black now, which is pathetic. I am listening to the audiobook right now. The book is really graphic and makes no mistake that it is a masturbation scene. The book is really quite good, and that scene in particular is very graphic. But I am with you, the first time I watched, I never thought she was "pleasuring herself" I saw it before Mars Express (Indie French movie) and I want to say in front of Abigail or Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. And one movie poster in my theater. But not much advertising, haven't seen anything on tv for it.