filmgeek99's Posts

did he ever request to not lose a fight in any of his films? lost her house in the LA fires glad to see people seem to have finally had enough of this prick flawless cinematography McTiernan was the wrong choice for director here iconic actors you aren't a big fan of? Praetorian Jack was a better Mad Max than Tom Hardy was most punchable face ever? movies that show butt sex? his movies are just about the importance of being famous sequels you prefer over the original even though most disagree? am I the only one who thought this was gonna happen? PG-13 movies you wouldn't show to kids/R-rated movies you would? lamest villains ever? Winners & Nominees of MTV's "Most Desirable Female/Sexiest Performance" Award movies that were really popular just a few years ago that seem to have already been forgotten? good directors with weak visual chops? Winners and Nominees of Golden Schmoes' "Best T&A of the Year" Award RIP