MovieChat Forums > Rizdek > Replies
Rizdek's Replies
I don't know...I really don't pay that much attention to new movies. My only point was that, unless they're doing these for charity...folks donating money with no hope of returns, it seems it will be self-correcting if they continue to flop.
I'm not sure these movies are flopping because they're 'woke' And maybe that's not what you're saying. Lots and lots of movies flop. I just wonder if MOST of the movies one might consider 'woke,' tend to flop, or if enough make it such that they continue. Maybe Hollywood (whomever that includes) has observed that movies that are not woke don't do as well.
It would be curious to see how 'nonwoke' whatever that means do vs 'woke.' IOW do moviegoers favour woke movies and therefore Hollywood makes woke movies. What about...say...Hallmark movies? Those are the kinds I tend to watch and...maybe I don't even recognize woke when I see it, but they don't seem 'woke.'
So...NOT broke as in running out of money?
But if the movie industry is making money producing 'woke' movies...then maybe your opinion of what makes a good is not shared by enough people and, from a business perspective, woke movies are what ought to be produced because they make money...people watch them and investors support them.
I see it on the order of churches that only 'preach' one type of religious message. I may not share their beliefs and think some of what they're advocating is harmful to society. But it doesn't bother me because people go there voluntarily and happily contribute their money (ie invest) and keep those organizations going.
What is about investors?
But, regardless, wouldn't the same thing apply? Investors expect to make money. If being woke makes them (movie producers) go broke, investors will likely stop investing in those companies and invest in companies that make money. That is....unless you see rich investors more or less donating money to people/companies in the movie industry because they produce woke movies thus keeping them afloat despite losing money. In which case it's not really investors but rather contributors and the movie companies still wouldn't be at risk from going broke because they're woke. In fact that is exactly what would be keeping them afloat.
What is the significance of the Oscars pushing wokeness if going woke means going broke? If it's true that going woke means going broke, it will self-correct, right?
Or is the concern that the Oscars are somehow important and that movies that don't comply with their agenda won't do as well? If that's the case then, I guess the fear for the movie makers is making movies that don't make money (because they're tanked by the Oscars and other Hollywood) and NOT going woke means going broke.
Which is it?
I think every generation has always looked around and seen things that concerned them. My folks were absolutely against movies, overall. I wasn't allowed to go to theatres and we didn't have TV because they thought TV pushed things they didn't believe in. And that was in the 50s and 60s. But that's the solution to avoiding things that bother me...just don't give them my business.
You can find quotes dating back to the BCE where people gripped about what society and they 'youth of the day' were doing to ruin everything. There's always someone who imagines things were so much better in the 'good old days.' Thus the MAGA slogan. They all want to return to a time that never existed.
I don't notice it that much. But maybe because I don't flock to new movies and see everyone that comes out. I guess if it bothered me...that the movies I watch had inappropriate/undesirable themes and seem to have an underlying motive of teaching me how I ought to think and I didn't agree that that was the way I ought to think. I might just not watch the movies.
How do you feel about movie producers who push a religious agenda? Or movies that emphasize gun violence? Or promiscuous sex?
I am not religious personally, but don't mind religious themed movies. I don't enjoy gratuitous gun violence so don't watch that kind. I don't think encouraging promiscuous sex is good for society, so I tend to avoid movies that seem to push that agenda.
I don't doubt that many in Hollywood push certain things...but I believe movies are, first and foremost, a money-making enterprise so that IF they didn't make money doing what they're doing, they'd do something else or go out of business.
That isn't actually that hard to answer. There was a lot of violence that happened during the protests.
I am thinking it won't be an issue because I think he's going to win. But it would be fascinating to watch and just think of all the threads that could be responded to over the course of Biden's term. That would keep me entertained for months.
I wonder if the same kind of folks who 'managed' the contributions for the collapsed wall managed the campaign money. Maybe Mexico will pay for his campaign too.