MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Anyone who wonders how Biden won is eith...

Anyone who wonders how Biden won is either a child or out of their minds.

Anyone who can't see that Biden is competent, experienced, HONEST, and trustworthy is either a child and wasn't even alive in 1995 or is so ignorant you're out of your mind.

Trump will be indicted in child sex trafficking once he leaves office as he is connected to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffery Epstein. She even named her racket TerraMar as a nod to Trump's Mar-a-lago. It means LandSea and Sea to Lake respectively in Spanish. As you can see Trump is sitting back and laughing as the Russians are hacking our security agencies. We could very well see WWIII begin in the next month and a half as the incompetent Trump allows the Russians and Chinese to march right in the front door.


If WW3 does happen you will be the first one in a body bag. All the Alex Jones left or right wing idiots go bye-bye!


Do you EVEN have a passport? Pulling garbage like that out of your ass tells me you don't.


What does a passport have anything to do with what I said...


If Biden is so honest, why did he have to bow out of his 1988 Presidential bid due to lying about his education and plagiarizing his campaign speeches from a British politician? Do tell.

ABC Nightline report from 1988 covering his dishonesty.


Fake news lol. Get over it crybaby. Biden is awesome-sauce.


Wow. Back in 1988 ABC knew all this would happen in the future and created fake news so it could be remembered in 2020 and cast doubt on the shining beacon of integrity cast by "Honest Joe" Biden..


Yeah it's telling Moscow Mitch required the green light from Putin congratulating Biden for his victory on twitter 24 hours before he was officially willing to acknowledge Biden's victory himself on the Senate floor.

The massive government breach by Russian SVA reported in the last day is entirely on Trump and his enablers for their unwillingness to hold Russia to account. They must be held accountable for his blatant treason.


Biden won because the Dems committed voter fraud. There is no other way that goober Biden would get so many votes.


Wow! You Democrats really hate it when people think for themselves, huh? No wonder you cheated....I mean voted in Comrade Joe!


OP: don't forget to wear your tin foil hat at all times so Trump's Russian lackeys can't control you with evil radio waves!


It's driving the wife bat shit crazy!

She's so worried about martial law!!

In fact...

We've spent our entire savings on guns and dirt!!

But she's certain myself and the kids can easily carry an AK 47 over a tank and fire a bullet into a man's head with a single shot.

Timmy's tripped 3 times. Little Judy has it down to a science.

We'll be ready! January 20th! Holy's all going down!!

My kids will be ready.
OUR kids will be ready for the jump on that day, I tell you.
We'll tell you!

Regardless, I'm just thankful for the shovel and my wife's blood, sweat and tears.

And during Christmas!

Happy Holidays Honey :)


Just a quick update as the wife is sleepy from all the shoveling and as I passed out cuz I'm a secret homosexual.

I'm total in on --->for Qanon!

I love binge watching porn videos from the 90's.

I am white. I am in my 30's although I could be in my 40's???


Both Timmy and Judy had their rage on against their government as I turned out the lights.

Biden pow pow...

I can't wait till my wife wakes up.

At least I hope she does.

I live in a trailer park. I click on infowars. I am a loser. I like cheese. I have a beard. I own Grey Away. I am twice divorced. I own guns. I still have my Trump flag flowing...

Also, I secretly hate my wife and hate all people who aren't like me.


That would be great news but I haven't heard that before regarding a connection between Epstein and Trump.
