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Trump explains why he needed two hands to drink from a glass of water last weekend

Trump finally explained why he needed two hands to bring a glass of water up to his lips last Saturday, so he could take a sip.

Trump says a few weeks ago he was holding a Bible in his hands for a photo op, and the Bible scorched his hands. Third degree burns from holding the Bible..upside down. He's still recovering, and hasn't had full use of his hands yet - so he needed both to pick up the glass of water.


You people are nucking futs.

Bitching about Trump drinking water.

Go back to the nuthouse.


No one over the age of 3, drinks water like that and has trouble going up and down a flight of stairs. His health is declining. But of course, he'll never admit it cause he's a liar and a hoax.


It wasn't even a flight of stairs ! It was a low ramp, and short in length.

He walked down the ramp like a drunk orangutan. He claimed it was 'like an ice rink'.


that Gen'ral walking beside him must be a darn acrobat. he made it look so easy.


LOL! I'd vote for the General for President before I'd vote for Trump. At least the General looks Presidential, and in control of himself while he walked with his drunk pet orangutan.


We are only concerned about Trump's health, just like the Trumpers are concerned about Biden's health, and post about it every day on this forum. You never call your comrades 'nucking futs'.

Trump is not physically well. It's obvious from the evidence presented on camera last week. It's obvious because he keeps bringing it up in interviews this week.


All sleepy Joe drinks in NyQuil. lool


At least he can carry the glass to his mouth with one hand!

Did you know that ramp at West Point was like 'an ice rink' ? Trump said so, it must be true.


Lmfao must be true huh??

How come the guy walking next to him had no trouble coming down the stairs then?

I literally cannot remember one single moment when he told the truth.


The General had 'rubber shoes on' according to Trump.

However, the General was in full uniform - and when you're dressed in full uniform, you wear leather soled shoes. Thousands of people from the military blew up Trump's lie on social media.


Did Trump explain why he needed two hands to drink water as early as 2017?


He burned his hands when he grabbed Melania's pussy. She burned him with a blowtorch, and then said: "What does the new pre-nup say? It say, 'You not to touch my pussy...ever!' Udderwise, I leave Wife House and go back to New Yolk!'


I bet that's accurate.


According to the book, Melania's no fool as she pretends to be in public. She has Trump right where she wants him - and she gives a whole new meaning to 'social distancing'.


LOL! Melania was practicing social distancing before any of us.


In her revised pre-nup she said:

"I will come to Wife House only if you leave pussy alone. And no sleep with me. Sleep with Ivanka, instead. And no talk to me. And no look at me."


HA! HA! HA! His hand got burned from holding a Bible???? Trump is a big liar! Have you ever read the list of his lies and broken promises????

He is despicable! I can't wait until he is gone from the White House!!!


Same here slimone!! He's nothing but s big moron.


Melania promised him if he grabs her pussy one more time, she's going to set his hand on fire.


I wish she would!!!!!!!!! LOL!


It was part of her renegotiated pre-nup.
