MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy > Replies
FilmBoy's Replies
Huh? He did say BITCH, albeit with a stutter. Which is weird for an Android (Andy)
Agreed - accents were very distracting and hard to decipher with all the un-necessary loudness happening as well.
I thought he was going to throw it on the Russians.
Anyways, I'm sure there are better remedies that could easily be bought at a pharmacy than having to boil honey. And I would also think that boiling it would eliminate the healing properties. I was waiting for him to go gather some moss next.
They really drilled home the metaphor of Robert being the Old Man
Ya that would have been a stoopid way to die - by shrapnel, cause you're trying to look cool - for no one.
Why am I DINAH?
I fail to see how Cranston's character survived that plant collapsing as he didn't have time to escape it.
As for his wife, I like to think she survived and will come back as a giant menopausal MUTO
Ya - keep the fight action going, as that's the meat of the movie. Who cares about Ford (what kind of a name is that anyways?)
Ya I didn't remember him from anything other than KickAss. Godzilla - he seemed familiar to me, but ya - no star power.
My guess is he set her up to be disappointed. He burned her. Still upset.
ROTFLMAO! me either
6 yrs
Now that you mention it - ya. Haven't seen a full frontal bush in awhile. How about a bald pussy in The Boys? Heads would explode.
Ya - his schtick of talking out of the side of his mouth is very off-putting and stupid.
Please make him stop!
I too am getting weary of it and found myself falling asleep watching it a lot.
I thought S4 was for finale. But 1 more to go it seems.
They do it to mimic reality, like your supposed to feel like your in the action being right there - not just observing.
It freekin sux - just like teeth brushing. No need for it in any movie/show.
Who else thought the rest of the sentence would be ..."HER TITS"
Connors. Epitome of cool.
I've been watching Rifleman episodes - soooo good. And so many big guest stars.
GD has an 'offence to God' meaning to it.
That's why it's one of the 10 commandments.
And many Christians consider it committing a sin when spoken.
Doesn't matter if it's stored away or not.
I don't mind F-bombs too much. It's used in many ways and sometimes good for the scene.
But GD has some substance behind it - packs more of a punch, and is more distasteful for me.