SlyStallone's Replies

I have no problem with you not liking the show. I couldn't give two shits about that. But you seem to not even realize that you are promoting Nazi's philosophy.. "My posts are a protest against shitty entertainment." You should protest against yourself.... silently. You again??? How many posts did you make? And does your family know that you are a Nazi? Are you for real? Looking at your posts on this board makes me wonder if you are a troll or simply a mentally challenged individual? "I would think that JC wouldn't want your pity." Was it necessary to be so rude? Amen! "Me and the missus sat down to watch it - me for the first time in 20 years, she for the first time ever. About 15 minutes in she simply said "You know what, this is really, really bad!". "Uh, ok... You want me to turn it off?" said I. "No, you go ahead and watch, I'll go do something else." " Annndddd that would be the moment she would be single. I would never tolerate a woman who shits on a movie I love like that. You either watch it with me or your sorry ass is dumped. Unless we both to turn it off. This is the only cases I accept that my girlfriend doesn't watch stuff with me. And she knows it. Still, Sly is a way better actor than Arnie, so.. Because people in general are rude, mean and think too much of themselves. Are you guys for real? If you are for real, please, don't reproduce. "This clown is in a general discussion thread about how poorly women are treated on this site yet on this board, he defends a potential rapist and shames their victim. " That's a ridiculous double standard. It's working?