

no way im letting them inject me with some sloppy half baked mcfranklin vaccine. i wish i never got my vaccines here as a kiddo and got them in europe or somewhere better that didnt have mercury in the vaccines to store them. i dont trust this the usa medical system with my life no way i am taking what they are gonna be pushing


I disagree about the coronavirus vaccine, but I agree completely that it should be a free choice for the individual to make. I will probably get the vaccine if one is available, and would even volunteer to be in a vaccine study. I do not think anyone should be compelled to get vaccinated against their will.


They should be compelled as its for the safety for the entire community. If TB tests are required for emplyment and measle shots are required for school enrollment, then covid shots should be required.

It's our duty to get rid of this pandemic and keep everyone safe! No one wants to live in this pandemic longer than it has to.


I disagree completely. No one has a right to demand that someone else be injected with something against their will. Why do so many people have a totalitarian tyrant inside them? If you want to get vaccinated, you have that right. It is arrogant and dictatorial of you to say that you get the right to decide for other people. Do they have the right then to decide that you have to be vaccinated for TB?


If you don't trust the us system, you don't need to be here! You can leave and take China's vaccine 😅😅😅


What an arrogant reply... 🙄

And no, before you ever go in this direction, I'm not anti-vaccine.


Mercury vaccines are the best vaccines. America is number one and we use mercury vaccines.




it's not the least bit surprising that people still peddle this mercury balderdash after all these years.

it's depressing, deflating, and makes me despair for the state of humanity, but it's not surprising.

1 thimerosal, the preservative used in multidose vaccines, contained ethylmercury, which is cleared harmlessly through our systems. it's methylmercury, which is commonly found in predator fish, that poses health risks.

2 it's barely even used anymore, outside of a few specific shots that aren't part of the childhood vaccine schedule.



you go ahead and inject that ethylmercury cuz some science bitch cleared it harmless i am gonna stay the hell away since you cant trust a word that comes out of those science bitches mouth


i got my shots in the mid 90s and those doctors injected me with enough thimerosal for a lifetime. aint letting them inject me with another thing ever again


Jenny McCarthy, is that you?


Communism is growing in the US but for now I think it will just be a school thing.


It’s scary there are people out there like you who think this way. Very scary to the freedoms this country provides.

Maybe you’d like to ban some movies while you’re at it? Maybe you could ban pizza because it increases your chance of a heart attack? Maybe we could force everyone in this country to eat a vegan diet? What else can we force people to do?

Just unreal.


We can force movies to include diversity and female empowerement for a starter...



Pffft... Native Americans can scram. Amoebas were the first!



What's scary is that you would rather risk getting covid 19 and giving into your own family members and watching them being rushed to the hospital than to protect them.

The vaccine isn't about YOU or YOUR emotional feelings! It's about protecting the entire country to fight the virus that lots and lots of countries are successfully doing btw!!

Refusing to take the vaccine is depriving everyone the chance of safely returning to their regular lifestyles in a safe manner without worrying about their health. We can't continue living in a pandemic for 2-5 years! People have lives to live, places to go, people to see, jobs to attend, and bills to pay, and kids to send to school (when it's safe).

Vaccines are always around 98% safe! They need to be approved and proven safe before distribution is possible! Or else companies would get sued and fired! Its common sense. The chances of your grandma or elderly parent dying from covid is 10x higher than getting infected by a vaccine!


I didn’t refuse to take any vaccine. I would be happy to. You have assumptions coming out of your ass.

I just don’t believe in forcing anyone to take any vaccine. That is against everything our country stands for. But a lot of our freedoms are going down the toilet lately...which I’m sure you love.

Your post is completely moot anyway...if YOU take the vaccine, YOU should be fine...right? So the only people at risk are the people who don’t want to take the vaccine.

You suck, and people who think like you are dangerous. Have a good night.





Leftists generally have tiny little totalitarian dictators hidden deep in the base of their brain.


So just out of curiosity, in a country of freedoms, should businesses/schools be allowed to not serve people who choose not to be vaccinated?


Yeah, sure. I don’t think many businesses, especially small businesses who are currently getting raped by their state governments, would refuse service to anyone.

It’s also a choice of people who go to these businesses whether they want to go in or not.

It’s just like smoking. I believe it should be up to the owner of the establishment to allow or not allow smoking in their business. The government should have no say. I say this as someone who HATES smoking. And as someone who HATES smoking, I can make the choice for myself to go into this business and eat/drink, or CHOOSE to go somewhere else that doesn’t allow smoking.

You people trying to force your views on everyone else are disgusting.


You people trying to force your views on everyone else are disgusting

Your lack of reading comprehension is disgusting.


But certainly not quite as disgusting as people trying to force their fascist views, beliefs, lifestyles, and laws onto other people. 😂

You can go to a bar in PA, and order a coke and a meal, but you can’t order a beer unless you purchase a meal. You can’t order a beer with what is considered a “snack”. I know there are other people out there who see the lunacy in all of this. Apparently beer spreads COVID quicker than Pepsi, much like how according to quite a few imbeciles, protesting doesn’t spread COVID, but going to the beach does.

So glad a pandemic happened in an election year, when people are already certifiably insane. 🙄


Again, please check who you are responding to, and what they have said before making assumptions and insults.

Thank you


So just out of curiosity, in a country of freedoms, should businesses/schools be allowed to not serve people who choose not to be vaccinated?

This was a reply to my message. I replied to it.

My “you people” comment was a general comment to people who think that way, not you specifically.

I’m not entirely sure what your purpose is in this discussion, and what you are trying to convey to me with your comments, so don’t worry, this will be my last message to you unless you clarify, well, anything at all. Lol.

Have a good day.


Please explain to me how my asking a question about schools and businesses and the right to refuse service implied that I was forcing any view on anyone? My "purpose" was trying to ascertain if you felt that companies would have the same freedoms as individuals . Nothing more, nothing less.

Please be aware the connotation of "you people" usually refers to the person you are replying to and almost always in a negative way.


Please be aware the connotation of "you people" usually refers to the person you are replying to and almost always in a negative way.

I am aware, and I apologize for writing it that way. Poor wording. Usually it does refer to the person someone is responding to, but that particular comment was not meant to be directed at you.


It shouldn't be, I am thinking of getting one but you got the vaccine nuts , forcing people to take it would piss a ton of people off.



Piss a ton of people off huh?
Lets see:

1) we have idiots who want to force kids and teachers back to school next month.

2) We have idiots crowding the beaches with no social distancing and masks.

3) we have idiot Karens throwing temper tantrums over masks.

4) we have an incompetent Buffoon for a president.

cases are higher than ever due to all of the above and YOUR "pissed off" and butthurt over that I said??? What if I told you that millions of people are pissed off at all these idiots that fall under every category I just said. Quit being a cry baby Karen! You sound like a spoiled teenagers whose parents just took their phones away!


I guess if you want Biden to be like the Chinese because it for the better of the people I understand where you are coming from. The virus is mutating and yea like dr fauci said it will get better but it won't entirely go away. Do you think china will force vaccines?



I will probably vote Biden that's for sure but China were pretty strict about it at first, I don't hear stories from china anymore. I was making a point that ok, you want Biden to be like china was at first, or what we saw in wuhan.

I am pussy footing around but I didn't say anything about democrats. I think you just want to argue lol.





You literally sound like a 7-year-old whose parents just sent them to bed early with no desert!

America is extremely tired of idiot Karens like you who scream "I can do what I want! Stop telling me what to do" grow the hell up and stop acting like a spoiled brat! It's people like YOU that causes covid cases to be higher than ever!!

Did you forget that TB tests are mandated for emplyment?

Did you forget that as 90s and 00 kids, our schools required our parents to vaccinate us against measles, chicken pox, etc.

Did you forget that seatbelts at one point was NOT required and now it is?

I sure hope you never in your life have kids or get married! Nobody deserve to suffer b/c of your stupidity.


You are using the term backwards. “Karen” does not demand the right to do what she wants. “Karen” is the self appointed monitor demanding the right to police and control other people’s behavior. It may be unpleasant, but you have to look in the mirror for Karen.


I was wondering who Karen is. Wormywood continues to reference her as someone who isn’t very cordial and somewhat obtuse. Wormywood is definitely angry with her...then I realized she was looking into the mirror!


Are Matilda and Melaniamirror the same person posting under different names? They both say the exact same things and repeat themselves over and over and over.


Believe it or not, I was thinking the same thing when I wrote my reply to you. Eventually their writings give them away...people can’t hide their personas for very long. But, in this case I think maybe not. MelaniasLookingGlass is well versed in syntax and isn’t angry at the world. Wormywood leaves a lot to be desired. Very angry and devoid of reason. The intellect isn’t up to par with MealaniasLookingGlass. Also, the reference to Karens is inane!



School systems in the US certainly can and do mandate vaccinations for children attending school
Measles, mumps, rubella are ALL mandated vaccines by law
If one wishes to home school their child that's their business and none of mine but non vaccinated children will be removed from school
until their shots are sorted out...it happens all the time


Exactly shogunofyonkers! Finally someone with a brain here.

People are acting like vaccines weren't required when we were kids or that TB weren't mandated for their current jobs they drive to and from everyday.

If all those vaccines were useless we'd still be living in a measles, small pox, polio, or chicken pox pandemic. People have no common sense!


I don't think he is 100% agreeing with you. Public schools can legally require a vaccination for a variety of diseases, but if I were a betting man, I'd say its never going to be required for entry into places like bars, sporting events, restaurants and concerts, otherwise we would have seen similar mandates for the flu shot. I'm not antivax and plan on getting a covid-19 shot when it becomes available, but I'm also trying to be realistic.


I think it will be required if people wanna be safe and keep their buisnesses alive and avoid a pandemic from hell in the future.


So is there going to be an official, Government issued card to prove someones been vaccinated if they want to go out and eat dinner? Listen, I want people to get the vaccine, but what you're asking in unenforceable and unlikely to happen. Are any other countries even doing this?


That sounds like medical fascism. If you want to risk your health with a questionable vaccine that's fine. Don't ask ME to do so as well! If this one (which doesn't even exist yet, by the way) is anything like the others, the world is in for serious long term side effects.
I believe the answer to this is holistic health and natural solutions. Unfortunately in much of mainstream medicine the cure is worse that the disease whether it's chemo and radiation (fighting cancer by poisoning the whole body), all kinds of poisonous drugs they prescribe for every illness, or the treatment for Covid 19: more often than not putting people on ventilators (death machines).



I honesty couldn't care less if you want to risk covid 19! But the problem is that this is contageous! Covid 19 is ruining everyone's lives and forcing us to quarentine which eveyone hates with a passion.

Vaccines should be mandated so that people like me, your grandma, your grandpa, your parents, at risk people, and children could be safe and return to their lives.

Your selfish bratty attitude this behind embarrassing! You only thing about your damn self and freedom. Vaccines aren't political! It's about the safety and wellbeing of the entire fucking country. Nobody gives and a damn about your emotions. Cause it's not about YOU! It's about returning to normal and being protected.


I disagree with you on holistic health and natural solutions. If you mean a healthy diet and exercise, that obviously is good. All the nutritional supplements, vitamins and essential oils are a scam.
I am likely to get the COVID vaccine if one comes out (depending on the data on side effects, complications...).
However, that is my free choice. I completely support your right to decide for yourself. Until an actual vaccine is available, we know nothing about potential risks. I wont accept someone else telling me that I have to go through a medical procedure, and it is ridiculous for anyone to demand the right to make that decision for others.


I support your right to get a vaccine if you support mine not to. Vitamins, herbs, etc. are an important part of holistic health which can make your immune system strong which prevents disease including Covid. Yes, of course good food (mostly veggie organic) and exercise are more important. That's not to say I'm one of those crazy folks who refuse to wear a mask or social distance. I think that's a good idea anyway. Of course another important factor is no smoking, drinking, drugs, and avoiding pollution (air and water).


Once again, I think vitamins are unnecessary for anyone with a healthy diet, but I support your right to do what you want. If you want to spend your money on them, what is it to me? I do not understand the many petty tyrants who are obsessed with trying to control the behavior of everyone else.


If all that was true Adam, we wouldn't be in a pandemic right now!


Once they come up with a reliable vaccine

The problem is who is the one who decides that the vaccine is reliable.


The WHO of course.


The same WHO that decided to ban the hydrochloroxine because Trump supported it and orange man bad?

It doesn't look very reliable...


Well, were they ever?


The question is: if they were banning hydrochlorixine, even when it's a very useful drug to treat Covid, only because of political reasons¹, why should somebody trust them with a mandatory early vaccine?

I don't.

¹And that's only an example of WHO making decisions because of political reasons or lobby influences. Another one was how the dismissed the virus in January and early February because of Chinese lobby.


I do like Roger Daltrey, but I'm not sure that I'll be listening to his medical advice. I won't get fooled again!


Clever, I like that.


Slippery slope. I personally won't take the vaccine.
