MovieChat Forums > 102000 > Replies

102000's Replies

Absolutely! Well..... Move away from California and live somewhere else. LOL. The only thing you "owe" your kids is to love them and teach them how to become well rounded, successful adults. After that, they're on their own. I took care of my son until he was an adult - pretty sad to think adults need to be "looked after." Not saying you can't do things for your kids to help them along the way, but it should never be an expectation. Yes - Hawaii, Niagara Falls, and the Caribbean. I've always had fun and never given safety a second thought. Arby's on Thursday. Yes - we still have one very nice mall in Cincinnati. Stores are full - nothing boarded up. Nope, not a thing. Yes, I've been there. We sailed in and out and it was spectacular. In the US - yes it most defiantly is out of control. Places like Panera ask if I want to tip and I always hit the no button without blinking an eye. I have to stand in line to order, pick up my food, and clear off my table. Nope. I don't tip for carryout either, but do for delivery services. I pretty much tip only to people who perform a direct service to me - not the cooks, dishwashers, behind the scenes people. Yes, but the little house I lived in when I was young no longer exists. I also watched the dog show. Love those pups! LOL Day After Thanksgiving or Black Friday - both mean the same thing. Not a big deal, IMO. I have, but even though the stories are great, I find the Russian's difficult to read and to get to the end. Regardless of how many times I've seen this movie and know what is going to happen, I enjoy watching it. I'd go back inside my car, lock the doors, call the police, and wait for them. Queen and the Beatles I use them all of the time, but I don't stock up when I go to the grocery. Kroger is only 1 mile away from me and I usually just buy what I need. I consider the store to be my pantry. Hard to pin it down to just one place. Sailing into Venice Landing on a glacier on Mt McKinley, (now Denali.) Santorini Niagara Falls Victoria Falls - the Devils Pool Hubbard Glacier - Alaska The Grand Canyon Summer Palace - Beijing Watching the sun set in Africa It's inconceivable to me that somewhere out there intelligent life doesn't exist; however, I do agree with you that if they found us it probably wouldn't be beneficial to us. At night I like to gaze out into the sky and think someone is gazing back at me.