MovieChat Forums > Matildawormwood > Replies
Matildawormwood's Replies
That's all true exept for one teeny tiny problem................................
Nobody cares what you have to say😁😁
Im sorry to have to tell you but....
Nobody cares about your negative opinion. 😁
No! But it's just a movie.
Well Trump has the same condition. Orange clown is obviously mentally ill.
Oh yeah!!! He's really good at using people to his advantage. Just like he uses his republican supporters for vote 🙄
Well my biggest wish is for White to be a miniroty color! That way, they understand how eveyone feels and why riots have taken place and why we need to vote orange Baffon out of office!!!
Trump is unfit to run for another 4 years.
He's morbidly obese and has ugly orange foundation on his skin. Get him out!!
Hot?? Melania is butt fugly!! That's why she had thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery. In 10'years, she's gonna look like Micheal Jackson with his face falling off!
Same here slimone!! He's nothing but s big moron.
Who's to say Jesse and Becky weren't helping out with the bills?
I'm pretty sure they helped pay for certain things like groceries, phone bill, light bill, etc. No one in their right minds would allow that many adults living with them without helping out at least a little.
Besides, the house couldve already been paid off (or almost paid off) by the time Jesse and Joey moved there. Mind you, Danny and Pam were married and living together for at LEAST 10 years. I know this b/c DJ (the eldest daughter) was 10 when the show first aired.
Becky was on a TV show, alongside Danny! Like it or not, in sure money was coming in. Not enough to be rich but enough to pay bills and make a living. Besides, he seemed to enjoy it! He got to perform, which he loved doing in the first place.
Buisness was booming at that the Smash Club. Even the kids from DJ and Stephanie's school hung out there.
They had talent nights, performances, entertainment there was awsome. I'd love to own a buisness like that.
Lmfao must be true huh??
How come the guy walking next to him had no trouble coming down the stairs then?
I literally cannot remember one single moment when he told the truth.
People are entitled to like what they want and you're in no position to try and change that.
I like him too..........behind bars.
Impeachment looks bad on his end. Eveyone will throw that in his face during the debates in October and November. Plus all the other dumb shit he's been saying since January regarding the coronavirus and the BLM protest to him hiding in a bunker.
Up until this year, I never liked him but also never paid much attention to humans is dumb antics. I just looked at him as a typical pathetic idiot looking for attention but would be gone in 4 years. His election was no big deal for me at the time.
But after all that has happens his year, I look at his mishandling and it makes me angry at all the stuff he put us though. He ruined everyone's life in a matter of 2.5 months. That's why it's personal, that's why I went from not caring about him, to intense hatred. He needs to effing leave and now.
The very first president in the history of the United States who told American citizens that Lysol cleaning products with bleach should be injected into our bodies lol.
Less and less republicans are supporting him. Good for them 👍🏽👍🏽
No one over the age of 3, drinks water like that and has trouble going up and down a flight of stairs. His health is declining. But of course, he'll never admit it cause he's a liar and a hoax.