MovieChat Forums > Oskar > Posts
Oskar's Posts
It's weird how the Vader mask LOOKS like Hayden
Was Ash Buchanan
How did Jonathan recognise Drac?
Why doesn't her twin sister
Why did Jimmy have a film camera?
The same actress played all the Witches
It's kind of sweet that
Why did the nurse have a lesion on his hand
Did JD kill Heather McNamara?
Why couldn't Salem talk?
Why is she rolling her eyes
More like MORPHINE Time
Was Psycho trans?
What's the opposite of Christopher Reeve?
He had 7 kids so shouldn't he be called
Why was Brian suddenly angry
It's weird how Mrs Coulter looked almost ridiculous
Why does it even matter
Would Braveheart vote SNP
Why did Highlander want to kill all the immortals