

You're free to move to China or Venezuela or Cuba, or any other communist country any time you want. You don't even need to give up your citizenship. Go and find out, and let us know how it worked out.


I want you or others here to tell me in your own words, in your own experience.

I bet you don't even KNOW, you're just spouting propaganda peddled by the architects of the Cold War in perpetuity.


AMJF, I was raised poor, with 5 siblings and learned to work and take care of myself. I started working at 13, and retired at 65 with 2 million dollars in the bank, a paid off house and no debt. I raised 2 good kids who are good MEN now. Hows that for my own words. What gives you the right to take what I earn? You dont know because you never earned anything in your life.



You don't have anything except stupid comments. You are a spoiled, lazy pussy who has never done without anything or worked for anything in your life. I know this because you are so willing to give someone else's earning away. Like I said before, there's NOTHING stopping you from going to Cuba. Let everyone know how great communism is.



What is Capitalism?


Don't act like a retard, it doesn't suit you.


I still don't know what you mean by Capitalism?


Look around and see how communism has worked around the world. It hasn't. Not one prosperous country under communism, ever. Just poverty. Everywhere. The people HAVE decided. Its been reject by the majority of the people in all the countries in the west. Like I said, you are welcome to move to any communist country. You don't need to change ours.


There was no Communism yet. Communism is a stateless society.


communism has already taken root with dementia Joe, he proved that people can be forced to do something against their will.


and yet Trump admires Putin's autocratic 20+year dictatorship style..


Lol leftists are the ones who want an autocratic system.

Vote Dem or lose your job, racist!


If what you say is true (65+ yo's on MovieChat, seriously?) then you'd be just as well off under Communism.


1st off, what the hell do you care what I do with my free time? 2nd, you change the discussion about whats wrong with communism to what I do with my time. Typical. You have no good arguments to make about a failed ideology that has murdered more people than any other in all of human history. Communism has a 100% failure rate. There is not one country that has prospered under it. Even China was in poverty until it adopted some free market policies. It still has a long way to go.


Lol you got schooled dude.


Tell you what?


Lived in a communist country. Was hell.

Don't believe me? Go live in NK or Cuba for few years. Come back and report (you wouldn't be able to report from there for obvious reasons).

Few bits:

But the situation was way worse. As directly experienced.




AMJF sock puppet. Short trip to Cuba from key west.



Will people here consent to communism? Why haven't they?


Why dont you move to a communist country instead. Make everyone happy. You both are a couple of pussys who cant take care of yourselves and want someone else to do it for you.



It is. Way worse. It's basically hell on earth.

Try and live in NK ...


You're worse than Hitler. Hijack a plane to Cuba and report back.



What is a Satan worshipping idiot?


Any member of an Abrahamic religion.


All Commies go straight to hell!


What is Capitalism?


It's a game where the one with most accumulated Capital wins.


Not an economic system with property rights, freedom of association/-choice, self-ownership, price system, voluntary exchange etc, i.e. an economic system where the government doesn't intervene on behalf of special interests?


That's what we are told it is. Reality is totally different.


No, we are told we have a capitalist economic system! A capitalist economic system is what it is.


Read my lips: there are no free markets.


Capitalism is an economic system with property rights, freedom of association/-choice, self-ownership, price system, voluntary exchange etc. What sort of economic system some people tell you we have doesn't change that.

Why not?


OP: If you worked, you could answer your question yourself.


Don't feed it.


it is not a black and white binary choice , as most people seem to think.

Every country is communist to some extent.
You pay taxes into a central pot that the government uses for the benefit of all? --> communism
Government employs people and runs industries (DMV , NASA , Science research , Army ) --> Communism
Its "Communal"
Its just a question of how far you take it .


The most accurate thing I have heard said about the subject.

"If you have all capitalism and no socialism, that's fascism. But if you have all socialism and no capitalism then that's communism."


Posts like these two give me hope for the future of the human race.


Little children are told, "If you behave well, Santa will bring gifts." The core message is: Behave well (to keep the status quo). The rest is a lie.
The Church says, "If you follow the rules, you will go to heaven." The core message is: Follow the rules properly (to keep the status quo) . The rest is a lie.
Capitalism says, "If you work hard, you will make it to something." The core message is: Work hard (to keep the status quo). The rest is a lie.

Why do people believe in such lies all their lifes? Is anybody except a tiny little minority interested in keeping the status quo?


Social conditioning.


It makes the rich assholes actually work for living, and they hate that.
