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jcd24fan's Replies
I liked it when she was taken down by Pendergrass. Her whining got annoying though. I wonder if she should have have been maced the second time when she tried to bite the paramedic.
I do remember the last segment. Savage was very calm the whole segment even when she told her that bringing in drugs in the jail would be another charge. In some ways, I felt sorry for her, she seemed like a nice lady who might have had a drug problem. I think the situation might have ended differently if she didn't beg not to go to jail and didn't hide the pipe in her underwear. I also remember her saying she was a grandparent. She looked like she was about 60.
I feel like Pendergrass should have just cited him for possession and let him on his way after he was done being questioned. The driver being tased was one of the most up-close of any tasing I've seen.
She started off very friendly but was not sure what exactly happened. I was shocked by how violent she became in the few minutes after she was questioned.
I was slightly upset over the passenger getting arrested over a small quantity of marijuana. I remember him saying, "out west they just give you a ticket". I'm betting the driver knew the vehicle was stolen, saw the police behind him, and ran because of that.
Yeah, I like him too. I liked how he dealt with the intoxicated woman who attempted to bite him, and I also remember how she tried to bite one of the paramedics too and how Pendergrass warned her that she would be maced if she did it again. I too hope the prostitute got her life together.
About officers acting like disappointed parents, it reminded me of Derrick Pendergrass from Chattanooga in the one Ho Ho Ho episode, where he stopped the younger woman who came to Chattanooga on the same day and apparently was a prostitute and was spotted in a known crack house. She's released, but after getting called for backup in a traffic stop, she's with a random stranger in a vehicle. She states she wanted a ride to the store. Pendergrass and his backup officer were obviously upset after it ended. What was worse was that she was a mother of two. I hope she didn't end up on the wrong path, or even worse.
I'll give him some credit for that.
It's unfortunate that he had so many sad segments.
I've seen the drunk in the jail segment and Caddy was polite the whole time. At the end of the segment, you can tell he got tired of dealing with him when he says "What a Jerk".
I like him a lot too. Just seems like a cool guy.
I noticed Nastase kept asking him what's your name and at one point, the man was so fed up that he said "that's why I ran to my mother to confirm the ID". He could have been totally right that the ID was in the motel where he lived, but Nastase just ignored that completely and basically said that they had to fingerprint him at the jail. He probably shouldn't have run, but if Nastase was more patient, they probably could have saved a lot of time and avoided the jail process.
I didn't like that Broussard asked the suspect why wasn't be honest when he could have been honest.
Another officer I thought was a jerk was Scott Nastase from Vegas. He appeared in the season 22 episode where he stopped the young man for jaywalking. It starts out OK, with Nastase asking him the regular questions, although the man doesn't have an ID. Nastase then is on his phone when the man's father comes out, where the man tells him that he just got stopped. Nastase then rudely tells the father to go away and leave and the man flees but doesn't get very far. He immediately is ordered to go on the ground and apologizes, but Nastase doesn't respond. When he finally is asked why he ran, he says that he was running to his mother to get his ID, and Nastase says rudely "you run from me because you asked for your mother for an ID". He admits that he was in the wrong by running, saying thought it was OK to run but it wasn't. His father is also arrested for obstruction.
I thought the young man was a little confused about what to do and Nastase just escalated the situation by not letting him speak to the father about what was happening.
I remember that segment well. Broussard seemed aggressive for sure and he didn't like how he was stuck at the light, telling his fellow officer about how upset he was. While not the worst, I found him very rude for interrupting the suspect, acting like he knew everything about what took place beforehand. The suspect saying he took Lortab 3 hours ago could have been totally the truth.
He was very calm in the high-speed chase segment. I also liked how Lord wasn't bothered that it was the 2nd night in a row for that he arrested him, as he was uncooperative the first time. I've noticed some officers get angry when they deal with repeat offenders.
I liked Eason very well too for the same reasons you mentioned, plus I liked it when she said that she loved her job cause she doesn't know when roll call starts what's going to happen during her shift.
Another one I liked was Benjamin Lord was Springfield, MO. He was in a few segments but I thought he was so calm in how he dealt with the meth user who was "tweaking". He was pulled over and then broke down and got violent when Lord threw him to the ground. He was very calm the whole way and didn't get angry the whole time. He was very laid-back in a few other segments too.
I'm not surprised about her being desperate for more drugs. You could tell he didn't like her lying. I bet the usage of drugs caused her to steal quite a bit of tools.
Yeah, I thought she might have been an addict. I know she did apologize at the beginning for the tags.
Yeah, season 26 was probably the most boring.
Did you also recognize the area of the female biter at the 7-Eleven or the young Asian man who got tased in his house? I liked the officers in both segments, as they were both cool in dealing with both individuals.
I agree! Despite the passive aggressiveness, Poliard was cool throughout but Lower was mean and intimidating, almost a scared straight type.
That was one of the better segments of Season 26. I laughed at some of the things he said.
Yeah, I thought Poliard was a bit passive aggressive, kind of like how Jeff Lower was when he told the one suspect he had 30 seconds to tell him where he was going relating to the drug arrest or otherwise he was going to jail. I still think Poliard's the better cop.