MovieChat Forums > Deathcreeper > Replies
Deathcreeper's Replies
I don’t need a thesaurus because I was educated. That’s why I’ve never worked dead-end jobs like Cajun Kitchen.
Now are you going to raise your game or am I simply not going to reply to feeble toothless rejoinders that make up your posts?
Dude, you’re gonna have to raise your game.
Puerile shallow insults only get an adult so far. Try to engage the deeper issues, use your brain.
I realise you have a stunted intelligence but try harder.
I postulate such a feeling would be akin to how you felt working a dead end job in Cajun Kitchen.
And yet the American psyche is haunted by having no identity and little heritage.
A mongrel race made up of disparate groups with one thing in common - shared loathing for other demographics.
America is various tribes, these tribes are largely intolerant to one another and a deadly game of “identity politics “ ensues.
A country trying to bury its guilt in symbols of eagles, Stars and Stripes but who subconsciously can’t rationalise its warmongering past. Never far from a war the global bully throws its weight around gobbling up resources from defenceless countries too weak to offer resistance. And the herd public clap with thunderous applause incapable of the cognitive function to realise the continual crimes against humanity done in their name.
You have a disgraceful corrupt prison system - the same system dumb Americans, blinded by patriotism - refuse to condemn. Too happy to work in Cajun Kitchen for 1$ and hour that to use a kernel of hard-fought sagacity.
This berk board user is a perfect example of patriotism / brainwashing inherent in Americans.
But the most pressing issue is whether Americans can unite behind a shared national identity? The Mexicans, the blacks, the Russian mob thugs on Brighton beach, the Benson Hurts Italians, the black hat Jews, the lost white man?
There is no race of Americans. Instead we get a smelting pot of settlers and immigrants chasing an idea.
My anger will die with you.
Oh I was just checking where you felt it went. Yeah, pretty much.
Where did they lose it?
Canadians are Americans sane, quiet, yet cowardly cousins.
Yet you can’t can’t offer a coherent argument to substantiate that claim. It’s just baby talk and babble.
Rogue 1
last Jedi
Phantom menace
Force awakens
Toss up for the other two but I’d give clones the nod.
Whoever directed the middle sequel threw away the rule book too much
If of thought they’d make an effort but I suppose they wanted to play safe with TFA. But it leaves lots of questions.
Apparently the EU books were decent enough.
To be fair the last of the sequels had some good moments, I think that was the strongest of the three, good to see Lando get another run out.
The middle one not so good.
The prequels - well, ROTS is undoubtedly the strongest. It’s actually an okay movie.
Clones sucked.
And the Darth Maul scenes were excellent up to his cheap death. Better just getting him best fair and square. Look, I know they films are aimed at kids but some of the characters just didn’t do it for me in TPM.
Im a pursuit - I’m sure you’ve noticed - and I believe Empire to one of the best films of all time. But I don’t think that dark vibe was what Lucas wanted as he didn’t direct.
That’s what your words implied you moron. Try do a basic course in English
Kubrick wasn’t murdered he was skinned alive!!!
“Would you like to go to a Mexican forum and preach to them about their institutions?”
You’re claiming this is an American forum. That’s what you’re words imply - unless your just customarily nonsensical?
You are a heavyweight debater.
They aren’t Arabs.
So you’re planting the US flag on movie message boards - virtually claiming citizens of the US alone can talk.
Or you so insecure you can’t admit your country may have a fault? Jesus Christ, get over yourself.
Mexico isn’t the so-called leading nation of the world, bastion of progress, justice and liberty.
It’s a cartel-warped nest of corruption. Hardly a surprise it doesn’t have Hilton’s as jails, Slick.