Thaistickers's Replies

I'm disgusted by it and have no idea who Daniel Sunjata is. You're a sick person. I will ignore you and that other sicko who always posts about it and maybe that will get rid of it. Yes, all in disgust. Why do you post her/him/it? When I saw its' ugly mug I knew it had to be you bringing it on here. What's wrong with you? Are you trans also? If not why the obsession? Are you OCD? Aspergers? Agoraphobia or some other debilitating type of mental handicap? There's definitely something askew in that brain of yours. I hope you're getting help. tRump promised to bring down prices on "day one." That's what people will remember--he failed (he's had almost 4 weeks now, "day one" x 28! Looks like tvfan is a liar, huh. You're going to lose your shirt! "Commie?" How old are you, grandpa? He's Deplorable! Are you drunk? Butt out, asshole! Do you have echolalia? I'm sorry if you really do, but if so a chat board like this is not really a good place for you, I don't think. That gag is getting old, man, really old (both the phrase and the font). How do you watch it. I searched the title on YT TV and they could not find it. In the present era, not a quarter century ago. Jeez you're stupid! The topic was women's college basketball, double numbnuts. Yep. What's amazing is that opposing teams don't score more on her missed shots--they would have 5 on 4 down the court every time. Oh well, that's women's bb for ya! There never were any trans people in women's college bb. Are you afraid of ghosts and goblins too? He already flipped! ("30 day pause," lol!-then they will be forgotten, buried by news from the Middleast or some other cooked-up "crisis.") Still, she's not totally nude.