MovieChat Forums > UltroKing > Replies
UltroKing's Replies
We must join Drac to summon the woke around the world and across the Galaxy!!! Muahahahahahaaa
Usain Bolt cheater? Proof?
"A bearded millennial with low testosterone" would love Tom and Jerry though. The movie just sucked and didn't feel like a T & J film.
Her brain is a circus.
Maybe it is the diverse reason but more about Disney following and having a great agent.
Well, he is not wrong about whitewashed. Not saying it's a bad thing like some might think by today's standards.
I wouldn't be shocked if she said that but give a link to the source.
Leslie Jones.....
Who cares.
The culture will be the same just with more diverse people in that said culture. It also is depending on certain people that come from other countries with different cultures that try to change again that said culture they have entered in.
What a baby.
What does a passport have anything to do with what I said...
If WW3 does happen you will be the first one in a body bag. All the Alex Jones left or right wing idiots go bye-bye!
Trump's mother quote is false but that others yup.
Oh no don't disagree with the caring left mob or you will be labeled a white nazi... lol
SM2 wasn't even supposed to be a Mario game. It was an other project Nintendo was working on then they reskin some of the game and made it Super Mario Bros. 2
I know Raiders of the Lost Ark was garbage. Temple of Doom > Last Crusade > Kingdom Skulls > Turd.
I still enjoy cheesy and classic 60s, 70s and 80s movies. The camara style in this movie and one liners is nothing like the Dark Knight trilogy but it still a fun classic to watch in my opinion.