Seperatrix's Replies

Is that you Donald? Why aren't you posting on X about this? And you forgot to write "NOT GOOD" for your constituency so they'll understand the message. The broader point I was making is that if people want to exercise their free speech why create a thread complaining they do so? So no. Not a false equivalence at all. People post hate threads about Biden. People post hate threads about Trump. No one has to read any of them. Speaking specifically to a given topic or point would be far more constructive than going on rants about the "evil Left." Now to your comments . . First comment: No, people were not just casually laughing at how Biden walked, the list of things Biden was blamed for seemed endless. Second comment: The courts decided that Trump had no case concerning voter fraud. The several recounts established there was no voter fraud. Senate Republicans audited the Arizona vote and found no evidence of fraud. Etc. Third comment: What Trump is doing is objectively positive for the country and the people? There is nothing objective about this sentiment as he has only been in office a brief period of time thus far. I'd say at best his intentions might be good but how he goes about achieving those goals might be far from positive for the country and the people. if you're a loyal acolyte (as you apparently are) then you'll defend him no matter what. That is what most frustrates me, people on either "side" spend far too much time defending that side instead of admitting when their respective leader is failing at something. When the day comes that people can see past the manipulative right/left of self serving politicians (and now billionaires who will be running this country) and just call them all out then this country might be able to actually move forward in a positive way. Perhaps that's to counter the 4 years of hate threads about Biden from the butt hurt Trumpists? That is ALL they've had and will ever have: The "we own the libs" mantra. No matter had bad things get, even if they themselves are kicked out on the street, incarcerated or put before a firing squad by the brown shirts. They'll go out with "we owned the libs last election!" That's why that can't have a cogent and informed conversation. They are like their leader -- full of ego and bluster. I don't want to give away any spoilers (though it's always mystified me that people will read these boards before seeing a film), but I can see why girls might like it. Guys on the other hand . . . might not like it because of the gay couple, or it doesn't have enough "kills" or blood splatter factor. I dunno. I can't imagine a guy rejecting this film because they think it is a lopsided in vilifying one sex over the other. I didn't see it that way at all. It actually raises some interesting questions as we move toward possible AI bots of the future being used in this manner. Not that it answers any of those questions, or even tries . . . but, asking questions is always a good place to start. It's a decent sci-fi/horror/comedy. I and my two female companions all gave it a 3/5. None of us are under 25 however. Hard to know what the stats you cited mean in terms of the reason for the discrepancy. In the film the two villain's are male and female. Another villain is gay. The good guys are one girl (robot) and one young man. I think people are too punch drunk finding things to attack these days personally. The original poster hasn't even seen the film -- and probably you haven't either. Yet here you both are going on about it. You might try watching the film before commenting. Wow. I rarely tap into political boards on this forum. But you've got your hands full with cultists who do nothing but answer you with logical fallacies. Good luck. That would work! They do seem to blossom this time of year on this board. "The Star Trek motion picture wouldn't have been made without Star Wars' success. The studio only made the film after they saw the profit that Star Wars generated." I would hazard a guess that holds true for the gawd auful Battlestar Galactica as well. 1. Mulholland Drive Now . . . this does get tricky for me since some regard season 3 of Twin Peaks as a single film (including Lynch). But if I leave S3 out of the mix. It's still difficult because he has four other films I'd give a 10/10. But for today, at this moment, here goes . . . . 2. Lost Highway 3. Blue Velvet Of course, you wouldn't get (or expect) answers to all those questions in a brief post credit scene. The way most post credit scenes are made to work -- at least for comic book characters and themes -- is to build intrique and suspense and keep people interested and full of anticipation for the next film. Not saying there's going to be a "next film" in this particular case of course . . . Blue Velvet is a 10/10 for me. Though it's easy to see how the film would not appeal to others so I don't begrudge them. On another note, your childish attitude toward people who don't share your opinion over a film is beyond "just insane." So it appears you threw up this post 9 years ago, hopefully you've advance past puberty by now and your attitude has been rectified. As regards Inland Empire this might help: . . . and never forgotten. Even if I DID look for what you've listed I didn't get it from this film. I only saw it once and remember that the (attempted) profundity in the narration sounded like a bad perfume commercial. The storyline with Brad Pitt and his family was well acted and presented. I think. Still, others will get something out of this film (someone always does) and so I'm happy for them. They're just not me. Perhaps. But I'm for an artist pursing his/her vision, not catering to perceived commercial demands. It will no doubt flop compared to a film littered with jump scare scares and savagery sprinkled aplenty. But the best evaluation to begin with, for me at least, is "how well did the artist acheive what they set out to do?" Along those lines I've given many films high marks, even if they were not a hit with me personally. Yep. That camera shake during his weather report hit a fever pitched peak right when he ended it. Reviewing my list from two years ago it's hard not to declare a tie with 1 - 5. All five are a 10/10 for me. With the rest not far behind, with the exception of Dune. Though if a version with the cut footage ever gets back into the theatrical release my score would undoubtedly increase.