MovieChat Forums > User548 > Replies
User548's Replies
Nothing but lies and evil? Why don't you elaborate. How is Middle East peace, evil? How are tax cuts, evil? How is getting rid of critical race theory that perpetuates racism, evil? How is utilizing the private sector to expedite a vaccine, evil? TDS proven.
Stupid much? Apparently so.
You idiots said a blue wave. The polls said it. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Your idiot MSM said it. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... You idiots like Van Jones expected a repudiation of Trumpism. You idiots expected to gain 10 seats and ended up losing 10 seats. A net 20 seat turn around is pretty shitty in my book. I don't know about you.
Yeah, he can take it. Is you idiot dems that are whining saying he needs to concede and keep stating he's committing a coup. Apparently going through all available legal channels is now tactics for a coup. Stupid much? Too bad you're not going to get the Scarface scene you idiot dems were all hoping for.
Yeah. Since media is all left wing, why would they be afraid to taunt a repub president? Yet, a dem president like Obama, threatened journalists. Not to mention, a left wing journalist won't turn on its own or else they'll be out of a job from the left wing corporate machine. The ABC journalist with the Epstein report. Was she silenced? Yeah. I thought so.
Anybody can see it, but idiots like you are too indoctrinated to admit the truth. Ignorance is Strength. Proven once again.
Return of the White and Old Swamp Things. Once again, dem hypocrisy on full display.
I think because his brother is Fredo, they think he's Michael, but actually just Santino.
Boo- hoo hoo, 50 cent komrade. As if the MSM represents quality non-partisan journalism. You really think transphobe and racist Joy Reid or anybody at MSNBC is objective? You really think ABC News with George Stephanopolous is objective? You really think CNN with Lemon and Fredo is objective? You really think CBS with Leslie Stahl is objective? Spare me your indoctrinated horseshit. Go watch them throw softball questions after softball questions at the Biden admin. Watch how they fall in line like lemmings in the press room.
Then again, you approve since you're a 50 cent komrade, yes?
Dems are better for you? Why? It is the Obama admin that caused the mass Libyan migration into the EU. EU is corrupt favoring Germany and France. All the other countries really get hosed like Italy.
So you obey the govt and give up your civil liberties voluntarily, not to save others because you’re considerate, but because you’re selfish. Brilliant! Spoken like a true dem.
So then tell me how abortion clinics and liquor stores were deemed essential?
A few extremist months. And yet dem officials virtue signaled by standing and protesting among them and allowed them to pillage and raze the city, while denying peaceful gatherings like Sunday service. Sheer hypocrisy.
Only an indoctrinated stooges can’t or refuses to see the blatant double standard.
I see you idiots once again giving up your civil liberties voluntarily. Truly indoctrinated stooges you are.
There is always a small percent chance of having an adverse reaction to any vaccine. Some reactions are not mild. They are life changing altering a person’s quality of life for the rest of their life. Although the percent chance is small, it’s still there.
Only indoctrinated stooges like you would voluntarily give up your civil liberties in the guise of saving others. Nobody is telling you to go out. You’re more than welcome to stay in your basement.
Look at all the draconian executive orders dem govs are issuing. None of you idiots have ever been able to tell me how blocking seed purchases saves lives.
How come none of you retards ever speak up when you dems go out pillaging? Where’s the bitching for that?
Witmer and Newsom both got their state’s SC finding their executive orders as unconstitutional. Both claimed emergency power due to the pandemic to issue them and you don’t think they are power grabbing???
How indoctrinated are you idiots?
So by your standards, if I called you a psycho bitch, that wouldn’t be calling you a name since you’ve exhibited psychotic anger bitching about another person’s personal life that doesn’t affect you, yes?
So calling Trump, scam man isn’t calling names, yes? Referring to his kids as spawns isn’t calling them names, yes? You’re a total hypocrite, joyless. How can you be so stupid and ignorant to not know this, joyless?
You prove my point, fatzo.
I don’t care. Apparently you’re okay with being a hypocrite as long as well as an attention whore. 👍
I guess I should add snowflake after joyless to your name, right, hypocrite?
You’re out of your element.
Because he never speaks against anything a leftists ever does. Had you read his regular posts, you’d know he adds nothing meaningful to any conversation.
Why didn’t you speak up when Biden and Kamala took no questions? Just another dem hypocrite you are. What else is new?
Spare me your “I know you are, but what am I” routine.
Grow up, joyless.
Thank you once again for proving your ignorance.
Thanks for proving your HYPOCRISY.
Oh? Pray elaborate, 50 cent komrade. I'll wait for your non-answer.