How wrong is this??? And how far will politicians continue to over step their limits with their insane power trips in this country in the name of COVID???
When the new COVID gestapo come banging on Americans doors ready to arrest us for having 11 instead of 10 people over for Thanksgiving...We can always just tell them we are having a protest for social justice, then they’ll say “Ok. Thankfully COVID doesn’t spread during protests. Carry on.” 🤣
That was called a “political joke”. These “jokes” used to exist in a time years ago when people had this conscious entity in their minds called a “sense of humor.” This has since become extinct for a majority of the population, mainly due to the progressive ideology that has infected our nation in a plague much worse than the Coronavirus.
In all seriousness, controlling or forcing a limit on who can come into someone’s house for Thanksgiving should not be an enforceable “rule” in The United States of America.
It’s amazing the people who are allowing these politicians to completely over step their bounds into dictatorship. And I am saying this as someone who IS wearing a mask, and IS social distancing, and IS trying to keep people safe.
These politicians are on psycho power trips, and you people defending them and bending over for every over the top rule they try to force on everyday citizens are pathetic. The hilarious irony of this, is the SAME people call out Trump on a daily basis for the SAME god damn things. The hypocrisy is astounding.
By the way, why are the numbers rising? We’re all wearing our masks, like the experts told us, and those masks are supposed to protect us, right? There shouldn’t be any issue with the numbers rising.
Once again, maybe we should all go out in the streets by the thousands and protest, because according to everyone on this site, everyone on the left, and in the mainstream media, that doesn’t spread COVID. Only political rallies, going to the beach, or eating Thanksgiving dinner with your family puts people in danger of spreading COVID. I’m never going to let you forget that, you unbelievable hypocrites.
Solid response and addition to the discussion from you, as always. Take care socialist. Enjoy trying to take other peoples hard earned money...yet calling THEM the thieves.
Please try to explain what your point is a little better, because I don’t get what your angle is.
Do think I actually want to go and protest/riot? Of course not. It’s a joke pointing out hypocrisy, nothing more, and protesting/rioting spreads COVID just as much as anything else, but the resident progressives on this site with never admit that, will never acknowledge the stupidity that protest/riots cause just as much COVID as these Trump rallies they were bitching about. Is your sense of humor or ability to comprehend that destroyed?
So yeah, if you would please explain in more detail what it is that you think I’m doing with my posts? Because it looks like you want to say something, but you’re not sure how to explain it logically.
You make spurious statements and sound as if they are fact.
"These politicians are on psycho power trips, and you people defending them and bending over for every over the top rule they try to force on everyday citizens are pathetic. The hilarious irony of this, is the SAME people call out Trump on a daily basis for the SAME god damn things. The hypocrisy is astounding. "
These politicians are trying to contain a pandemic, not going on "psycho power trips." Your choice of words betrays your extreme bias. Same with "bending over for every over the top rule they try to force on everyday citizens." What are all these over the top rules? Reasonable gun control? OMG !
rump is trying to do the same things? I don't even know what that means, but in your mind it sounds good, I guess.
And the always handy broadside of "hypocrisy" is getting very threadbare. "Oh, you don't like Climate Change, but Oh, you fly in planes! Oh, you want people to have decent opportunities, but Oh, you're so rich! " People carry this Hypocrisy label in their back pocket and wait for a chance to brand someone with it. "You say you want people to be nice but you're so mean. Oh, it's so hypocritical!"
It's getting hypocritical just to keep blabbing the same stupid accusation all the time.
Only indoctrinated stooges like you would voluntarily give up your civil liberties in the guise of saving others. Nobody is telling you to go out. You’re more than welcome to stay in your basement.
Look at all the draconian executive orders dem govs are issuing. None of you idiots have ever been able to tell me how blocking seed purchases saves lives.
How come none of you retards ever speak up when you dems go out pillaging? Where’s the bitching for that?
Witmer and Newsom both got their state’s SC finding their executive orders as unconstitutional. Both claimed emergency power due to the pandemic to issue them and you don’t think they are power grabbing???
" You’re more than welcome to stay in your basement."
I need other people in the food supply chain to stay alive too though
" how blocking seed purchases saves lives."
cos its not an essentisal purpose right now , you can do it later , when you wont be spreading the desiesa round and killing people.
" dems go out pillaging"
them dems be bitches . Although its not dem policy to do that , that was just a few extremists months ago . let it go. 2 wrongs dont make a reason for you to do wtf u want.
So you obey the govt and give up your civil liberties voluntarily, not to save others because you’re considerate, but because you’re selfish. Brilliant! Spoken like a true dem.
So then tell me how abortion clinics and liquor stores were deemed essential?
A few extremist months. And yet dem officials virtue signaled by standing and protesting among them and allowed them to pillage and raze the city, while denying peaceful gatherings like Sunday service. Sheer hypocrisy.
Only an indoctrinated stooges can’t or refuses to see the blatant double standard.