LetoAtreides's Replies

He's talented and versatile. " Makia Monroe's character wasn't well written" And let's face it, there is no way someone like that would become a special FBI agent. She was way too autistic to raise up the ranks even if she had a supposed "gift". Nicolas Cage's Longlegs is like Art the Clown to me. A fantastic villain in the wrong movie. Longlegs would have been an awesome creepy as fuck serial killer without the silly Satan worship and voodoo dolls mind control BS. She's Jim from the Office...but as a woman. https://cdn01.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/jen-dexter/jennifer-carpenter-dexter-revival-05.jpg https://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Jim-Halpert-A-Bit-Sad-in-The-Office.jpg The French VHS had a lady that looks nothing like the one in the movie and Psycho's house. https://mattmulcahey.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/mountaintop-motel-massacre-1.jpg All they did was stop the steam completely while it builds up pressure and overheats. Those were not thugs, but just normal or wealthy people living regular lives staring at the gang because they are so different from them. There was no interracial couple in the movie. The black guy is gay and a friend of the main character. I thought it was ok until the last act. The stupid cult, the shootout with the 2 police detectives and the ending were ridiculous. Just google "trans homicide in the usa per (year x)" vs "homicide in the USA" for the same year. Nobody is giddy about that except activists who talk about "trans genocide" and what not. Roughly 25 to 50 trans person are killed in the USA out of 17 000 to 25 000 homicides per year. 31 trans person were killed in the US in 2023 out of 18,456 homicides. That's 0.16% Hardly a "fashion" It's supposedly a "woman" at birth with a lot of testosterone. But many picture of this Algerian boxer shows "her" wearing men clothes. In a very traditional place like Algeria. It seems the attempt to look more feminine only happened recently. Algerian women https://www.cafonline.com/media/xsgpu2di/women3.jpg Algerian woman? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsXTsf5aYAA7QlD.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/Imane_Khelif_Jeux_panarabes_2023.png https://www.horizons.dz/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2-Hammad-Khelif-780x470.jpg She was a perfect 10 circa True Detective. Her beautiful blue eyes when she was younger are starting to look creepy. https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/alexandra-daddario-attends-the-2024-met-gala-celebrating-news-photo-1715036239.jpg?crop=0.66699xw:1xh;center,top&resize=1200:* Weight loss barely matters as he wasn't fat to begin with. It's just the beard which gave the illusion of a bigger jaw line and manly chin. https://stylecaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/MM-The-Boys-season-4.png?w=600&h=337&crop=1 And French embassies would be set on fire around the muslim world. https://people.com/thmb/3NxSvoAAg0qOJDHNnc_tVU2ObNY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2)/millie-bobby-brown-acne-102323-tout-da12499a4daa4d6da383a35255800b3f.jpg What the hell happened in the whole movie? I have never seen such a mess of a plot. There are way too many characters, there's like 4 or 5 "bad doctors" who all look the same, 3 blonde ladies one of which only appears at the very end. Some characters have only one scene, other are only mentioned in conversations or talked to on the phone. Who exactly is the guy in the wheelchair? Who's the killer with the green syringe? Harrenhal is basically a joke at this point, it's been offered and rewarded to just about anyone when the writers can't think of anything else. I see nothing wrong with Jim. It's Pam who was ridiculous for sticking so long with Roy who was obviously a dumb brute with whom she had little chemistry. Keaton is the best Batman. Nolan's Batman trilogy sucked except for Heath Ledger's Joker. Christian Bale was boring and uninteresting.