MovieChat Forums > jewoogle > Replies
jewoogle's Replies
no i dont think so i have to get them
they hate free speech. i never even read that fake news propaganda articles just went straight to the comment to be entertained. will stop going there while bored at work now since there is no reason to at all now
we wanted to stop using the petrodollar and start trading oil for gold. we got him real quick
yes it is
the mods on here are ruthless
how dare you?
i got my shots in the mid 90s and those doctors injected me with enough thimerosal for a lifetime. aint letting them inject me with another thing ever again
you go ahead and inject that ethylmercury cuz some science bitch cleared it harmless i am gonna stay the hell away since you cant trust a word that comes out of those science bitches mouth
where do u watch this i am interest?
funnier than shaun of the dead if u ask me
there is radiation in the phone. i will continue to talk on my phone on speaker in public for my health if u throat punch me u will regret it
who even uses twitter i havent since 2014
no way im letting them inject me with some sloppy half baked mcfranklin vaccine. i wish i never got my vaccines here as a kiddo and got them in europe or somewhere better that didnt have mercury in the vaccines to store them. i dont trust this the usa medical system with my life no way i am taking what they are gonna be pushing
i think it is good. we could have used some of those federales in Cleveland to keep our streets safe during the mayhem
i loved this show as a kiddo. never had cable tv but when i went to my buddies house we always would watch this and jackass. man the good ol days...
yeah they probably put air hole in the suitcase so it was comfortable in their. everyone is freaking out for nothing what goes into a mcdonalds burger is a million times more cruel