MovieChat Forums > andersonb85 > Replies
andersonb85's Replies
Trump is an orangutan. He's proven it over and over on twitter back in the day. Anyone who follows him now after that January 6th riot are mindless lackeys who are afraid of upsetting him. The republican party as a whole needs to grow some cajones after Trump sliced them off and stay as far away from him as possible.
I could say the same thing about reasoning with ignorant Trumpians.
So says..can't reason with stupid ignorance.
I'm an independent. I lean right or left depending on the issues but it doesn't take a democrat to see through Trump's pathetic lies, lemming.
I can't help you all if you want to be brainwashed by the orange orangutan. Good luck with that.
Yes, Trump has completely brainwashed both of you. Good luck with that. Biden still won by 6 million+ votes but you'd rather listen to Trump's crybaby lies.
World War II was in their backyard too only this time Switzerland decided to act. Putin is a cretin.
I wouldn't put it past him. His military should step in if he tries to push the button on going nuclear.
And Trump was the Great Divider.
His plan is simply scorched earth with his nuclear arsenal..
I enjoyed this movie too from first viewing it on network television.
That's what I enjoyed most from the movie. Wild Bill and Crazyhorse having a mutual respect for the white buffalo. Their ability to lay down their prejudices to hunt it together. That character aspect between them could have been fleshed out much more than it was.
Donald Trump.
That is the hope with cutting Russian banks and oligarchs out of SWIFT international banking. That it will ultimately pressure the military to topple Putin and save the country from financial ruin.
He was great at making Matt Damon look like a prick👍
You sure are pleasant..
I don't watch CNN. Stop being brainwashed by FOX News.
and yet Trump admires Putin's autocratic 20+year dictatorship style..
Funny how rightwing nutjobs call democrats socialist when they don't consider Trump is a Putin sympathizer.
Jared Leto would be more convincing. Or Warren Beatty back in the day.